Good early *&%!@ morning. I hate the start of daylight savings time.
Christiane....Do you change your clocks for DST in Europe? You're so close to finishing Round 1! If you're not sure what to do after the X, well, you can always do Round 2! Are you going to try the new Plus workouts? I think IntervalX+ might be nicer on your back than PlyoX. The plus weight workouts are wonderful. Someone on the open discussion described them thus: they won't build overall muscle mass, but they do require strength to do them. I agree with that. They've got more of a functional strength feel to them, rather than out and out lifting to build muscle mass.
Tracy....I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who finds all this fitness information contradictory. I think I found a solution: my fat loss rotation that I mocked up ages ago is very similar to the modified Feb '08 rotation. If I add a cardio session to Saturday's Feb '08 rotation, I'll have essentially the same thing, but with heavy lifting included (which I really enjoy). So, I think I'll do that. My week will have 4 cardio sessions, of varied lengths and intensities, one endurance/functional fitness lifting session, and one round of heavy weight split sessions (GS and SH). Plus core 3x a week. If the snow keeps melting as fast as it is, I might be able to add a Saturday run back into my week (Cardio Coach! Yay!). That should keep me happy. That was a really nice low-impact cardio session you did yesterday. How does your back handle all the straight leg kicking that's in one of the LIC blasts?
Debra....Are you doing SH Tri and Bi's today, too? I've thought about your extra 2 pounds, and honestly can't think of an answer. It doesn't make sense that if you haven't changed your eating, and you've done a lean rotation, that you gained 2 pounds of anything: muscle or fat! I'd have thought that at the very least you'd lose a pound or two of muscle, since you were lifting heavy before that. How long have these 2 pounds been hanging around? Is it possible that you're holding onto more water, since you cut your kidney medication? SH only moved too slow for me this week because I went into PMS Power Mode on Friday, and had waaay too much energy for SH!! I started taking fish and flax oil yesterday and by the end of the day was feeling much more settled. I think I need to focus on eating for mood regulation. At Traci's recommendation I bought Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom yesterday, and found another book called The Ultimate Omega 3 Diet. I think they'll both be very helpful.
Wendy....Did you see that? Traci put us each in a corner. We got in trouble

Ooooh, I have Platemates. They're ridiculously expensive, but invaluable when doing heavy weight training. Are you still doing a pull/chin up when you walk into your bedroom? That was a good point you made about bulking up being water weight (see? I can play nice). I'd forgotten about that. My understanding of STS is that they will be providing some kind of structured guideline as to what/how much cardio to add in. I'm guessing it will be something like "Monday: Hight Intensity cardio of choice: eg. Imax. I love that we have flexibility of choice in that regard. I'm more likely to stick with it if I can modify it to suit my mood that day.
Traci....How's the head today? Your cardio yesterday sounds fun, and intense! Core Cardio didn't come with my 10MT, darn it all. I really wanted that one. Are the moves similar to Core Syn? Have fun at the baby shower today. How do you know the expectant parents? Friends? Relatives? Expecting a new baby was such an exciting time in my life; I wish I could be expectant without having to raise a child LOL!!
Kim....I am beyond jealous that you have friends with which to run (is that more grammatically correct than saying "friends to run with"?). I see women running in a pack and wish I could join along. I have one friend who attempts to start a running program every so often, but refuses to workout with me. I think she feels self-conscious about her fitness level. I really like the new set. Of course, when I'm working out I barely look at the screen or seem to notice these things, so it really doesn't matter. The only set I've really objected to is one of Christi Taylor's, where she has balloons all over the place. Balloons belong at a children's b-day party, not in an exercise video for grown women. Yes, I'm anti-balloon for grown ups. Call me a sour puss, if you must.
Nicole....Your sister may be a size 4, but I'm sure her innards are inflammed and hardening like a rock from all her saturated fat intake

. That's what I tell myself when I see skinny people eating crap. It makes me feel better.
Jeanette....How are you feeling today? Any improvement in the war on germs? You're extremely sensitive to salt, aren't you? When DH seasons meat, does he use lots of salt? How'd your Friday night dinner go over, with your parents and Grandma? I love it that Grandma's got the munchies now. Check out my response to Tracy, above, about my fat loss rotation. If you want to see more, I can email you the detailed 4 week rotation. I probably spend over 60 mins per workout, a few times a week, though, and I have no official rest day. I'm taking that as it comes.
Well, I'd best go do SH Bi's and Tri's. Then I'm going to practice the first 2 combos of Amy B's first Advanced Step Challenge, on just the step top. We've got a day of socializing planned, so I've got to do this first thing, or it won't get done. Have a great day!