}( }( }( AF ARRIVED LAST NIGHT!!! }( }( }(
No word from
Nicole;( many many many prayers going to So. Ca today
No wonder you didnt check in woman! Is that the SAME hospital you work at? I'd be appalled! There must be some e-room protocol...Once when I was having my fibroid issues I had to go to emergency.. I told them I was scheduled for surgery in a week ... My ob told me that all they did was check me for STD's and give me pain meds.... She said SOP is that all female abdominal pain is e-room treated as STD! I was appalled and pretty pi**ed off! What if something had ruptured! ANYWAY- just goes to show you that we have strayed from real healthcare. I am so sorry that you & Dave had to go thru all that. {{{{{{{{{huggers}}}}}}}}
Super busy day for you again- take a breather today! Glad you got so much accomplished! ~:+ the pink DB's - my 3's thru 9's are all flourescent colors... LOVE how pretty they make my w/o room! ~:7 on 4DS arriving!! Cant wait to haer which you'll be doing first!
Well just look at the skinny size "1" loving, forgiving self of yours! What a day you had! to be skinny and holy all at the same time? YES - you are blessed!

~ Your post absolutely had me in stitches about your subject matter for the kids at church. I must say life is a series of
"No way Ray's" What will we do without our resident humourist?
I LOVED the 4DS Tri work... I wish I could have attempted all of the moves but all in good time...matter of fact my arms and calves are more DOM-Y today than Monday.~ Do you see Chiropractors? My DH swears by them when his back goes out about every 4 month. Some people dont believe in them but I see his pain relieved after 2 days. ~ :+ on critters! Ya know St Francis of Assisi had the same issue;-) ~ ya gonna share about this "friend"... or are ya haring on a need to know basis? :*
Hope you dinner was extra special last night. Really - do you realize how utterly rare it is these day? Much joy!~ I imagine you will w/o for 3 hours today to catch up from a little day off! }(
PHASE 3????? HIGH 5

~ LOL on "performing" better with audience- MEEEE TOOOOO! ~Thanks for the kind words... I can say that the group here makes me want to be a better person in all facets of life. I read other check-in posts once in a blue moon and they just dont have the same synergy-LUV our group :* My Dh & I are opposites as well and I do find that we are both SLOWLY becoming more balanced... made for some interesting fireworks in "discussions" tho!
}( ~ On your certification/PT Questions: I was only working about 6 hours a day (volunteer work) while I was in Study mode. The thing I found is that the greater base of your overall fitness/physiological knowledge the less study time there is. For me it was the medical names /anatomy that took me a very long time to learn (& created stress) all the other parts of it flowed easier. I did 50% of my studying in early AM hours and 50% on our bay weekends while Wendell was out fishing & I had pure peace & quiet. - AFPA allowed 3 month so that was actually plenty of time- I did it even with MANY days of procrastination vs study time.

I intentionally made (& still am keeping) a NO GOALS for the business end. My primary objective was to do something I loved (my hobby) using god-given talents that were marketable IF I ever found I HAD to go back to work - also needed it to be versatile to any part of the country as life is uncertain. The actual business has developed more from a lets do a few marketing things (not expensive at all) and see what happens. ~ I have been a Corporate Americal Type A junkie since I was 17 and taken under the wings of the male dominated industry... I wanted to avoid the HIGHS I got from 60 hr weeks and head-spinning paychecks... Its adrug to me that took 4 years to detox from- there was no way I was going near it again at this point in my life/marriage. ~ Arent ya glad you asked?:7
Still hoping news on car is easy on the pocketbook! You deserve a break! :* I have Slo Mo on order too! It does look good and Amy is always creative with exercises. :+ Cant believe you mentioned wigs! I have ben thinking that if I ever have so much $$ I just dont know what to do with - I want WIGS! I want short.long, mid and in all colors & styles! I'd LOVE THAT! :7
Laurie~:+ on DD & Dance! THE LOOK just wasnt enough eh? Where are your F&S words? LOL ~ I just crack up with the entire States DMV/DPS depts! I want o know which top bozo we elected to be in charge? Talk about a dept DESIGNED to infuriate normal folks! Thank goodness I only have to go once every 10 years (otherwise its via mail).
I think thats it ladies... Cheryl - MISS YOU, Sandra - I SEE YOU PEEKING!, Lea - Feel better soon, Nicole- again, we are all puling for you, Carol - hope you are well..... I hope I didnt mis any Xer... May today be peaceful to all!
:* :* :* :* :*
ETA: OMG I have a lot of typos- sorry!!!!
TRACY: TOO COOL on the gifts!!!!! VERY cool since both you and DH got out of shopping! - You guys just keep coming up with all the WHY HAVE CHILDREN reasons dont ya?! CONGRATS!!!!!