Young, new fan here! :)

Hi there Cathe!
Hope your healing is coming along swiftly! My name's Becca and I'm 18 years old and play basketball at a community college right now. I just wanted to let you know how much I love your videos KPC and Cardio Kicks (I'm getting the new Drill Max too!!! so excited :) We had 9 days off over Christmas break for bball and I stayed in great shape doing your videos,thanks!
When I get my own place I'm going to buy a ton more of your videos but since I'm going off to another college next year there won't be room in the dorm ya know :) Anyways, I just joined the forums but I've been a fan of you ever since I got your KPC video last year, and I'd much rather workout at home than go to a gym and your videos are the only ones where I feel I get a good workout. So when bball's over it's back to Cathe, yeah! a
Alright well hope you have an awesome day and I know I'll have many more comments for you along with your other quartrillion billion fans :)

Hey Becca!
Not cathe but I just wanted to say hi..and you are not the only younger fan out there! I am 19 and have been working out with cathe videos for about three years now and love them! Its great to know I am not the only college age fan!! Have fun collecting more videos...I now have almost ALL of them (heehee:D ) Good luck with bball!
Hi Becca, and welcome. I've been trying to get my 18 year old daughter to work out for ever. She used to play soccer in high school, but now that she's in college, she's having trouble keeping the weight off. I'll mention you to her as inspiration. I also like your signature quote! Best wishes.
oh yes, the motivation

Thanks for your reply :) I'm glad you like my signature quote.
I'd said the hardest part about working out is actually making yourself start. There have been many times where I tell myself I'm going to workout or something but in the moments leading up to actually starting my workout I'll start debating in my head whether or not I feel like it or if I should wait and do it later... too much thinking about it, you just gotta do it. You always feel better after a workout and its just plain good for your body. I'm not sure if you've already addressed this with your daughter but aside from maintaining a healthy weight, everything in your body works better and becomes stronger (heart, immune system, bones, brain, muscles, etc)and thats an added motivation for me. I'm actually taking a Human Anatomy course right now and it's amazing how perfectly God has structured our bodies and how everything works together. So that also gives me an appreciation and desire for me to help my body out by keeping it strong and in good condition. You want to work for your body not against it. Well if anything I said helps her than awesome, if not then disregard.
Anyways I'm most defintely going to get more of Cathe's videos b/c its so much more fun to workout to those than going on a run, or having to go to the gym, has she tried any of Cathe's?
Why hello fellow teen!

Hi there! When I reply to you is it ok that I reply to you in this forum or am I'm supposed to go to the Open Disscussion since this isn't a question for Cathe?
Anyways, im glad you replyed, I'm about to be 19 on feb. 17! im excited. what are your favorite videos you do and what's your workout schedule like? :)

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