Yep!!! One more newbie to the forum!!!!


Hi everone. I can't just lurk on the forums any longer. I have been coming to the forums for a few months now. Figured I would come out of LURKSVILLE. I really enjoy all the great advice that I have seen here. I have 2 children ages 12 and 2. Yep, that's right. I was supposed to lose the weight from the first one before having the second. But somehow that did not happen!!! So here I am trying to lose weight. I actually bought the 57 pack back in March, and preordered all 4 of the new ones. My number is 11753. It is just a matter of me using the videos consistently.

Thank you guys for reading this!!!:)
Hi Luvmylabs, and welcome to the forums. Wow--you're set, aren't you!? You should check out the rotations forum where you'll find plenty of creative ways to use your DVD library. :)
Welcome to the forums luvmylabs:) We're all getting giddy with anticipation here and like they say 'the more the merrier'. So what kind of labs are you loving? One of my bestest friends in the whole world is a yellow lab name Tal. Labs are so smart and funny, if my 15 year old daughter Marley wasn't so allergic we'd have one too. Look forward to seeing you around:)

Take Care
Thank you all for your replies!!

My 2 labs... my black female named Candy, that we have had since she was 4 months, she will be 6 years old in Nov. and my yellow male that we rescued , he will be 6 in Dec. He was only 83 pounds when we got him, well now he is over 100, he is pretty stocky, and happy now, that he has a new home :) :) :)
They sound like very lucky and well loved Pups:) That's wonderful that your rescued fella has thrived and flourished in his new home. What do you call him?:)

Take Care
Oh, sorry, his name is Champ, which apparently is not allowed to be registered as a name for AKC, so he has about 3 other names put together for his papers,(done by his previous owners) but Champ is what he is known as :)
Welcome to the forums, LML:)

I just rescued a lab/retriever cross and she's a sweetheart. It's a good thing she's cute, because she's an imp!

All 57, huh? Well, with the new workouts too, you're going to be Cathe-happy for eons!
Hi, Luvmylabs!

Nice to meet you. I am a newbie with weight to lose too.

I ordered all 4 new workouts too, but I'm envious of your 57 pack! I started with just a couple...then a couple more...then a couple more. You did the right thing. Welcome and have fun!

I was hoping luvmylabs meant you felt very strongly about clinical laboratories, like where I work. I guess the furry labs are more lovable then the blood-filled ones. Anyway, welcome and enjoy.
Welcome aboard!!


Calvin: I'm a genius, but I'm a misunderstood genius.
Hobbes: What's misunderstood about you?
Calvin: Nobody thinks I'm a genius.
Welcome to the forums! I cant imagine getting 57 Cathe DVD's all at once. Lucky you! Keep us up to date on your weight loss goals.
Susan C.M.

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