You know you are addicted to Cathe when...


Active Member
Hey know you are addicted to Cathe when you watch the workouts for entertainment, like popping in a movie!...anyone else out there do this?....
LOL Connie...

But no, I don't do that...hate watching and not doing-actually makes me feel guilty... Previewing even gets on my nerves...I only do it coz I know I am better off but I tend to fast forward a lot of it.

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
I do this! I work from home a couple of days a week and usually put her on FitTV when she is on. I don't like doing the workouts from FitTV because they are abbreviated (and also I can't use the Pause button to catch my breath! lol), but I do find this is a good way to listen closely to directions about form and such. I also pay a lot more attention to the ladies on the crew, who sometimes modify their form and that helps me.

Yes Conni, I do that. That is the only thing I can do now having a back injury.I do that without a injury too. The workouts are the best.I love do and see them.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
Another watcher here....I can't explain it, but yes, I can pop in a Cathe dvd and watch it as if I'm watching a sit-com or movie. Maybe it's her personality, maybe I try to motivate other people to w/o or maybe it's just soothing. I enjoy listening to her w/o's as much as I LOVE my 1930's-50's movies.


I do this too, especially if I haven't done the workout in a while and want to refresh my memory.

I also read the Cathe catalogue when I'm bored and need some motivation to work out.

I will flip on Fit TV just to see if she is on sometimes. If she is, I will sit and watch for a few minutes even if I own the DVD she is doing.. My kids think I am nuts...

I do notice more form pointers and such when I can breathe and not in pain.. :D

okay Beverly.

I have my $100 here to my left. I was/am sitting on the thoughts of canceling my membership to my gym and there is a buy out fee. $100. So, after looking at your picture trail. yes, I can do this. No I won't lose a thing because I will be going forward in my fitness journey. I will call this a lesson learned on how I got to where I'm going. Sometimes things cost to learn. This was/is a costly one but I belive I can achieve. Keep the pictures, updated and congratulations.
I watch them to preview them before I try a workout -- it takes a good 2-3 times -- but I enjoy them much like a movie.
Yes, I have to admit that I watch too. I do my workout at 5:00 every morning, but then she is on FitTV every morning at 7:00 here. So, I finish my workout and get ready for work and make sure at 7:00 to at least just see what workout is on for that day. If it's one I already own I don't watch it, but if it's one I don't own but have thought about buying I will sit and watch parts of it. I guess I keep hoping a new one will come on I haven't seen yet. I've watched KPC like three times now.

Yep, I've been caught doing it too! :7 It IS true that you can focus more on their form if you sit & watch. We don't have FitTV with our Dish but sometimes when we go to my in-laws, hubby will walk in and turn it right to channel 42 for me to watch! Isn't he great? Funny how you will see things that you don't see while huffing and puffing along.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
LOL, I am so happy to hear I am not the only one to do this..and AllisonT I was cracking up when you said you also read Cathe's catalogue...I do that also, which usually ends up costing me alot of money!....Have great workouts everyone...Connie:)
My girl friend came to visit me last night and I show her my new work outs, she fell in love with Cathe almost instanly. Yes, we were watching them just for fun!

She was going to join a gym and paid $80.00 a month, so she decided to buy the Hardcore series and forget about the gym.

Cathe gives 100% and she is so sweet, smart and pretty! Were her comments, I introduced to the website and she is sold on Cathe.

I'm sold on it. I cancelled my Gym membership to a tune of $100 and I still have to pay one more month. They call it a buy it. That's how much I am sold on this. I have read the catalog to, to understand why she is doing what just a little better so I know what to choose next.

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