Yet another KPC question


I love KPC--just did it for the 3rd time today. And, as they say, the 3rd time is a charm. I felt that I had it down and could really put my all into it.

My question is this: I definitely feel the cardio, and the punches increase the intensity, but I don't feel any arm or back fatigue (or burn) that other have mentioned. I really tried to put my all into the punches--95% extension, rapid recoil, hip rotation on cross punches and weight on proper leg, etc. Am I doing anything wrong, or are my muscles just used to TaeBo (I have the Get Ripped Advanced series)? Since I use this as a cardio rotation, I'm okay with it not being an upper-body workout--I just wondered if I was missing the boat here.

For those of you who use weighted gloves, do you use 1lb gloves?

Any feedback would be appreciated.


Carol F
I don't think your doing anything wrong, it sounds as though you've got it right. I do use 1 lb gloves with this workout, and now I'm thinking I could go up to 1 1/2 lbs if they have them out there. I think weighted gloves helps to keep the workout challenging.
I don't feel much arm fatigue or burn doing KPC either. The next day my arms are sore, and at first I thought it was due to the kickboxing. Now I realize it's due to the ball planks she has you do in the abs section at the end! I'd like to try it with weighted gloves, but my HR stays high enough through the entire workout so I don't need any added resistance.
Hi Carol! I'm used to KPC so don't feel it in my arms unless I haven't done it for a while. I sometimes feel some tightness in my lats, but my butt and thighs always feels happier (can't explain that one!). I love doing the kicks. Anyway I also do TaeBo (have GR too!) and I use 1lb gloves. I don't think you're missing the boat at all.

One thing I've noticed from observing participants in kickboxing classes is that they tend to let their upper body relax at times and they do not maintain a contraction in their scapular region when throwing a punch. I'm not a kickboxing expert, but it seems to me that this is the reason some people may not be feeling it in their back/lats area.

I always roll my shoulders away from my ears (back and down) and think about keeping my shoulder blades coming together (slight contraction) throughout the entire class. When throwing a punch, the contraction remains and the shoulders do not move forward. At the most extended part of the punch -- my shoulder blades are still slightly contracted. I practiced in the mirror a few times to get the feel for it before doing the video. Just remember "shoulders back and down" all the time.

If you are already doing this -- then I'm not sure why you aren't feeling it in the back :)\

I love KPC too! I use 1 lb. handweights (I found some that have sandbags for the palm and a velcro band that goes around the hand, so they work like gloves), and I'm thinking of increasing the weight if I can find 1 1/2 lb. gloves. I still only feel it a little bit in the shoulders (and I'm generally more on the wimpy side when it comes to upper body). I'm a Tae Bo-er too (old stuff, not newer stuff) so I don't find this workout too intense -- my guess is that Tae Bo toughend you up!
I use the gloves, too. That changes the workout a lot for me. Kind of like raising the step 2 inches. I feel it in my shoulders, back and upper abs w/ the gloves. I just got a pair of sandbag cuff weights today that are 1.5 lbs. They are hard to explain, but they are flexible and just about the size of "brass knuckles" but they are soft. Anyway, they would work well as a substitute for heavier gloves. I also think they would be kind of cool to up the intensity in a step routine. I'll see how it goes.
after reading the different posts about getting gloves for this workout.. i was going to pick up a pair.. but then i brought it up to hubby and he had a good point for not getting them: he said he thought it would be hard on the joints (elbows/shoulders) when "throwing" your hands do to the punches... so why ask for joint problems.. he scared me into not buying any.. even 1 pounders!

I tried the 1 pounders & I agree with your husband. I have a chronic elbow anyway, but that workout with those gloves really made it ache. I had to lay off everything for a couple of weeks.x(

Wow, I did this workout for the first time in a long time yesterday morning. I am SO SORE today! OMG, my upper body is really sore and my hips, low back and glutes are sore as well. It feels GREAT! I used 1 lbs. weighted gloves for the entire workout and really felt it in my upper body and my HR really got up there. I love this workout! Now I wish I would have ordered Kickmax.
Debbie in OH
IMHO if you already are using your upper body alot for strength training, other aerobic activities or sports you aren't going to feel KPC too much in the upper body at least not to the point of fatigue and DOMS. This is not to say that I don't feel my upper body and core working throughout however. I agree with the other posters, nix the idea of the gloves...there are safer more effective ways of working your upper body. I love KPC because of the great cardio and the fact that I can get my heartrate into my anaerobic zone for sections. For example the drills at the end, where you jump, squat and kick and the ice smashers or whatever those things are called. If I don't want to go into my anaerobic zone, I just don't jump or kick as high. I think the weighted gloves can help you get into your anaerobic zone but you don't need them for this either..just squat deeper, jump higher, kick higher etc.
I have found that if I do kickboxing the day after a very intense upper body workout I like how it makes my upper body feel. It works the upper body but differently. If I do a kickboxing workout and have not done the upper body the day before I wear 1 lb. golves. I wear them for all of the workout or just part depending on how I feel. I do like the gloves and have had no problem with the joints in my arms. I like having the option of adding gloves when I want to make the workout more intense.


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