Y'all will understand


My DVDs are scheduled to arrive today. At the time I preordered, we were preparing to move and I was switching jobs, so I didn't know what my work or home address would be. I decided to have the DVDs shipped to my Mom's since we live in the same metro area.

So, last week I call her and tell her they're coming and that they'll be delivered next Tuesday. She says, "OK. I'll bring them to church with me Wednesday night and hand them off to you." My husband got a good laugh when I repeated this to him. Of course, I said, "No, Mom. As soon as the UPS man arrives, you'll have to call me at work, 'cuz I'm comin' to get 'em!":7

OH!!! My DVDs will be here today and nobody will be home!!!!! I forgot!!! I don't want them on my porch all day!! :eek:
Ha! Angela~I can just picture you in the church audio department asking them if you can borrow their DVD player! Have FUN once you get them in your mitts!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Unfortunately, the UPS man had still not arrived at my parents when it was time for me to leave work. If I don't leave on time, I face terrible traffic trying to get out of town, so I had to go home without them.;(

I was planning on trying Legs and Glutes, so I pulled out good ol' Meaner Legs instead. Hadn't done that one in a while and it liked to killed me.

Because of church tonite, Wednesday is my day off, so the new workouts will have to wait until tomorrow. Bummer.

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