Hey Ladies – Sorry for disappearing I’ll update you all where I am as time efficiently as possible……
Sandys been really sick off & on for 14 days so DH & I & I finally took her to vet- I was avoiding it as I didn’t think she’d be coming home PLUS other than constant vomiting she acted fine so I was hoping she just “ate something”….. She has an intestinal issue that is making her vomit all liquids & food within about 3 hours of consumption but her stools are normal (what little she has had) … Dr did blood work last night and ruled out kidney/ liver failure which would have been an automatic resolution- We are trying a round of ¼ cup rice with antibiotics every 4 hours (yes around the clock) to see if it’s a parasite that we can force out…. If we go thru all that and once antibiotics are done (5 days) she starts vomiting again then the only thing to do are X-rays & biopsies…. DH and I agreed last night that X-rays we would do but nothing invasive so …… Overall I guess my bad karma & challenging days prior to this were in feeling like I was going to lose Sandy right now- I thought I had my emotions under control but 14 days of cleaning carpets everyday and thinking we were at the end took/has taken its toll…. Bottom line is I have 5 days ahead of 24/7 care with her feeding (fighting the 2 boys every time she gets to eat & they don’t…) and still having to stay prepared that I could lose her. I feel horrid- there is a part of me that so wishes it had just all been over last night as DH and I were together and as prepared as one can get. I’m trying to live in the moment so I can stop having bouts of crying …. I’m just a mess around here!
Believe it or not I’m on target this week and even snuck in a Glute Camp (The Parts Series)… I may get off schedule today as I have my rescheduled hair appointment at 10 that I am going to go to come he)) or high water…X Lives on in spite of life………
Shoulder/Bicep/ Elbow/Wrist/Fore Arm pain! LOL Started using a product called “Super Blue Stuff” and I tell ya it’s a miracle… It’s a natural lotion/gel and is for
Joint pain as well as muscle pain… within 5-10 minutes I feel virtually pain free! Ingredients: Active Menthol, 11 Natural Herbs, MSM & Emu Oil. I highly recommend it!!!
Check it out ladies… Tracey’s new Feb 08 Series… Look down the page at the kickboxing dude!
On Wendys address- Didn’t you road trippers exchange address info?????? Cough it up! I can’t cross “Mail Xmas Cards” off List til I get her address! *on knees pleading*
I am going to keep a low profile around the board for a week til I get the Sandy issues resolved and can focus more …. Thanks for concern & caring- I just have too much on my plate with the round the clock care to sit at the computer much…My mind cant hold a thought longer than a few seconds… You all know the feeling… Walk into a room, forget what you were doing so you start a little project and leave the room for a sec and same thing occurs in a another part of house… Three guesses what my house looks like after 2 weeks of this manic behavior. ~ I’m glad I only have 2 in person clients between now & holiday to keep up with…
Glad you are taking a recovery week! Congratulations all you have accomplished with your health & fitness in 2007! Ou are an inspiration & role model for many of us.
Carol: Round 1
Continued “At-A Girl”s for X accomplishments… I think the one thing all of us agreed on last time was week one was just a way to get your bearings… Week 2 was the ability to really push yourself. I think that people that “sell Tony” after week one just really didn’t understand that concept. You are going to be an X Star!
Lea: Round 2
Where have you been my dear???? Hope all is well in your world. Has Tommys job been affected yet with writers strike??? I pray for you guys everyday…. I heard some ladies talking yesterday about the strike like its all about the wealthy actors & actresses… TRUST ME- I told them how narrow their view was & that the entire world operates on a bigger picture than what is presented. LOL- Yes I went crazy psycho on those ladies!
Don’t think in my stupor that I didn’t notice the LOVE MACHINE on your bus! Add a cheerleader in leopard pumps and you have a Sex-Mobile! Congrats on getting so very much accomplished the last few days!! You are FOCUSED! ^5!
Jeanette: Round 2
I think you’re home tonight… WELCOME HOME!!!! I cant recall with this scattered mind what you were doing but I think it was work related…. I hope all went smoothly and you are safe & sound in front of your stove.
Nicole: Round 2
I so wanna be your Meez right now! Thanks for the chuckles!!! I hope you are feeling rejuvenated after your girls day out. ~ Gingerbread Slave??? Tell him that went out with one of the wars I think??? LOL Maybe to DH it’s a romantic gesture????? BTW: YES its FINE to lay in the sun in December!!! What do you think those Floridians do???? –Do it FOR ME!!! We had a cold front come in Monday- our highs are only in the 50’s- that’s a frigid climate to Houstonians! -- How is it that you have 2 different Meez’s on yesterday’s board??? I’m confused!!! I like (feel like actually) the standing one! VERY VERY happy your back is on the mend!!! Take continued care with it.
Swifty XX
Happy holidays--- Let us know when you officially start round 3 – Doesn’t sound like you ever stopped tho! LOl
TeddyGirl: Round 1
I am so proud of you for completing day 2 of X!!!!! You can do it!!! You and I are A LOT alike…. Don’t think of it as a HAVE TO or you will be a little rebel… Think of it as “Today I GET to do _____.” As long as I feel like its my choice themn I have no issues… XXOOXXOO
Laurie: Round 3
Sounds like you are rolling right along with Round 3- Is it just easier mentally after round 2??? Are you checking BB daily for ordering news???
Maybe you and I should meet “in the middle” for some chakra clearing and a deep breath or 2??? Take care!
Sandra: Round 2
Sweet Sandra – getting play date invites all over the place! Thse sure sound a little to “adult” for kids! Oh I could use some warm homemade spup today!!! I am afraid to go into the kitchen as a couple of days ago I left the area while some egg whites were cooking and forgot once I got to laundry room…. Near disaster! Didn’t share that one with Wendell! ROF and rolling my eyes on AT&T losing service. That’s our NEW company!!!!!!!! Go figure!!! LOL Should be all hooked up on Friday…. The Dish Cable guys showed up unexpectedly on Monday and took FOUR HOURS to set up the cable part of the package…. On my knees praying that Fridays phone/ DSL takes 1/3 that! ~ Your workout looks BRUTAL yesterday! Was it 2 hours of actual work??????? Whats wrong with you woman???
Get back here & post your crazy life woman…. If I can share mine you can share yours…. MISS YOU SWEETIE!
Miss you terribly!!!! Your Xmas card envelope sits all by its little self with no address!!!!
Ok my dear friends... I must get re-focused and accomplish SOMETHING in this house before heading out for Hair Day... I'll take the camera and have my hairdresser shoot a pic of what it has the potential to look like every day- we all know I'll never fuss enough with it to get it like that again!
I love each of you and appreciate you being here. XXOOXOXO