Your favorite part of your body...

It used to be my butt until a year ago when I slipped off the deck steps and hit my left cheek so hard against the corner of the step that it left a permanent dentx( I was going out to fill my bird feeders with 3 ice cream pails filled with bird seed. Not realizing the deck had frost on it, I hit the first step and both legs went out from under me. I can laugh about it now but it hurt like H*LL when it happened.

So now that my left cheek is dented, I would have to say my forearms, shoulders or abs.

My legs. They're very long, naturally lean and respond well to all kinds of training. My butt's a close second.
Clavicles, shoulders, and arms. They make me look like I workout harder than I do.
I have a love/hate relationship with my abs. I can see them and I like that but noone else will ever see them because they are covered with layers of stretch marks and a poor excuse for a belly button that was custom made by a plastic surgeon. (Gory Story - Abs split when I was pregnant. They were 4-6" apart! I had to have them sewn back together leaving a 19 1/2" scar in a big smile from one side of me to the other...and a pathetic belly button. It's so embarrassing.)
Was that too much information?

My abs are so flat and defined my 20 yr old envies them. My arms are pretty perfect, and my hair, when it's dyed, is nice and thick and straight and always looks good.

I feel guilty saying all this with all the yucky ugly body parts still here saying, "What about me? What about me? I'm hideous!!"

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