Your Recent Article - Question

Hi Cathe,

I have a question for you. You published this recent article here, and on the first point you talk about reducing your calories, lifting weight, and then adding a cardio portion to your weight training....My goal is to lose fat and gain muscle, so thats why i recently decided to do your STS program. I just finished Month 1. I do STS Mon, Wed, and Fridays. The other days except Sunday I do cardio--is this an efficient way to lost fat and gain muscle?

Please let me know it would be so helpful. I really want results (I know it takes time) but I want to know I am doing the right things. I cut back on calories and am increasing protein I just want to make sure the exercise part is right.

Thank you.
I would say, 'yes.' It is an excellent program for all round good health. If you focus on increasing fitness while getting good rest and a nutritious diet, the fat loss will follow.

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Here below is an extract from the article:

"Yes, eating a higher protein diet may help you conserve muscle as
you’re losing fat, but if your calorie and carb count is too low, you’ll still have a hard time gaining muscle".

What I understand from sentence above taken from the article is Carb ration should not be too low.
I also understand that overall daily calorie should not be less than 1200 kcal. I would like to hear from nutrionist or
any other experienced cathletes on this. Not sure cathe will have time to chime in as she is busy.

Article below may help working out macro nutrient daily allowance. Nutrition is very important It does impact on performance.
The quality of the nutrition does also affect recovery. Better we recover, better we perform and later on gain those results
This is my 2 cents!

You need to workout the best ratio protein, carbs, essential fat suitable to gain those definition
muscles mass, based on guidelines above:);). All the very best

Enjoy STS:)
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Here below is an extract from the article:
"Yes, eating a higher protein diet may help you conserve muscle as
you’re losing fat, but if your calorie and carb count is too low, you’ll still have a hard time gaining muscle".

What I understand from sentence above taken from the article is Carb ration should not be too low.
I also understand that overall daily calorie should not be less than 1200 kcal. I would like to hear from nutrionist or
any other experienced cathletes on this. Not sure cathe will have time to chime in as she is busy.

Just to add and document my quote above, Here is another article

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