Dd and I just got back from art lessons. Barn with naked cows inside is finished! Her next project will be a self portrait with Baby, our family dog. She plans to enter it into a local children's exhibit in a couple of months.
Y'all have been busy today! Hopefully, I'll soak up today's check-in energy through osmosis. I've been so tired the past few days! It's probably due to an uncommon decreased appetite and Day 1 of TTOM. Which reminds me, almost forgot...
Phase 1/Week 4/Day 22/YogaX/currently struggling for an X
Yeah! It's finally rest week. Finally, I'm out of the time warp.
Last night Phil and I went to GNC to buy him some calorie loaded shakes. The salesperson asked if I needed any vitamins. I had to confess that I didn't take any. He talked me into buying their Women's Ultra Mega Active multivitamin supplement when he said that it would help increase my energy. SOLD! What vitamin supplements do y'all take? I think I'll ask this question on OD later.
Time for Roll Call.
Traci-X: I don't know where my mind was yesterday or most days. But, I didn't realize your dh was sick. Now, Debra's post makes sense. Yes, I feel the air rushing above my head. :7 You know, now that dh is feeling better, he could get a vasectomy reversal. There's a renowned surgeon located in your part of the country. Lean in close while I whisper: dont listen to sandra. i know some active 60 year olds that can run circles around me! Not that's it's too difficult for a 60 year old to do. ;-) Also, I'm not encouraging... just saying. ;-) Ohhh! You're going to finally do the Squeeze. Oh, I see your squeeze breakdown. It'll take more than that to enable me! If it makes you cry for your mommy, hide my cc!

Your w/o for today makes me ashamed that I'm dreading plan ole YogaX. Oh, nooo, nooo. Debra takes all the credit for Naked Kenpo! :7 I was just following her advice. You baby add??? 2 1/2 + hours??? Is that what we're calling doubles now? So would my one legged lunges and firewalkers with Cathe be considered an embryo add? ;-)
Katie: Can you embrace Plyo for the both of us? ;-)
Swift Amy: Hooray! Your X has arrived!

Congrats with the inital pull-ups too. That's mighty impressive. I "accidentally" ordered the chin-up bar w/bonus add-ons from BB. We didn't use the screw in L brackets above our door frame. The bar is stable enough hanging on our thick door frame moulding.
Amy: Glad you benefitted from Debra's Naked Kenpo! It's wonderful being able to move so easily without twisting any joints. Debra does Plyo without shoes too. I'm too chicken to go there. I'm so over my poor grammar in emails and posts. I try to restrain myself from reading my posts because I KNOW there will be a ton of errors. Your/You're, Its/It's, comma, semi-colon, got/get, etc... I think everyone can decipher what I'm trying to say. It's lkie thsi emal I onse got form my gf whcih expalined how our midsn procese infromatoin. ;-)
Wendy-X: Thank you so much for stopping back here and answering all of our personal questions. I feel soooo much better hearing about your diet. I was beginning to get discouraged that I wouldn't see any result unless I ate absolutely clean. Just from looking at your pictures, your body fat had to go down more than 1%. I showed dh your before/after pictures since we're doing the X together. He was impressed after seeing the 30 day picture. At first, he thought your 30 day pic was your 90 day pic. LOL
Teddygirl: Why did your doctor want you to wait to start taking your vitamins? And, while I'm at it, which vitamins do you take? Saturday is a great day to start the X. You'll have to journal your immediate thoughts and share them with us when you get computer access again on Monday.
Sandra-X!!! I dont know how I ever started drinking coffee without sugar. I suppose it seemed healthy to me at the time. Any added sugar in my coffee is too sweet for my taste buds now. Must be an aquired taste. Thanks for the Chinnin Check-in lead. I might go lurk over there this week. Good pain question for Tracy. Ill be eagerly awaiting her answer.

I was thinking along the same lines about my obliques and ARX. I can do the oblique exercises like theres no tomorrow. So, Im thinking that I dont need to put in 100% for those and concentrate more on the lower ab mucles. I like my obliques just the way they are. You would have been so proud of me yesterday! I turned down a free chocolate sample at the mall. Had it been a bakery sample though, all bets are off! I knew it! Cathes cardio is harder than P90X. How am I ever going to make it on the RT????? Lean in real close so Traci can't hear... thanks for the 60 w/ a teenager comment. i feel vastly relieved about not having anymore babies.

Calling ALL DISBELIEVERS aka Sandra and Laurie!!!!
I'm HURT! I DO HAVE 6 CHILDREN. I did carry them ALL and birthed them ALL. Only two at once though. I WILL be posting proof positive tonight if I don't fall over after Yoga X. Okay, there will be proof by tomorrow if I can remember my picture trail password. ;-)
Jeanette-X: No, my DDcoffee run is my RT. Yes, I'm being sarcastic! Yes!!! It's THE RT!

Didn't you hear about infamous 2 reservations on 1 invoice purchase??? That was me! Jennifer (Fitness Mom) and I are are going together. I needed someone to drag my lazy self there if I wimp out! From my understanding, you download iballet onto your computer and then to a cd or mp3 player, and print out the directions. I've never tried them, but they rave about them over on Video Fitness. There's a post listing a description of all the iballet downloads and a promotional code for a free download posted over there. I've thought about getting a couple. Since I'm not allowed to sub, I'll not tempt myself. I have L&G. I found that it bulked out my legs. I blamed it on the high step. I didn't use ankle weights for the floor work. LOL re: dh delivering a child!
Laurie: Have fun with your family night plans. I'm planning on getting all the way through Yoga X since I skipped it during Week 3.
Tracy-X: Have you ever thought about going into Physical Therapy? You are a wealth of knowlegde. I wouldn't know where to even begin if I had an injury. Nice to know about benefits of being flexible. What are you doing to strengthen you calf? Would you recommend doing anything for the typical lopsided weakness in the arms? I notice my one side is weaker when doing push-ups. Thanks for the clean eating visual. I could always take a close up picture of my cellulite and post it onto the bread box. :7
Thanks to all subbing Xers allowing me to live vicariously through you! Now, I'm off to take a nap. Y'all wear me out!
Sweet Dreams!