Hi there Cathe!
Hope your healing is coming along swiftly! My name's Becca and I'm 18 years old and play basketball at a community college right now. I just wanted to let you know how much I love your videos KPC and Cardio Kicks (I'm getting the new Drill Max too!!! so excited
We had 9 days off over Christmas break for bball and I stayed in great shape doing your videos,thanks!
When I get my own place I'm going to buy a ton more of your videos but since I'm going off to another college next year there won't be room in the dorm ya know
Anyways, I just joined the forums but I've been a fan of you ever since I got your KPC video last year, and I'd much rather workout at home than go to a gym and your videos are the only ones where I feel I get a good workout. So when bball's over it's back to Cathe, yeah! a
Alright well hope you have an awesome day and I know I'll have many more comments for you along with your other quartrillion billion fans
Hope your healing is coming along swiftly! My name's Becca and I'm 18 years old and play basketball at a community college right now. I just wanted to let you know how much I love your videos KPC and Cardio Kicks (I'm getting the new Drill Max too!!! so excited
When I get my own place I'm going to buy a ton more of your videos but since I'm going off to another college next year there won't be room in the dorm ya know
Alright well hope you have an awesome day and I know I'll have many more comments for you along with your other quartrillion billion fans