<--- Zazafooky BOOYAH!

<---will GTG with Wendy someday, if she doesn't kill herself falling out of chairs or off her step first
<---finally got a computer to swoosh onto when someone went to lunch
<---opps, supervisor walked in
<---will catch up to DebbieH and Shelley in no time if this continues
<---wants to play word game again
<---anyone got an interesting
<---oops, phone again
<---is happy, someone else answered the phone
<---so, wonders if anyone has any funny blog words we can play with this afternoon
<---says refrigerator is a funny work, can you spell it?
<---I-T !!!!
<----Mwa ha ha ha
<--in midst of crazy halloween party but had to take a break from the insanity of having people from 2 floors squished into one!
<--so proud of herself for not going crazy on desserts....only tasted <--friend's dessert and a sliver of another and that's it!!
<--cannot afford to bust out of jeans at work
<--would not want that to be a lingering memory with co workers:eek: ;(
<--wants you to know how much you are all cracking <-- up!!!!
<--wishes Angie, Dani, Rogue, Robin, Jes, and the rest of the no shiznit biatches could join Wendy and <-- for dinner!!
<--hopes Shelley's cramps go away soon!
<--thinks Robin is on a ROLL today!!!!!
<--- thinks Robin may be smoking something funny at work:p
<--- is hoping to get to leave early, since her boss just left for the day
<--- just needs everyone else to clear out and she's GONE!
<--- would like to be able to get her grocery shopping done today so the weekend isn't quite so busy
<--- is craving chocolate or something sweet
<--can send one of 500 different desserts to Shelley if she'd like:7
<--hopes Shelley gets to leave early!!
<--must swoosh back to party now
<--glad to have taken a break with my biatches:7 :7
<---wishes she WERE smoking something funny
<---is just high on life
<---thought maybe everyone had left for the day
<---thinks Shelley is already sweet enough and doesn't need chocolate
<---would probably fall off chair and join Wendy on the floor if someone said above to <---
<---has co-worker behind her laughing at this sick addiction
<---hangs head in shame
<--- hopes Wendy is ok after her fall
<--- lol at the card from SIL I just opened... front of card has a cartoon of a person looking in the rearview mirror at the grim reaper... open it up and it says "objects in mirror are closer than they appear" LOL!!!
<--- will have to find an equally if not more offensive card for my SIL's b-day
<--- traumatized son again, hold on to your seats especially Wendy
;), I took the phone away that he had dialed 666 on... hmmmmmmmm, who was he calling?????
<--- wonders if Robin's face is still all screwed up
<--- warns Robin to be careful or your face will freeze like that
<--- really gonna go accomplish something now... REALLY!!!
<--was not kidding...there were so many desserts <-- could've gone into diabetic shock just looking at them all! Plus there was SO much food left over....<--thinks dept went overboard this year!! But so much fun!!
<--thinks you guys will not believe this, but there is YET another party to go to later this afternoon and this time, there will be wine and beer in addition to soda being served....<--AM SO THERE!!!:p :7
<--of course must keep sense of decorum at work so no lamp shade wearing for <--!!
<---thanks Robin for the mindblowing brain waves
<---says, btw Robin, I got these odd vibes... something about chocolate laced with mushrooms... do you know what that's about?
<---thanks Michele for the compliments and loves the Pinkinator nickname
<---doesn't think Terri is a bad mom
<---tells Autumn aka Tootsie that anyone named Tootsie can never be old
<---tells Autumn that her son said just about the same thing ("That's a LOT of YEARS, Mom!") to her almost 37 years
<---is proud of Sandy for avoiding treats
<---had tiramisu with husband last night
<---first dessert we shared in about a year
<---has forgotten how that felt like
<---hopes Sandy doesn't have too much wine and beer and end up swinging on a chandelier
<---will join Jes in painting
<---has to go to Home Depot to get paint for the study
<---wonders which is better: ivory with light sage accent, or ivory with a light lavender accent
<---is leaning towards the lavender accent since the study is her sanctuary
<---but also likes light sage since it's more "neutral", and can bring it lavender/purple tones through accessories later
<---thinks she should go with light sage
<---hates indecision
<---hopes she doesn't get swayed by other colors at the paint center
<---might end up painting murals all over the house

<--- thanks Pinky for the reassurance
<--- has to agree with Pinky's logic and thinks anyone named Pinky has eterenal youth
<--- aren't kids great! :)
<--- likes the light sage for the study despite purples being favorite colors
<--- notes many Catheites are painting these days
<--- has only accomplished making the bed and swiffering half the floor in the living room
<--- has a massage in 49 minutes... YIPPPEEEEEEE!
<---wonders how long reruns of Everybody Loves Ramond will be on
<---has been drinking mini bottles of wine all evening cause there were no big bottles:p
<---wishes dh didn't have to work so much
<---saw something very traumatic tonight and may have nightmares for a week:-(
<---thinks it's too quiet around here
<---has never heard of Boo Bags
<---wants to wear my coats, but it isn't cold enough
<---is just rambling now:p

<--- Wonders what Jes saw that has her traumatized
<--- Wonders where one gets mini bottles of wine. It sounds inviting.
<--- has never heard of Boo Bags either
<--- wants to see Jes's reception pics
<--- woke up and can't go back to sleep

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