Your favorite Cathe stretch segment

I like to string together all the CTX stretches, or all the Intensity Series stretches. I like them cause they are kinda yogaish.

Well, it is probably not the most thorough but I love to do the PLB stretch after I run.
I LOVE Cathe DVDs so I'm not complaining, but IMO the biggest weakness in them is the stretching, it's just not enough for me. I usually do whatever she does, then add a bunch of my own that I have gotten from physical therapy and yoga classes over the years until I feel like I'm really stretched. In addition I take a couple of yoga classes per week and try to work in a yoga DVD another day. Sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear and it's just my opinion, but for me at least I need a lot more stretching and I need to hold the stretches a lot longer.

I'm sure some of this is time constraints she is under. I'm sure she has a particular length in mind for the workouts. I've noticed many times she says if you need a stretch here take it. That's what the pause button is for I say! :)
I don't care too much about the stretches one way or the other. They are fine, if they aren't I add a bit of yoga. I remember really liking the stretch in StepFit, but I gave the tape away a year ago.

I do not like the Rhythmic Step stretch, nor am I crazy about Imax2 because they are too fast and all-standing. But mostly I think they are all fine. I like them all about the same.
I did the stretch at the end of Leg and Glutes in the new Body Blast series today, and I thought it was great! Even though it focuses on lower body, it really stretches you out all over.
I love the stretch segment in Kick Punch and Crunch. The Asian inspired music is perfect for a stretch segment.
Cathe, Cathe, Cathe ... when are you going to do a long stretch in your workouts. We need it. We want it. We must have it!!! x
The stretch at the end of Step Fit is great. I believe it's the longest one on any of her videos and the music is great too. (Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me is the song if I remember correctly.)

I agree that the stretch segments in Cathe workouts are not the greatest. My body craves more stretching and I always sub a short yoga segment (10-15 min) for her stretch segments.
I actually like the stretches at the end of IMax 2. They are all standing, but they feel very yoga-ish to me, so I like them. And I like the ones at the end of Leaner Legs; I usually do those after a jog. I do agree with everyone that I wish she'd do more stretching. While I'm happy that she keeps her workouts long enough to be challenging, I wish she'd add on even an extra 5 minutes of stretching to each one (mind you, I wouldn't want those 5 minutes to replace any of the workout--I'd want them to be additional!). She works you SO hard, you really need good, thorough stretches at the end! If people don't want to bother with them, they always have the option of not doing them. But it would be nice to have them!


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