Xers.....Tuesday....Another Tuesday.....

First & Foremost- LEA!!!!!!!!! I’m doing jump kicks (maybe not exactly jump kicks… more like toe taps cuz I’m tired!) I’m so darned happy to have you back!

General Stuff
Back for some mid day chat – I am so tired I cant keep myself focused! These PM training clients make me hyper til wee hours of AM yet I still get up at 4….LORDY! I NEED RICH STAY AT HOME CLIENTS!

So far only cranked out SH Back- not sure Tony will get to do me today and StrikeZone may be pushed to tomorrow… WHO KNOWS at this point!


[i ]AMY[/i]
We are all here to support you… I know that I couldn’t be so restricted on food but it seems to have enough healthy components to it- Go for it until you feel like not then DON’T! ha!

[i ]Lea-X[/i]
did I say how happy I am that you are back?

[i ]Debra X:[/i]
YEAH on the new route! Hope it was car fume free!!!! I always laugh- I use to run this BEAUTIFUL woodsy 3 mile lop- only prob was about ¼ mile of it was next to most god-awful traffic zone! LOL…. BTW- I saw the cleaning fairies over at Lea’s!

[i ]JEANETTE-X[/i]:
You did one of my fav w/o’s today! Too much fun!! ROF Prison Priest… for some reason it struck me as funny….think I’m delirious today. My sessions are 60 minutes… that’s PLENTY of time to wear me out! Having nothing but new clients makes the intensity for me pretty great… I think some of that will ease up once each client understands the form/focus etc…. Walking the golf course? OH MY! That will be FABULOUS exercise!

[i ]CHERYL[/i]
I think you’re right about non-serious people making me crazy…. I think that’s true of any field tho- I like to laugh / have fun etc… but its all about respecting my time I think… I have never done well working with slackers… Somehow I think you’re the same way! GREAT RUN!!! You seem to be feeling so strong since R/T!

[i ]NICOLE-X[/i]:
Oh yet another great w/o going on today! I just love this last series and all its premixes…too much fun!

[i ]TRACY-X[/i]
Looking forward to more "war" stories tonight!

[i ]SANDRA-X[/i]
I shall never ever ever be the reason you don’t do floor work! One of us has to do it! Little Ms Social these days… Gosh you get out of the house so much more than I do! I want to come play with your friends!!! LOL on my client roster… My nights are already filled… I am working 3 nights – 1 is reserved for DH and then its Friday- I am doing an ad specifically for Morning & Day appointments… HOPEFULLY it will be ready for Sept 12th magazine deadline.

[i ]WENDY-X[/i]
CONGRATS on picking a rotation- CONGRATS on ordering GS Legs! – CONGRATS on surviving school! What an impressive week for you!!!!! Happy DS Birthday! I’m sure its difficult for mom to be away from her boy…. Bless you both. LOL on spending my bacon- already spent…had to go by vets office today! Your accomplishments as a first yr teacher are VERY impressive! Who cares if the kid hates you forever and needs to see a shrink for her passive-aggressive anger directed at the world at large? On my PT- I think it wont happen til after first of year- I just gotta get myself established a bit first so I know I can do it for at least 6 months…. It will be my 45th year present to myself!

ROF- Well if nothing else Mr Teddy Ted gets you a real life outside of work! YEAH! Great w/o- walk and shopping! StrikeZone AND LIC? WTH???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ROF about “needing” to know what I had last nights gal do! You DO NOT need my little old workouts girl!
BB Squats (reg & low ends)
Double Leg Wall Squats
Tonys 3 way calf raises on step topper for depth
Leg Presses w/ Med Ball
Hamstring pulls on ball with ankle weights
Core throws with med. Ball inclined on stability ball
Tonys Grouch Walk for 2 minutes in LOW stance
Horse Stance Cross Body Punches
Tonys ISO Toe Rolls
Jump Ups on step & Riser
Leg Lifts with ankle weights on ball
Tonys Run Stance Squats
Bonus Lunges (elevated back leg)

[i ]LAURIE-XX[/i]
Goodness- you’re doing the w/o that drives me crazy! I don’t like PLB just because of all the wt changes on the BB…. But then again it could just be that I don’t like squatting that much to change them! Adding sneaky lunges into your week I see! Good XX’er! When you get L&L give me a holler and we’ll do a kittle Baron day!

Ok I am officially ready for a nap! Hugs to all
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Lea.........so glad you are back!

You surely didn't have to ask to come back.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We are so glad to have you.

How are you? What about the boys?

>[i ]TEDDYGIRL[/i]
>ROF- Well if nothing else Mr Teddy Ted gets you a real life
>outside of work! YEAH! Great w/o- walk and shopping!
>StrikeZone AND LIC?
>WTH???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ROF

Yep! I NEEDED to know, thank you! Ooh we, she got her monies worth:D I'm wondering how her legs are feeling right bout now:p Good job:)

Come on now, LIC and SZone, they work Reeeal Gooood together:+ and besides, look who's talking with that kick butt leg workout you did that's awesome work :7
Hi there ladies...gonna try to spend a few minutes catching up. I keep thinking that today is Monday. Since I didn't get back until yesterday afternoon, its like Monday never existed! So I am already behind. And I have a day at the pool planned tomorrow with a friend...so there's another day shot! Oh, well....what's a girl to do? LOL!

Let's see...got my bike ride in today...and yes, Jeanette, got my mirror on right...only took me about 5 minutes this time instead of 30! Still don't have the odometer working...but I figured out what is wrong with it just need a new part to get it on right. Anyhoo...had a great ride...a full hour...one of my longest yet! Lots of small hills with a couple of pretty big ones thrown in...with lots of flat land to recover in between. And much less traffic on those roads. I felt better about my posture today too. I have been trying not to keep my shoulders shrugged so much..apparently that has become a bit of a habit for me. I guess I need to work on those postural muscles, hunh? Tomorrow will be SH back and chest and then Thursday will be yoga...Then I finally start my next week in this rotation...so it will be back to Gym Styles after that.

A few quick personals.....

Traci...Those darn fairies are never where I need them! I am biking on country 2 lane roads, so I am always blocking traffic since everyone around here has a HUGE pickup truck and they are usually towing something! Sounds like your client got a great leg workout last night...Was she begging for mercy when you were done with her?? I am glad you are clicking with her, though. I know that the connection has to be there for any real progress to be made.

Nicole...LOVE the new avatar! Your DH is a cutie and you have such a great smile! Yes, I am glad I got away for the weekend....it would have been super relaxing except that my DH (or whatever I should call him now) pounded me with text messages all weekend and we had a big blowout on Sunday...but at least I was with my BFF so she could give me hugs! DD missed me some...by Sunday night she was ready for me to be home...but then last night when I was putting her to bed she asked if she could stay with Nana again this weekend! LOL! It seems you have a bit of a following with your rotations!

Wendy...Hope you have fun on your ride this weekend. So sorry your baby is away on his bday! This must be really tough on you. Glad you are back in the saddle again with school. I admire you for having the patience to teach your kids. I would get too frustrated!

Teddygirl...Well, you must have really worn out Mr. T if he slept through your workout. LOL! Have fun shopping!

Lea...Waving wildly again!!!

Sandra...I really like the music in LoMax too...It always makes me smile and I end up enjoying the workout a lot. Hope you guys had fun today with the youngsters...Your oldest DD starts school next week, is that right? DD is doing well in school so far...thanks for asking. She has made a few friends, and I don't hear nearly as much about her old friends in Illinois. I hope the work gets a bit more challenging for her, though. I don't know if they kind of start them off slow so they can gain some confidence, but she is not doing anything remotely challenging yet. We have a parents night on Thursday, so hopefully I will find out a bit more then.

Laurie...Glad you had a nice evening with your family. Last weekend of the faire is coming up, right? I know you guys enjoy it, but it must be nice to have your weekends to do whatever you want again!

Cheryl...Hope you are staying super busy with work. I know you can get your eating back in line...it makes you feel bad when you're off for a day or 2 though, doesn't it?

Jeanette...Have fun golfing tonight...I guess if you're the priest at a prison you have to have a good sense of humor! Gosh...I hadn't even thought about crazy dogs. I guess I'll have to add that to my pouch...although, I didn't see any out and about today...just cows and goats...and mini mules, of course. Overall, not a vicious group of critters..lol! I did see a woodchuck the other day, but he was running pretty fast...really fast for a woodchuck!

Amy..Good luck with the new eating plan. Maybe that is what you need to kick start your weight loss. I wish you nothing but the best. I do think it's good to lower your cardio a bit and keep up with the heavy weights...I guess that's because that is what works for me..so why shouldn't it work for everyone...LOL!!

Tracy...Interesting thought on the barbells for chest...Hadn't thought of it like that, but you're right...I can definitely lift more with bbs as opposed to dbs. Thanks for the thought! I am settled with my decisions...I just don't think my DH (or whatever) is....but like you said, time will heal it all. Sorry your assistant isn't the greatest...or at least, not the fastest...LOL about your repair guy!

Let's see...waving to Swifty, Jenn and Carol! I think that catches me up!! Oh..and if anyone has a great abbreviation for a DH who is no longer darling, but not quite an ex, I would appreciate it..LOL!


we do not remember days....
we remember moments
--Cesare Pavese

Hi Y'all!!!! I was going to wait until tomorrow to respond to all of your sweet hello's and welcome backs, but I just couldn't. THANK YOU everyone.

Let's see. I went on my one week trip to the retreat months ago and it has changed my life. I am now a raw foodist and am inspired to learn how to prepare the food and become a raw food chef. I put my cat down a few weeks ago. The poor thing just wasn't taking to the insulin and we decided that we didn't want to put her through any more pain and suffering. So that is sad, obviously. I still work out. Was working out with Tony, but went back east and cut all working out and eating good out. So now I am easing back to the working out with Cathe(I actually did Imax 3 today). Oh yeah, I still wear my Xer shirt proudly cause I love you guyz:).

Traci X - My gal. I am soooo happy that you are doing so well. You are my inspiration. Thank you.

Sandra X - I am waving hello to you. Hows my Canadian girl?

Debra X - Love your Meez. Too cute. And the pictures. Fahbulous dahling!! I'm waving widly back:*. What's up with the DH???

Tracy X - Love your avatar. What handsome looking boys. Men, I mean. My little guys are doing really well. My older one just started 1st grade and my little one is still staying home with me until I shove him off to school next year. They are definately a blessing though. Thank you for asking.

Nicole - Hi there. Yes, what a handsome hubby you have. Your in SD? I am in Burbank. I travel to San Diego and awful lot. Probably should move there. But thank you for the hello. Looking forward to getting to know you.

Wendy - Wah ha ha ha ha. I enjoy the dark side:+. Have you had any more kids while I was away????

Teddygirl - Why thank you for the hello. Hello back at ya!! I have to catch up on your love life. Looks very interesting........

Jeanette X - I just have to say hello to you. How have you been? How is the bike riding going? How is the family?????? I am glad that you are still around on the forums.

Hi to anyone else I might have missed.

Ok, I have to stop waving now. My arm is about to fall off. Better get back to working out with Tony. Jeeze.

Lea (X)
Tracy- I forgot to tell you earlier that the straps I got were the straight ones, no hooks, that you wrap around the wrist then loop around the BB. I am looking forward to trying them out this week.
Hi! We're back from a full day outdoors, and I just spent a good chunk of time reading all your posts. Busy chats today!

LEAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU!!!!!!!!!! You're a raw foodist now?? WTF?! I go vegan, so you have to trump me and go RAW?! lol! So tell me, what's a typical day's eating for you? What does the rest of the family eat?

I came home with an extra 6 year old kid. He's staying until tomorrow evening. Did I mention that I'm also babysitting a set of 6 year old twins tomorrow? Yes, I'm looking forward to school starting next week.

I'm tired and out of time. I'm going to finish up the shopping list, take the kids to Swiss Chalet for dinner, then we're aaaaallllll going grocery shopping. If I don't check in tomorrow.....I'm just tired. I'll dig out eventually.

DebraX, How about SO.((in)Significant Other) I see that one a lot and if it get's real bad you could add a B at the end or an I at the beginning:p Glad you got your bike ride in and that it was a good one! Thanks for the compliments on the new avatar. I hardly get my DH in a picture that he isn't doing something silly. His mom was taking it and told him to take his finger out of his nose and do a serious picture for once:D Have fun at the pool, I'm headed there tomorrow:)

Traci-X, Take a nap!!!


Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
Miss Sandra X - you better believe it baby. I am raw. So I dig in the ground and eat my food. Just kidding. I make almond milk at home and put raw cacao nibs and powder in it with banana, agave nectar, maca powder(that kind of smells), goji berries, cinammon,etc. for breakfast. Usually eat a salad for lunch and have a green smoothie for dinner. Aren't you glad you asked.
I actually do cook for my kids, but am trying to get them off of dairy, sugar and any junk food and the oldest one does not want to eat meat anymore. I wonder who influenced that one.....hmmmmmm....

But you are vegan now??? Hooray! Hoorah. Good for you. Have you read Skinny Bitch yet? You might get a kick out of that one :).

Sorry you are so tired. I definately would not want to be in your position. Get some sleep girlie. Talk to you soon.

Lea X


"In order to have something, you must first be something" - Goethe
Sandra, dear woman....God bless your sweet tired heart. I can't believe you are going to try to go to the grocery store tomorrow! My prayers are with you...good luck.

Nicole...I'll keep in mind ISO...that may work...although he's still pretty significant so far...but that will fade in time. I always think of SO as a boyfriend or something like that.

Lea...My dear..So glad to see you!! You look GREAT! Glad to see you looking happy in your avatar! Raw, hunh? I think that is great! You have always been really healthy in your eating. And good for you for getting through Imax3...I always struggle through that one. As for DH...it is an incredibly long story...but to shorten extremely, he and I are separated...which I just have to add, I am completely okay with at this point. He is still working in Russia and luckily, I won't have to see him until October....although I get emails and texts frequently. I have also moved since we last chatted, and DD and I are living in North Carolina now...much closer to family and friends. I am happy for the first time in a long while. So glad to have you back in the fold.

Okay...gotta head to bed....I have to get up a little early to shave all of those parts that I usually don't have to...but I am heading to the pool no matter what! I probably won't have time to check in until at least tomorrow afternoon...maybe not until tomorrow evening. I have some errands to run after the pool...and, of course, at some point I have to get in my workout! Hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow!!!


we do not remember days....
we remember moments
--Cesare Pavese

Wow, what a chatty bunch today! The golf game with the prison priest was good. He gave me a few tips that helped and I actually hit a few balls that didn't take the heads off of worms. It also didn't take 3 hours like last time to play 9 holes. It was enjoyable and good exercise walking the 9 holes. I'm looking forward to my golf class when it starts on the 11th of Sept. Will probably play with another friend next Thursday afternoon.

Amy, I very briefly checked out TNation. I was a bit intimidated with all the guys and muscle stuff. Will have to check out the Muscle Sorority forum. When do you start the new Velocity diet? I say go for it.

Cheryl, so nice for you to get to ride with a friend. I love to bike with others. More fun than by myself.

Laurie, you aren't the only bad housekeeper. I finally did those dishes that were left over from Sunday. I think that a lot of things get tougher as we get to the end of them. That's how P90X was for me. Even if it had only been 60 days long, that last week still would have been tough. Do your dresses all go to the cleaners when the Faire ends? What kind of 4-wheeler do your parents have? We have a couple of quads and the side-by-side. Hardly ever ride the quads anymore as the side-by-side is so comfy. Guess I am getting older and giving in a little to comfort. What kind of motor are you ordering?

Sandra, Lowmax is a great workout for sure. I think the 2nd blast is one of my favorites. Love the music in it. That workout sure makes me sweat buckets for some reason. If I adopt you, be prepared for a cold house this winter as DH and I have been grasshoppers and playing, instead of cutting firewood for winter. Really though, the woods are still closed down for firewood cutting. Hope we get some rain soon. You sound super busy and watching twins too, mama mia!

Nicole, how was Drill Max Cardio Leg Blast? What yoga are you doing tomorrow? Not sure which one I'll do, haven't done any for so long, I'm sure any of them that I own will be good. DH never seems to complain about the exercising. He told me the other day that he was proud of how I looked, guessing he was comparing me to my other 3 sisters that don't work out. None of them are obese or anything, just doughy looking. It was nice to hear from DH. You made me laugh about the joke, "have you ever heard the one about the golfer and the prison priest"! I did enjoy playing today and did better than last time for sure. Thanks for the well wishes for Thursday's final hill climb. It will be a hot day I think, though the hill climb is at 6:p.m. and usually fairly shady. Pray that the wind gods are with me, or rather, maybe I'll ask the Prison Priest to pray for favorable tailwinds during the event. Wow, 80 minutes of drive time a day, you are a saint for a mother. No buses to help out?

Wendy, so sorry you haven't slept well. Here I am on the computer and drinking coffee at 10:00 p.m. A real no-no for me. Serves me right if I can't sleep tonite and finally drift off right before time to get up. My coffee maker quit on me this morning. I should have known it when my last cup yesterday was cold. They always just go without warning. I had to run to Wally World to get a new one. Can't be without the monkey on my back. Hope your son has a good birthday. He won't forget this one for sure. Or maybe he'll want to. So glad you are doing Nicole's rotation. We are all in this together. You know, misery loves company and all. Just kidding, this is fun, right? No, not my DD working out with me, though I wish she would. Had hoped my sister would while she was here visiting but she never mentioned it. They usually were asleep during my 5 a.m. workout. I just got an email from her and she's trying to eat better and will try to pick a class at the Gym to attend. Wish she would do home workouts as I know that would fit her lifestyle better as she is super busy. She's put on some weight lately and is looking very matronly. She just turned 50 years old. She's only 4'11" so can't carry a lot of weight. We're all built heavier on the bottom, guess so we don't tip over.

Lea, I am soooooooooooooooooooooo glad you are back. I've thought of you often and especially when I wear my Xer shirt (so far without an ice cream stain like Traci has :9) You sound really good and I think it's really interesting about the raw foods. I've had a good season of bike riding, though it is kind of winding down now. My new hobby that I'm dabbling with is golf. We'll see if it "grabs" me.

Teddygirl, okay so now I've got your username figured out, hope you have a great time shopping. I sure wish I'd had more time when my sister was up visiting so we could shop. I did get some good talk time in with her. So Ted was plumb tuckered out, huh?

Traci, hope you can get some good rest tonite. Yes, walking the golf course was good exercise today. How was tennis? Hope you and your DH enjoyed it.

Debra, your ride sounded wonderful today. You'll soon learn (if you haven't by now), to shift down for those hills. On days where you are really feeling strong and the hills aren't too long, you can stand and power up them without shifting to an easier gear. I do that sometime, also while "racing" friends I'll power up a hill in a big gear, standing up while doing it. Hopefully, you won't ever encounter any mean dogs on your bike rides. I'm always afraid of hitting one at high speed and then, of course, crashing hard. Okay, forget I said that. I've had squirrels dart out in front of my wheels, ran over snakes before, gotten stung by bees. It's a jungle out there!

Oh yeah, the gal that prepped my tooth for the permanent crown hit a very sensitive spot on my tooth. Really zinged me. I grabbed her hand and said "Don't do that again". I get really upset when someone hurts my teeth. I never used to be like that before. She's probably lucky I didn't bite her. Now I feel bad that I did it, but darn it, I hate to be hurt.

Got to go now.


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