
Michele S

I haven't done ME in a few weeks and have to say that I'm thinking of making this one a regular. With the holidays I've been trying to make all my weight days total body and I could not believe how fried I was at the end...my legs were nearly trembling on the last set of leg presses and those butt raises (or whatever they're called) had me and my legs screaming for mercy! I think it's the most all-muscle exhausting workout I have ever done! Can't wait to do it again!}(
I know the last time I did ME....I burned out my biceps. I rarely do that. I try to do ME once a week. Great workout..Carole
Muscle Endurance is a tough one. I haven't done it since the Body Blast tapes arrived, but I think that it's harder than Supersets. I have had ME for nearly a year, and I still can't do all the biceps!! I've tried lightening the weight but I still can't quite make it. Something to work on!


:) :D
Nice to hear this. I've finished BB rotation and am trying desperately to get as motivated and enthusiastic about IS. Good to hear how great this series really is!

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