Hiya Crystal!
I really like [a href="http://www.gaiam.com/retail/2/VideoDVD"]Gaiam[/a] yoga DVDs. Currently I use one called Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss with Suzanne Deason. Don't see what's so weight-lossy about it, but it's a nice yoga session. They have level variations so it's a good one that to grow with from beginner to flexy-goddess. Needless to say I'm still at beginner.
I also like Shiva Rea's [a href="http://www.amazon.com/Shiva-Rea-Shakti-Jean-Michel-Jarre/dp/B0001611DS"]Yoga Shakti.[/a] It has different ability levels too, building up to some truly pretzel-esque contortions. It is shot in the Maldives and has very nice chilled music, not too obtustive or new-agey! Best of all it has what they call a Yoga Matrix, where you can select different exercises to create your own workout, a la Cathe's Mix and Match thingy.