You know you're fit when......


Okay, fellow Cathe-ites. I would like to start this new thread and it think it will be really fun to see what our group has to say.

Just fill in the last part of "You know you're really fit when..."

I will start (since I'm here first).

I know I am really fit when:

the "skinny clothes" that have been in the back of my closet for a long time are now too loose and my "fat" clothes have been donated to charity.

I got a flu shot in medial deltoid which made the area really red. Friends thought it was swollen also until I showed them the other arm which was also "swollen".

I can beat my husband in an arm wrestle. Not. This one has not actually happened yet but I can dream, can't I?

Okay, anyone is invited to add to this.

Hey, Marlene, this is going to be a fun thread..:)

I know when I'm really fit when:
1. When wearing a short sleeved shirt, my Dad comes up to me and says, "how did you get such big veins in your arms? Your Mom and me don't have those veins." I smile and say; "Cathe tapes"

2. When I did MIC all the way through and later Power Hour, vacuumed the whole house ( I have a tri-level) and waxed a car.
I thought I really deserved Applebees sirloin steak after that. :-jumpy

3. When I got into my size 4 clothes. I was up to size 11 a year ago.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-03-01 AT 03:03PM (Est)[/font][p]When you can walk up 5 flights of stairs and not get winded.

When you can buy your jeans from the jrs. department even though you haven't been a jr. in YEARS!

When your boyfriend tells you that he can't keep up with your workout routine!

When, at one week shy of age 52, I can do Imax on an 8" step with NO modifications, plus do all the Cathe weight tapes without blinking.

When I can wear stretch britches without feeling self conscious (spelling?)

When I have to jack up the weight on the Cybex leg machines at the Y after a big guy gets off of it. I use heavier weights than just about everybody, for that matter.

It feels good to brag a little.:7 Thanks for this thread!
20 years and 5 kids later I feel better and look better than I did in my twenties...
You're 3 days from delivering your baby and you're still performing Step Works all the way through on a 6" step.

You're at the hospital after delivering your baby and nurses are amazed at your 50 bpm heart rate.

You're helping your husband move all of the furniture out of your old house and into the new without any problems instead of asking your brother or dad to come help.

You can hold your 45lb son and walk up stairs at the same time without getting winded, or fearing you'll drop him.
This is a riot.

I came home from work and read the responses and almost fell off my chair laughing so hard.

You are all so great.

Anyone else out there have something to add?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-01 AT 08:49AM (Est)[/font][p]Did we do this list before?.....oh well, I will try to come up with a few new ones:
1. I can still run 3 miles at about the same times I had in college. And still fend off an up and coming 14 yr. old!(he does beat me sometimes!)
2. I often "overtighten" jars and even have to help some guys loosen them!
3. My spinning instructor compliments my quads. (this is my fave!)
4. I still put out more effort than most in the gym....I believe that anyway! :) I usually am moving the weight stacks up after someone else has used a piece of equipment. And NO ONE out-does me on cardio intensity! lol!
5. I can throw the groceries around with ease....including the 50 lb. bags of dog food.
6. I can perform many household chores with my 10 month old son in one arm.
Well....that's all I can think of right to spin class.
Trevor :)
RE: Yes this is a fun thread

and so I am joining in too.

Here goes:

You know you are fit when:

1. You look WAY better at 38 than you did at 16, 20 or 25 (and these were all the ages before the kids came);

2. You can enter, finish and beat many 20 year old men and lots your own age in a triathlon when you never swam once or biked once before entering the event;

3. Your son's friends on his hockey team think you are buff because your biceps are bulging when you tie his hockey skates for him; and (time to quit bragging but it is a little fun)

4. You find squatting with 60# on Slow and Heavy too light and you move to 70# and even then could go heavier if only you had a spotter.

Have a great day all. :)

RE: Yes this is a fun thread

Last time I needed a blood sample drawn, the nurse not only gawked at my veins, she called all the other nurses in the clinic over to admire them. I wondered if I could put "Great veins." on my resume.
RE: Yes this is a fun thread

You know you're fit when your mid 20's male neighbor ask you (early 40's female) to help him get his new sofa up to his 2nd floor apartment.
RE: Yes this is a fun thread

You know you're fit when....

You make an emergency visit to your doctor to have him check the "lump" you found in your breast during your self-exam in the shower that morning, only to have him tell you....
"That's not a lump dear, it's your breast BONE!"

*true story, felt like an idiot! But I'd been so fat for so long that I haven't felt my breast bone in over 15 years~who knew?
You finish a triathlon or a 5-K for the first time, when five years ago, you couldn't even walk around the nurses' station on your hospital floor.

When you can keep up with your ultrafit-rock climbing male pals on a backpacking trip.

When you paddle your canoe solo, in the wind and down rapids, and another woman on the trip says, "You're my hero." Gretchen
1. I can do the I-Max workout, modifying by ADDING reps to all of the intensity intervals and doing rear and side leg-lifts during the recovery portions;

2. I can do 45 decline straight-legged push-ups, and then another 15 after a 30-second rest, and then another 15 after another short rest

3. I can hoist up the new water jug onto the office water cooler like it was a feather, with my one male co-worker staring on in the background;

4. I can do a 3-hour monster workout on a Sunday morning and polish that off with a one-hour hill walk to fast music;

5. I can have a sheriff's deputy, firearms and all say to me, "You know, I'd never want to get on the wrong side of your foot!"

As Al Pacino said in "Scent of a Woman", "AH'M JUST GETTIN' WARMED UP!"

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-01 AT 01:29PM (Est)[/font][p]

I just went to my hometown, Manhattan, (after being gone for 30 years) and the first person who spoke to me asked if i was a fitness trainer ...

and the those annoying men on the NY streets who used bug me when i was a teenager? They are still are hollering when i pass in shorts !

I am 50 with 3 kids a grandson too :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-01 AT 03:35PM (Est)[/font][p]I HATE YOU!!!!

(Just kidding, I THINK!!!!)

:-wow :-wow :-wow

This is meant for you, Annette!!!!
This is a great thread! What great replies so far!

My answers: when I ran my first 5K, now training for my first 10K, and when my husband said "check out those delts!"

and also when my 20lb barbell was too light for S&H and MIS!!! Love increasing those weights! :)

Oh, one more... I knew I was fit when I did MIC all the way through without pausing the tape! It took me several months, but finally did it!


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