My favorites:
1. New people in your group exercise classes often walk up to you and ask if you are the instructor. ( I think that is more attitude than bodaciousness(sp?), but I'll take it)
2. 350 lbs. gorillas at the gym have on more than one occasion asked you, "Don't you every stop?" when you had no idea they ever even noticed your existence
3. After gaining and losing a significant amount of weight, at 5'3 you FINALLY no longer have to buy queen size Leggs pantyhose or shop in the plus section. All-time-top-notch-favorite
Cheers! Kristina
1. New people in your group exercise classes often walk up to you and ask if you are the instructor. ( I think that is more attitude than bodaciousness(sp?), but I'll take it)
2. 350 lbs. gorillas at the gym have on more than one occasion asked you, "Don't you every stop?" when you had no idea they ever even noticed your existence
3. After gaining and losing a significant amount of weight, at 5'3 you FINALLY no longer have to buy queen size Leggs pantyhose or shop in the plus section. All-time-top-notch-favorite
Cheers! Kristina