
So exciting!!!!

I have admired this man so much since I was a teen, and before he was a mega superstar. I've had knowledge of him for more than 20 years and have been actively following his career for nearly 18 years now. Even my brothers are quite taken with him (one of my brothers has even entered the world of bodybuilding, and looks like a younger, minature version of Arnold himself ;-) ).

It was my fascination with Arnold and my admiration for his focus and determination that actually propelled me into my lifestyle of fitness! A few years later, after getting a look at Linda Hamilton in T2 :eek: (the best film ever made, in my opinion ;-) ) I was propelled to enter the world of resistance training (before that I was only aerobic-oriented).

Anyway -- don't mean to ramble on so much, I'm just very excited for him and his family right now; I wish him the best of luck -- this will not be easy for him . . . .
I agree- I voted for him. Obviously he has self-discipline which is a good trait in a leader.
I kind of admire Arnold myself as far as the whole muscle building thing goes and he has some pretty good movies out there. Kindergarten Cop is one of my favorites. Of course, he did use steroids to get that muscle so that turns me off a bit. I also have a hard time with people being elected to office based purely on the fact that they are a famous actor or media darling. However, in the end he'll probably end up not doing any better or worse than some so-called "professional" politician would have done.
I got quite a kick out of all of these women coming out of the woodwork after all of these years with the "Arnold groped me" stories. And also the arguments about how it was as bad as, or worse, than what Clinton did with Monica. (Clinton's was WAY worse by the way.) Politics is such a sordid business and in the end common people like us still will get screwed no matter how many promises are made.
Good luck with that one California.
I'm still not sure what I think of Arnold in politics, but hey, if the people don't like him, they can just oust him and elect someone else. I think the entire recall election is a sad concept to start with.
trevor --

I know what you mean, and I understand your comments.

As far as the steriod use goes, I agree that it wasn't the best thing for him to do, but he used them during a time when they were not illegal, the health ramifications weren't fully known, and they were administered to him under a doctor's supervision. Additionally, he didn't use them constantly. Whereas today, steriods are illegal, but they are rampant throughout the bodybuilding industry. As you can see, many of the successful bodybuilders of today look fake and puffed up too much (as a result of those steriods); whereas Arnold (though huge at the height of his bodybuilding days) and other bodybuilders of that time looked more natural because it was gained naturally, through use of strict eating, workout schedules, and supplements.

Hopefully, Arnold will prove himself once he enters office. He will have a hard time ahead of him. But Arnold has been scoffed at his entire life, from the time he wanted to conquer the bodybuilding world, to the time he wanted to conquer movies, but he is very smart (don't be fooled by the accent) and has tremendous drive and focus. He has a great family (a terrific wife in Maria), and he is determined to try to do the best for the people of his state. He has a big heart and loves to help people.

Arnold's been interested and involved in politics throughout his life, so he's not entering this completely clueless. (And remember, Reagan was scoffed at too, but he was a brilliant man, and in my opinion, one of our greatest presidents.) Arnold went to college and got a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, and he has been savvy in financial matters. His first million was made when he was only about 21 or so -- and that was money made on operating his own business, wise investments, and sound financial strategies, not just on bodybuilding winnings!

The reporting of the "Arnold groped me" stories were so transparent (sp?), it was disgusting. Many of the stories were blown so out of propotion, and many others were simply lies. And you are right -- there was absolutely NO comparison between Arnold and Clinton. Clinton was far, far worse. Arnold's behavior was during his bachelor days, and was actually not even to the extent that was reported by the media. The L.A. Times had a direct and clear bias against him and decided they would try to take him down. They were in no way engaging in true journalism. Funny that they have been sitting on a detrimental (sp?) story about Davis for YEARS, but did they ever print that? No, of course not. I think that many of the votes for Arnold were a backlash reaction against the L.A. Times. (In their attempt to falsely influence as many people as they could, the L.A. Times was even handing out FREE papers when they were printing all that bull about Arnold -- completely disgusting.)

Anyway, I do wish him and California all the best!!!! If I lived there, I would have voted for him, but at least my brother (who transferred over there because of his service in the Air Force) was able to vote for The Terminator!!!! :7
I voted for him, as well. :)

I have to share a day dream I had this morning as I was getting ready for work. I hope he comes down and participate in the San Diego Food Bank this holiday season. My company supports the food bank and a group of us volunteer there one day a week. Last holiday season, Bustamante came down (he was terrible; bossed everyone around and didn't care about our opinions....definitely reflected that during the debate).

Anyway, back to my day dream. I had a day dream that Arnold came down to help out with the food bank. I came up to him asking if he would sign my roommate's copy of his body building book. (His book is wonderful and my roommate and I still reference it periodically.) Of course, he signed it for me. ;)

I'm always sceptical about actors in politics, as I'm not sure if the masses know how to distinguish the actor from the politician, and aren't voting as "fans". Let's hope not. I hope Arnold does well. He's sure to be better than some of the other 135 (!!!) candidates!
I believe that Arnold will do just fine in office. Perhaps his service won't be legendary just because he is, but then again, you have no idea what time will bring.

I think you have just as good of a chance, if not better, of getting a good leader out of "an actor" as you do out of "a politian". The term "politician" doesn't equate to any kind of guarantee.

And I would feel more comfortable having a man in office that already has his millions... just like he said himself, he doesn't need to take special interest bribes, he has all the money he needs. We also know more about him than we do any politician, because he's lived the last 30 years in the spotlight; there's really not too much left to hide :)

I'm definitely routing for him!

lorrayne --

Maybe he will! Of course, I'm sure he'll be extremely BUSY the next several months trying to straighten up California's situation over there. This is when I wish I was a California resident!

The first things that come to mind when I think of California is: sunshine, beaches, and Arnold!;-)

All the best to your state --

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