
LOL about the grocery lists! I'm scared to take a yoga class- really expensive around here and it seems like an opportunity to watch others fall over and smell their sweat. Ick.'s R. Yee's newest...I really like it. I wrote a review about it on and on's about an hour, and while I don't think it's as tough, intensity-wise, as his Power Yoga Total Body, and I'd call it overall an intermediate workout, it does have its tougher moments...he repeats each pose 2-3x and does so a bit slower than is usual for him. Overall, I really like's a little different than his usual stuff, but still Rodney, if that makes sense! :)
Thanks, I'll go check it out!

I've got the 3-pack Baron Baptiste and the 3-workout Byron Kest, which I need to get rid of since I can't stand either one. I'm okay with Rodney so maybe I should look for more of his! I'm not a fan of Suzanne Deason either.
Is Yoga Burn power yoga? I can't tell. All I know is that I like the power yoga, which to me means lots of faster moves and tons of pushups/down dogs.

Anyone have the RY flexibility one? Does it work? ;)
thanks, rose! i'm gonna go check it out. :D btw, is it beryl's workout more straightforward poses, or does she get into the spiritual/body/mind aspect of it as well?

anyhow, just got my new manduka mat, and just GOTTA get some new yoga videos to help break it in, don'tchya think?!! ;)

have a great weekend!
hi amy!

well, up to now i've just been using the traditional 'tapas' mat..but mine was getting pretty old, peeling and basically, "non" it was time to get a new one.

after reading alot of reviews etc..i decided to "upgrade" to the manduka mat. i got the purple 'travel' version. but the price tag isn't for the faint of was $50 buckeroos! eeek!! :O but, i must say, so far, i REALLY like it, and feel like it's been a good investment. it's got great cushion and stickiness. there's a heavier thicker one that's the 'top of the line' a black one, but that one's $75..just couldn't justify that one.. :p

i got it at'd leave you a link, but i'm horrible w/ computer stuff if you're interested, just got to and do a search on manduka mat. it should come up and you can get all the scooperama on it!

hth little!

good luck! :D
I would say the workout goes into both but the poses are the most advanced I've ever seen on a home workout. Like I said I previewed it and I immediately thought I need a lot more strength and stamina to attempt it. I think they have video clips on and they have reviews about people that own it too.

Edited to add: I did a search on collage and the item number of the video is 5191. It is available on VHS only.
I run and yoga is something that needs to get done. Otherwise, I won't be going up any stairs and you'd laugh while I hobbled around the hallways. It's not that I like being a human pretzel...but if it can make you feel that good after feeling like crispy bacon, then there must be something to it.

1. Bryan Kest
2. Powr Yoga 4 Happiness ( Magically Hips )
Amy...I'm not sure I'd classify it as power yoga, at least if you're comparing it to Power Yoga Total Body. He starts off in staff pose...there ARE some sun salutations, but nothing like in Total Body. It definitely flows very smoothly, though...I'm not sure WHAT I'd classify it as!!! LOL...that's not much help, is it? I really do like it though.

I have Power Yoga for Flexibility (the 25-minute one) and I LOVE it...I use it a lot to tack on to my other workouts.
>1. Bryan Kest
>2. Powr Yoga 4 Happiness ( Magically Hips )

I agree with these two as well! I do Magically Hips a lot...LOVE it! :)

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