

I haven't done yoga in I think (whoops) a few months. I always do the stretches at the end of my workouts, but nothing more than that. I know it's bad.

But I just did an hour of Power Yoga (Rodney) and sigh I'm all relaxed for now. It was lovely!!

It makes me wonder: does everyone here do yoga?
I incorporate a few yoga-based moves into my regular stretching, but I've never done a real yoga routine.
LOL, I didn't like it at all in the middle of it! It's more of a thing I do to get the after-effects of relaxation...

I'm definitely one who cannot do Pilates. Now that feels like a waste of workout time to me. I've really tried it, I swear, but it doesn't work for me.
The only yoga I do is in Kari Anderson's Angle, Lines and Curves (I & II). They are excellent tapes for improving flexibility and core strength. Today I did ALC II and was amazed at how well I held some of the harder positions (another benefit of doing the August rotation).
I've also done Kathy Smith's intermediate yoga tape (usually when I'm getting back into shape...i.e. after having had each of my beautiful children).
The only live yoga classes I enjoyed were at spas. I'd do so many sports (6 to 8 hours typically) the day before that the early morning yoga class was the only thing that enabled me to move without sore muscles. Especially as I would then do as many activities as I could squeeze in later that day.
Actually, I did this this morning instead of step...It's been a rough week at work, and I needed to wind down before an equally crazy weekend (15 houses to show to ONE buyer tomorrow!!)...I LOVE it, but don't feel the "rush" like a typical workout...I will admit, It's not something that I do on a weekly basis, just every now and then when I feel overly stressed...This morning I needed it, and it was perfect!

MJ in MN
I will admit that whenever I do yoga, which hasn't been many times and hasn't been in a long time, all I keep thinking is "okay, I'm not breathing heavy and I'm not sweating and could they please just speed this up???". I'm not even very patient during the stretching at the end of a workout. I'm so Type A it's not even funny. Well, yeah, okay, it is.;-)
hi amy!

yep, i do yoga...i LOVE yoga. i, too, tack on some yoga type stretches at the end of my workouts...but have a hard time fitting in a whole yoga session along with my cardio etc.. (it becomes a marathon workout, otherwise! :eek:) but your "yogaaaaaaaah", has inspired me to want to do a FULL YOGA SESSION today... :D

have a great weekend!
>I will admit that whenever I do yoga, which hasn't been many
>times and hasn't been in a long time, all I keep thinking is
>"okay, I'm not breathing heavy and I'm not sweating and could
>they please just speed this up???". I'm not even very patient
>during the stretching at the end of a workout. I'm so Type A
>it's not even funny. Well, yeah, okay, it is.;-)

I'm like Shelley - I just can't get into it. I'd rather be lying in bed napping. I've tried to like it but just don't have the patience...x(
I practise every day. I do my regular workout then I do Yoga - I love it! I especially enjoy Vinyasa but alternate Vinyasa with Ana Forrest or something held a while. One of my absolute favorite Yoga instructors is Shiva Rea.
I love Bryan Kest's Power yoga (and he is so nice to look at..hehehe)....but I must admit it is sometimes hard to fit it into my workout week....:)

I keep telling myself I need to do some yoga because they say you will get better results from your workouts if you become more flexible. But like everyone else, I feel like it is almost a waste of time because it doesn't burn many calories.

I love yoga and my favorite instructor is Baron Baptiste. Too bad collage video stopped selling his most advanced workouts and is now offering more intermediate ones. I've been reading a lot about Iron Yoga (with some other instructor) and now collage has the dvds so I'm waiting to read a couple of reviews to see if they're worth it.
Yes, I do yoga almost every evening. I usually do my weight training and/or cardio workouts in the morning and then in the evenings I do abs and yoga. I have found that this relieves my low back pain big time, works better than anything I've tried to date. I love Karen Voight's yoga workouts, any of them. They are all excellent workouts.
I can't believe that it's been 8 years since my first yoga class. I'd be lying if I said that I loved it immediately but something about it kept drawing me back. My first classes were Sivananda yoga but then I discovered Ashtanga yoga and the intensity was amazing and a great fit for me (absolutely no lying on a mat making up grocery lists)! There are lots of great yoga DVD's but for me nothing beats going to a studio and enjoying a class with a teacher that inspires me or finding a spot at the beach or in the wilderness and enjoying some sun salutations and asanas. I do yoga 2-3 times per week and teach a flexible strength class that fuses yoga/pilates and tai chi.

For me yoga was the opportunity to get to know my physical self better. Often I find the asanas are a good barometer for where I am emotionally. Sometimes surrender is effortless, other times it's nearly impossible, same goes with balance. Years ago I was a background participant for a local yoga tv show, it was a lot of fun and I'm glad I have the tapes and can show them to my grandkids someday:)

Take Care
I got a yoga vid for Christmas. I previewed it once and it didn't make me want to try it...I think I'll stick with regular stretching and when I need a good one, Stretchmax...I don't know...something about, I just can't get into it. Maybe I'm too impatient???
Oh, I LOVE Rodney's total body power yoga...I also love his new Yoga Burn. I do my regular (usually Cathe) workout first, and then do my yoga workout. It's turning into (as another poster said) a marathon session each time unless I do a shorter yoga practice but I love it so much I just have to do it daily. Never thought I'd feel this way about yoga but something about it just clicked for flexibility is the best it's ever been, but I think it even goes beyond that...I just love everything about it!

had a quick question re: the advanced baron baptiste yoga videos you mentioned... ;)

which titles are considered advanced? i've been doing bryan kest's vids for years, and really do like them. but am looking for an alternative for variety. i tried one of baron's (core power & initial challenge) but they were not as challenging as i had hoped. since the advanced ones are not listed on collage, i was wondering if you might know the titles names, so i could try and 'hunt them down' . :)

thanks so much! :D
Hello. The thing about Baron Baptiste's workouts is that there are people doing yoga at all levels. He's always showing modifications and you should do the most advanced ones. Power Yoga Level 2 The Ultimate Yoga Workout is considered advanced (approx. 70 mins long) and Soul of Strength from the Power Vinyasa Yoga Live Series is also considered advanced (about 50 mins long). However the most advanced yoga workout I own is not by Kest or Baptiste is by Beryl Bender Birch and collage sells it. It's called Power Yoga: The Practice by Beryl Bender Birch. I previewed it once and I have never done it because I'm scared :7, but I won't get rid of it. One day I'll be at that level. I hope.

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