Yoga experts, pls. read


Does anyone know why many yoga tapes tell you not to do inverted poses when menstruating? I suppose I could research it, but I am being lazy and asking if any of you already know! :p Thanks much. :)
Hi, I'm NOT a yoga expert, but I have a yoga book called "How To Use Yoga" by Mira Mehta (Romdell Press, 1998) and she says that women shouldn't do inverted poses during menstruation because it "interferes with the natural flow of blood". I hope I'm not plagarizing!!! Anyway, hope this is helpful!
I'm delurking to answer. There is an article about this at under the Ask Our Experts part. There was also some discussion about this recently at if you want to check that out. Hope this helps.

I just read this question in a magazine. i forget exactly what was said, but they asked a yoga expert and she said there was no real reason not to do poses. She said something about yoga having its roots in India, where women are oppressed, and this is just an excuse to prevent women from doing something. And that the blood isn't going to flow into other areas of your body or anything!

Don't know if it's true, but it's one opinion!
RE: Thanks

Thanks to you all for your helpful input! The articles are great and just what I was looking for.

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