RE: Xers Wishful
I'm going for personals this time!!
Traci....So share: do you have mirrors up?? Did Wendell snore again tonight? Is the shoulder still crabbing at you? So you enjoyed torturing your legs today, did you? I think Cathe looks like she's truly having a blast in all of the Body Blast workouts. I think that's why they're my favourite. Ooh whoo! I'll bet your client thinks long and hard about missing a workout again! And you get paid for being so sadistic? Amazing! Thanks for the link to the muscle-page. Yet another excellent site that I've bookmarked.
Tracy....That cold is still giving you grief? It's so annoying when they drag on like that. I have a ball of phlegm sitting in my upper chest, and it made a noticeable difference in my workouts these last couple of days.
Wendy....So, what are we naming this tape worm of yours? I think the dvd that came with the high step is High Step Circuit? Not sure. Cathe filmed Basic Step, High Step Circuit, and High Step Training Advanced at the same time. HSTA is a more advanced version of HSCircuit. But HSCircuit is still a nice workout. Yes, it's another of my pregnancy workouts LOL! Hey, did you ever give us the full story about why you didn't bring home a new baby? How did your suitcase full of charity goods go over in Thailand? Did your mother and sister come home with you?
Laurie....A weekend post from you! The kids must be busy with other stuff. Awwww, a new toy for you to play with! Are you having fun with the new computer? Those burgers sound delicious. I love portobello mushrooms.
Debra....I ask the same question when I go into DD's bathroom. Kids today! What can you do? Congratulations on doing a headstand!! When I try, I usually wind up just yelling "timberrrrr!" and crashing to the ground.
Nicole....I wonder what self-indulgent delights you're doing for yourself tonight? If I were you, I'd be changing the locks

Now that you've done the X+ workouts a number of time, are you still loving them? Salt bloat is only temporary, so unless you're entering a physique competition this week, what's the harm of having a reasonable portion?
Jeanette....I love how you're embracing this lower body work! Have you got yourself as convinced as you're trying to sound?
Christiane....I'll get the cake pics on my Picture Trail hopefully on Sunday. A phone call tonight wound up rearranging the rest of my weekend. I think DH will just be taking the older DD skiing with the friends tomorrow. I'm sorry to miss out on the skiing (I'm a big fan), but relieved not to have to chase DD#2 around the lodge for a few hours. My, I commend you for your perseverence in the face of adversity!
So, which one of you is responsible for my AF coming an entire week early?? Hmmmm? 'Fess up! Who started on Thursday? I didn't appreciate the v-day gift!
Well, I was hoping to do a better job of catching up than this, but I just can't stay awake any longer. I'll be back tomrorrow to do better.
'Night night!