Your favorite Yoga mat?


Hello everyone,
While trying to practice a bit of Yoga last night, I found my hands slipping forward while doing Downward Facing Dog, very frustrating. I've only just started using a mat as opposed to the floor and I am not very experienced with Yoga to begin with but it's become clear to me that I need to invest in a better quality mat. Just wondering if anyone has a suggestion for me. What's your favorite mat? I just think I'd really better get my Yoga equipment in order before Cathe comes out with her Yoga workout.
If you have already invested in a sticky mat, but you feel like it's not sticky enough, try washing it. Sticky mats become stickier with each washing.
Gandalf & Yoga mats!

Thanks Bobbi & Cyberfit! I'll try washing this one first (it is a sticky mat specifically for Yoga) and if that doesn't help, I'll try a Living Arts mat. The one I have is a cheep one from Target and I choose it because it doesn't smell toxic like the one I saw at Wal-Mart.

By the way Bobbi, Galdalf most certainly does rule, you are so right (love the icon)! Of course, that's not to say that Elrond doesn't rock as well. I reckon that good Sir Ian might just walk away as the 'Lord of the Best Supporting Actor Award' tonight! I've never watched the Oscars before in my life (I was probably working out instead) but I'm in eager anticipation this year! I just hope Billy Boyd is there too, fool of a Took that he is =D!

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