Your Favorite Movies of All-Time

I go in spurts -

Right now it's anything with Robert Duvall(loved Second Hand Lions!). Before that it was Billy Crystal. Before that Adam Sandler. Bless Nexflix!
Just Do It! :)
Oh, I think I know that movie, Marla. About drug addiction right? Very unusual movie. Very interesting film making. And VERY memorable.
Fun topic! My favorites are:

Cactus Flower (1969 movie with Ingrid Bergman, Walter Matheau and Goldie Hawn)
Breakfast at Tiffany's
To Kill a Mockingbird
Private Benjamin
When Harry Met Sally
Office Space
The Big Easy
White Christmas
A Christmas Story
Don't think anyone hasn't even mentioned my 2 faves - wonder if anyone has seen them:

1. The Unbearable Lightness of Being
2. Like Water for Chocolate

Both are amazing, but Daniel Day Lewis in TULOB is beyond words.

Happy Thanksgiving all!


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