Your opinions on the SuperStep


Hi folks! Hope everybody's had a great weekend -- it is beautiful and FINALLY feeling a little more autumn-like down here!

I need your educated opinions. My DH is getting (slowly but surely) into a Cathe strength-training program with a little bit of her kickboxing punching drills thrown in. He's choreography challenged in a big way and won't (and probably shouldn't :)) attempt step or even kickbox kicks. Anyway, we've been working out together sometimes which is nice, but since I only have my one Original Step, I end up letting him use that as a weight bench and lying on the floor myself. I'm thinking I'll get him his own bench for Christmas/Hanukkah.

So the question is, do I buy another Original Step? Like many of you I've had a little bit of instability with my High Step platform on top of my old fuchsia and pink and purple risers, so one advantage of buying another step would be that I could get the black/grey one and a couple of extra risers, and use one of those risers on top of my old ones to make my High Step a little more secure.

Or do I buy him a SuperStep, since he will never use this as anything except a weight bench? For those of you who own both, why'd you buy the SuperStep? What's the advantage in owning that one?

Thanks everybody! :) Kathy S.
I have the Super Step and use it quite a bit for strength tapes because it is 15 1/2 inches high and easier to get up and down from!

I also like using it for step tapes since it is six inches without the risers and the top area is only a half inch or so less than the surface area of the regular step. I have room for two steps so if I am doing a particularly challenging tape I can have a four inch and six inch step set up ahead of time and switch to the four inch real fast if I am unable to keep up using the six inch step.

You should know though I am a workout equipment junkie!

Hi Kathy,
I have the super step and I love it for weight training because it is the perfect height. i would recommend it for your hubby if that's the only thing he will use it for.I must not have been paying attention when I ordered it because I did not realize that with just one of the risers it is still too high for me to step with. The board alone is 6 inches.When I ordered it I was stepping with 8 inches so I was really disappointed. However,due to knee problems I've been forced to lower my step to 6 inches. So now the super step is actually very useful to me! The other step i have is about ten years old and it is the reebok step with the risers that interlock with the step.The risers can be adjusted to 8 &10 inches. The board alone is 6 inches. I would definitely recommend the super step.:)
I researched the topic thoroughly last year when I was first getting into Cathe workouts. I came to the conclusion that from my perspective, there was no good reason to get the superstep, as it is less flexible than the original step. The only possible reason to prefer it is if you think your husband would prefer a higher bench, because the superstep is high without having to buy extra risers. For me, as I mentioned in a separate post earlier today, the closer to the ground the better!

So, if there is any chance you might need it for something else, the original is more flexible, but if your husband is 100% sure he only wants to do weight training, then either one will work just fine! How lucky you are to have your DH working out with you!!
Hey girlfriend,
The superstep is indeed a neat piece of equipment!However since he is only using it for weight work you may want to consider different fitness equipment options. You know how exercising can have a tumbling effect and you always need well, want more }( Take into consideration your space available and needed equipment for specific exercises! If you only want a bench, I'd go for the bodywedge! It's sturdy,comfortable ,portable and gives you many options to perform different exercises! Check out
I have this and LOVE it for it's convenience,many uses and it's sleek looking;-) and easy to store away! Rich Decker, a personal trainer is the creator of this equipment! This is such a brilliant design and idea! He's having masterclasses in South Beach for the ECA world fitness conference! So anyone there can test it out and take the classes! Also, If you are in Philly the first week Of feb for Sara city's mania, they will have them there for sale ! You can always contact him directly and see where else he will be,if you want to test drive before you buy ;-)
Another option is you may want to look into a fully loaded weight bench for your hubby.They have great prices on them come the holidays!Check out the websites and your circulars! They practically give the weighted barbells away ;-)with the benches !
Good luck and let us know what you decide!
Great ideas, girlfriend -- I hadn't even thought about getting him a traditional weight bench of any kind, but why not? He's eventually going to outgrow what either one of my barbells can load (I hope), and he is positively, I can say without a doubt, never NEVER going to need a step! Cardio will always be the treadmill, the elliptical, and if I'm really good at cajoling him, some kickbox -- but as I said, the kicks just flummox him. He loves those punching drills, though, enough so that I think after he's "hooked" I might suggest that "he" needs a heavy bag. ;-) Kathy S.
When I get my new step sometime this month, I am going to get the super step from walmart, I need something that is all in one sort of thing, something I can adjust but also use for leg presses, and chest presses and so on, I can't afford to get a new step and a mini step, so I need something that can be used for both. So the super step is more practical for me. .... Rhonda
Hey Kath~Well, to confuse you MORE, I really like my SuperStep! Hubby has one too. Like others have said, it is mainly for just stationary strength training (not step) or as weight bench. (Although I use just the platform many times for step.) I like the angles at which it inclines/declines. Feels secure! That way, you'd have BOTH types of steps for you too! ;-) I also think your "DH" NEEDS a heavy bag! Hmmmm, might try that on my hubby! :7 BTW, Dave loved K,P&C. We both were a bit all over the place on the last combo especially, but laughed thru it. Has your hubby tried BootCamp? Another Dave fav!!! Have FUN and glad you got him hooked!!!!!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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