Xers: Thu: March 1st!


Xers - Its March 1st!! Do you have your new goals all ready to go???:7

Late start on boards today... Will Have to do Personals after more coffee.;-)

Happy Dancing Day at my house!
Have my first ever facial at 12:15 AND the monthly #s look pretty good.

Monthly comparisons:
Down 2.4 #s – 125.6
Down ½ % BF – 18.1%
Down ½ “ Hips – 34.5”
Everthing else same
Chest: 32”
Waist: 27”
Thigh: 21”
I know I’ve lost muscle being off P90X so the weight is mainly that… not thrilled by that but also know that since I am in Leaning Phase right now I cant have it all! Since I’ll be starting another P90X to build again April 1st I am happy with current game plan.
March Goal is to continue to lose BF and take energy focus off of scale… That means clean eating is a MUST!
I also know that I am into my first 30 days of Bio Identicals, Thyroid & Cortisol so that is obviously helping me optimize my physical results. THANK HEAVENS my hormones are almost completely level right now! Last weeks ttom was hardly noticeable except for 2 days. LIFE IS GOOD!

Today is Leaner Legs (without weights) + 30 minute Interval (turbo jam fat blaster).
CL/PH3/WEEK5/Day4: KenpoX

I waited for your post Traci, can you believe it? You're on the boards late, and I'm early. I'm going back to my 5:45am workouts, so was up at 5am today and am currently drinking a coffee and trying to warm up. We keep our thermostat low at night, and the house is always freezing first thing in the morning. Makes it hard to want to get moving.

Today I'm actually going to do a P90X workout! I'm going to do KenpoX without the weighted gloves or KMBlast (it is a recovery week, after all).

TraciX - I've never heard of this Hay person, so I guess I'll check out that website today. Your measurements are amazing. You must look terrific. Aren't you at your WW goal weight????? If so, then CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

TracyX - that wee amount of chocolate knocked you that hard? Oh, that's so unfortunate! I need a little chocolate in my day, and can usually keep the quantity well under control. I've never tried the Dove dark that you and Jeanette like. I usually eat a square of Lindt 70% cocoa dark chocolate after lunch. Maybe next time I'll try the dove. How was your yoga yesterday?

Debra - you had a great day yesterday. I love it that you got the shopping done so quickly. I'll be your grocery bill is half that of mine; it costs money to feed a DH. That's very funny about the priests! I don't know what my DH would have done, but I know it would have shocked him to no end. He'd be wondering what I did to require such emergency spiritual treatment. The housing market is a crazy business. We live in a city that is seeing phenomenal growth. It's out of control. DH and I contracted to have our house built in May '05. We moved in in May '06. By time the house was built, we could no longer have afforded to buy it. By time we'd lived here for 3 months, it had literally doubled in price from what we'd paid for it. We could see our house, move back to Ontario, and probably live mortgage free. It's strange for me to read about people having hard times selling their homes! I really wish you good luck, and soon!

Monica - wonderful to see you yesterday. That CC workout looks TOUGH!

LeaX - thanks a million for the book reference. I definitely want to buy it. Only problem: it appears to be sold out. Amazon.com, Amazon.ca and Chapters.ca are all out of stock. So, thanks for making me want something I can't have. That's nice of you ;)

Jeanette - next you'll be bringing BootCamp and making them all do some crosstraining ;) Sounds like a good session last night. Other yoga favourites? Yes, but my problem with them is that they aren't advanced enough. They're great when you're starting out, but don't give much room for growth. I LOVE the Namaste series. Love that the best of all my yoga workouts. YogaZone puts out good products, too.

Oh geez, I was supposed to go to the basement 10 minutes ago. I'd better get going. BBL!
****** Personals ******

Tracy X: Sounds like you are really enjoying your recovery week! Walks, yoga etc… very good for body & soul. So got some burn going in those abs eh? AWESOME! I’m STILL waiting to get my Billy Blanks stuff- 1 of which is the Ab Bootcamp. I really hope it arrives so I can do it at bay this weekend. I have that and LowMax planned for the weekend workouts.

Lea X: Must be working out early today… Hope is was a BLAST!

Sandra: Any exciting plans to celebrate your very last day of recovery???? Are you trying to keep the idea of X recovery with your substitutions or doing whatever sounds good?... Just saw your TODAY post! LOL on Kenpo minus torture drills from KM! Enjoy your workout… You’ll be warm in no time at all!

Jeanette: So nice you had some CC to share last night! I think guys tend to get in ruts with workouts more often than women, maybe they just don’t like “investing” as much as we do! Thanks for sharing the VF info on SS. I guess maybe I am making better decisions for myself now! Give DH a big ATTA-BOY from me! I am truly impressed!

Debra: Missed waking up to a 9pm post… What’s up with that? Really hoping your snow days cease soon! On the house market… Us too. Just heard report last night that’s it is again a buyers market… Guess its all just part of the cycle. Your “praying” story had me in stitches… Cant imagine the look on DH face! PRICELESS!! Lunch sounded way too good for me! I LOVE lobster bisque… bet Tony secretly does as well!

Laurie: One step closer to graduation!!! YIPPEE

Monica: Another CC lover? Well isn’t this fun! We can all do a CC day soon!!!

Steph: OH MY, I am worried now. Hope you pop in to let us know you are OK.

Happy Happy Morning to all! Off to get my workouts in (OK – maybe just 1 more cup of coffee first!)
Hey, everyone! I’m here, but I’ve been sick for 2 days, and finally feeling much better today. I keep getting delayed trying to finish this dang thing!!!! Maybe one day, eventually, I’ll finish it. Traci-X might be done with her second rotation by the time I finish this one! LOL! I’m finishing the rest of Week 11, picking up where I left off, so I’ll do Core Syn today.

Lea - I read earlier about your elbow problem, and I’m having trouble with mine hurting, too. They’re sore even when I prop them up on a table or something. I’m glad you mentioned about what your SIL said about push-ups being hard on you. I’ve never done so many push-ups in my whole life, so that’s probably it.

Tracy - 3 small pieces of chocolate and you felt yucky yesterday? If I DON’T have at least three pieces of chocolate, I feel yucky! LOL! No, seriously, I would love to get to that point where my body rejects the junk. I gave chocolate up for Lent, so you’re going to have to help me with this!

Laurie - OMG!! I totally LOVE those pictures of your family at the Renaissance Festival! I am SO into that kind of stuff. Your daughters look gorgeous and that must be so much fun!

Debra - LOL about your lobster bisque and poor Sophia! It’s so funny how we think of things like that in our daily lives! I’m always telling my students that what they’re doing is ‘”GORGEOUS” and today I clapped my hands in time with, “Every-bod-y Beau-ti-ful!” (Can’t remember which workout that’s from.)

Traci-X - OK, no need to send out the posse! (LOL) What did you end up doing for your workout yesterday? You are so amazing, girl! You’re all ready to start another P90X? I know, I know, you are really having a hard time without your Tony, aren’t you? I’m afraid I’ll be the same way, floundering around, trying to figure out what to do to duplicate his magic. This was my first rotation of any kind, ever, and now I totally won’t know what to do. I also think my next P90X, I’ll feel more comfortable subbing other things, too. However, I noticed you are getting fabulous results from your current rotations, too. Way to go! Your body fat is 18.1%? Amazing! I really don't think I want to know mine! LOL! You work so hard with your workouts and clean eating!

Sandra - Thanks for the review on the Shiva Rea. She sounds amazing. I’m really starting to like Yoga, but I really need to feel like it’s a workout. Does this workout do that? I’m still kinda iffy on Bryan Kest. I really, really, really, like his instructions throughout the workout, but it seems more flexibility and stretching, rather than strength. Maybe I really don’t get yoga at all. Tony was my first. (wink, wink)

Monica - Glad to hear from you. Are things going well? Sounds like you’re really getting into Cardio Coach. Does it take some getting used to? I listened to a portion of it on their website and it seemed really different.

Jeanette - Please let us know how the Tracey Staehle core workout is. I’m thinking about getting this one, as well. I purchased Cathe’s Core Max to use post P90X and I have to say, that I’ve done the first two segments and they don’t touch the intensity of ARX. They’re good workouts, don’t get me wrong, but after ARX, it’s hard to find something comparable.

Hope everyone has a terrific Thursday! We’ve got a wrestling meet tonight for DS, so I’ll be working out late at night again.

Hi ladies...Don't have time for personals right now...Gotta get DD off to school...just wanted to prove that I am up before noon!!! I've Kenpo this morning and then I've got to take DD to gymnastics thi afternoon...So I may not be back to post until later...but know that I am thinking of you guys!

later gators!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Morning Xers,

Today is XStretch for me. I'm not going to say this is the last time I will do this stretch workout. XStretch has the best stretching exercises, or at least to me they are the best. I always enjoy this one. :)

Thank you all for the lovely compliments on the family. Yes we do have a lot of fun. In fact the DD's probably would cry there eyes out if we wouldn't be able to participate. :) My DH is the one who constructs the clothes. I do all the bead work.

Had a miserable drive into work this morning. Combination of rain/sleet/snow. My DH is still on the freeway and only half way to work. Pretty sad since he started out at 7:00 this morning and it is almost 8:30. x(

I previewed Kimberly Spreen's Cardio-Camp workout yesterday. It looks like it will be alot of fun. Didn't have enough time to look at the leg exercises at the end, but it didn't look like they used any weights. It says its all standing work also. Will have to see if that will work in my rotation post P90X.

Stephanie, Giving up chocolate for Lent. I don't think I could survive. I love chocolate. Keep up the good work. I know I thought I would never finish the X, I did skip some workouts when I had my shoulder problem though. :)

Sandra, If you like the push-ups in YogaX then you probably would like Bryan Kest. The Energize one is what I previewed, and it reminded me of YogaX except it had a faster pace.

Have a great day!

Good morning,

Classic/Phase 3/Week 5/Day 4 (Recovery Week)

Today was XStretch for me and it felt very good as my hamstrings were pretty tight from the spin session last night. I'm one of those who can't put a straight leg in the air for nothing. Like when I do Fifer scissors, they are really bent. Probably will never have to worry about hyperextending anything on me. Oh yeah, TTOM just hit this morning so I have lovely cramps and bloating. The cramps don't stick around for long and they are tolerable, especially with an aspirin.

Traci, oh my gosh!!! What a great day for you today! Your stats are amazing, which means that something is working for you! Your BF% is soooo good!!! I am so happy for you, you've worked really hard and worked your brain too to think of ways to still confuse the body. And to top it, a facial :+ :+ :+ I had one once and I absolutely loved it!!! It was the most relaxing amazing thing. The face has soo many nerve endings in it. I hope they have the candles going, peaceful music, etc. for you to create all that ambience stuff that we love. Can't wait to hear all about it! And great results with your hormones too! Life doesn't get much better. Traci, I'll pass on the attaboy to my DH. I'm sooo proud of him too.

Sandra, KenpoX with no gloves today and no KM blasts? Yeah, I'm with you on that. I'm treating this week like a real recovery week too. Waiting for the magic to appear but I think it'll be battling the magic of TTOM so results will be ho-hum. I'll have to find some Lindt 70% dark cocoa at the store and see how it tastes. I love Dove dark. No yoga yesterday, it was KenpoX and then the bike spin at night. Will do Yoga on Saturday. I'm soo by the book this rotation. Next one I'll switch around I'm sure. I'll have to check out Namaste and Yoga Zone. I have a beginner Yoga Zone tape, which was actually what got me into working out to videos. I'd sure like to see these guys do some cross-training. Bootcamp would be a hoot! A couple of them are soooo skinny in their upper bodies. One of the guys is aged 51 and he's going to the World Police Games in Australia on the 10th of this month. He's competing in a bunch of different cycling events. He also was the champion in the Senior Games in Utah this last year. An awesome rider, but a really nice, quiet guy. You'd never know he was soooo good. Not a mouthy or cocky guy at all. Very quiet and humble.

Steph, so sorry you have been sick. My DH has had a cold for a little while and so far I've not gotten it. Today I had a little bit more sniffles so I'm still trying to hold off mentally. Enjoy Core Syn today. Be glad you have power on and don't have to do it from the book. It's definitely not as much fun, nor as demanding because I kept taking breaks to read the description of each exercise. I'll be sure to post on the Tracey ab workout.

Debra, enjoy your KenpoX today! Know you will be back later.

Back again! KenpoX is done! I enjoyed it. Had a lot of fun. It felt really, really good. I love workouts that work you hard, but don't hurt your joints.

Laurie - I'm doing 2 double takes with your post!!! You and DH MAKE those costumes?!?!?! I'm bowled over. Beyond impressed. And DH is still half way to work??? I suppose he wishes he'd just stayed home for the day. I hope he brought snacks.

I have to go, but will bbl for more chatting.
Hey gang. Have to make this really short as I am a busy beaver today. I did Plyo Legs and Gym Style legs floorwork only today. I feel niiiiiccceee.

I will try to be back with personals later, but I have to go to the grocery store (which it seems like I do every other day)and clean the house up before my SIL comes over today. She does an awesome thing. She has volunteered for Best Friends for years now and they are having a pet adoption out where I live. So today I am going to drive her around the area so she can post up flyers.

Tomorrow I am going to stretch again and Saturday, look out sun and snow!! It's suppose to be 75 degrees here so I know that it is going to be a warm and fun day. YAY!!

Ok, I am going to post the shirt info in another post. It's ordering time gals!!!

Have fun.
********************* SHIRT INFO ****************************

All right girls, it is FINALLY time to show your pride in our fabulous XERS group and order a shirt. Right now all I need is what size you want and how many. Here is the link to what our shirts will look like (but not us in the shirt since we are buff XERS now).


Here is the information on the type of shirt it is:

1. Go to www.customink.com
2. look under products
3. Look under Girls Style
4. Click on Tank Tops and Sleeveless
5. We are ordering the Anvil Ladies Tank in Heather Grey

If you would like another color in the Anvil Ladies Tank, no problem, just let me know before ordering.

I want to thank each and every one of you for your input. It really was valuable. You all are awesome.

Stephanie - Really quickly. My SIL told me to put ice on it right away and leave it on for 15 minutes throughout the day. That really helped. I still haven't done any weight work this week. Take it easy with your elbow ok? Sorry you have been sick.

Leaner Legs is done & will do my 30 minute interval in PM as DH is going to some fishing show tonight with the guys. I was pretty amazed at how “easy” LL was considering I haven’t done a Cathe lower in ages. I guess these old legs are not just leaning with Tony but also gaining strength. Pleasant surprise. I ended up using my light barbell (17#) just for extra intensity.

****** Personals ******

Steph: YOU MADE MY DAY!!!!! So happy you are doing Ok overall. Hope the bug you had is on its way out the door now… You are so close to the end… just make it work for you even if you have to modify a bit! I ended up doing Slim Series Shape It Up – 78 minutes of lovely lite weights & mucho legs work + Abs. I’m actually pretty darn fatigued overall today. Good luck at the match tonight!!!

Debra: LOL I would NEVER think someone with children could possibly sleep til noon!
Hope you rock your world with Kenpo today!!!

Laurie: I totally agree that StretchX is the finest stretch I have found thus far! Anything that includes tootsies is good by me! What terrible driving conditions! I sure hope you & DH stay safe while Mother Nature gets this phase out of her system. Hmmmm… Kimberley Spreen? Never heard of her PLEASE let us know what your thoughts are. Heavens knows I NEED more DVDs!

Jeanette: Sorry its cramp day but happy they don’t last long for you! I was in ttom my last recovery week too…….just ticked me off royally! Ha I chuckled out loud… YES I have mastered body confusion! Its because I cant figure out what the he** to do so I keep changing it! LOLOLOL

SANDRA: WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO & Zippity Do DA! Kenpo- DONE! Isnt this the VERY last one?

LeaX; Well Miss Busy Beaver… GOOD FOR YOU in helping SIL with such a worthy cause. Its ironic… years ago I started volunteering at the dog pound and it just tore me up- I couldn’t do it. Seeing all those wonderful creatures caged up just broke my heart.. now I work with terminally ill and it doesn’t phase me a bit… What does that say about me as a person? I think I was a dog in my last life. Are ya just crazy excited about your snowboarding lesson? TAKE PICTURES!!!! You are thanking US for input??? Lea you are a gem for taking care of all these details. I will include a tip in my check!

Hi to all the rest who are not checked in yet!!!
Okay...I have 2 minutes before I have to run again...but I am apparently more of a moron when it comes to computers than I thought! I have my Cardio Coach downloaded and into one folder like the instructions say....but when I plug my MP3 player up there is no icon for me to drag my newly created folder to...Am I crazy?!? Am I missing this somehow?!? I would appreciate anyone who can help me with this!!!! Thanks!!

BBL for personals...


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Debra: this ipod moron can be of NO help....SORRY!!!!

Well the facial was DIVINE!!!!!!! The place I went to is an Aveda Spa called Natural Retreats. I had one of the Elemental Nature Facials... 1 full hour facial including upper body/arm /hand/scalp massage. OMG it was heaven!!!!!!! I booked another for 4 weeks which puts it the day before my 44th! What a gift that will be!
Arrived back home to find Ab Bootcamp in mail... I previewed and all I can say is I"M SCARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks KILLEr + its over an hour! I think I may have to split it up into 2 segments...standing & floor- Billy Blanks is the energizer bunny on steroids! Also in the mail was my latest rental of Stott Pilates: The Secret to Flat Abs - the sleeve says its 64minutes.... OH LORDY LORDY am I in for abs work or what? I will do BootCamp Abs tomorrow and Pilates on Sunday. That should toast me just fine for a few days. Silly how excited I am to start feeling the burn!!!! I'll get that 6 pack come he** or high water!
Hope everyones day is going well! Off to go do my Interval. :7
Hi all,

I read the posts from today and started a response at work, but I actually had to work, so I couldn't finish it. I have to go back out tonight so I don't have any time. I just did Cardio Stack Core Attack standing only then filled in with my own standing core stuff. It is a nice recovery week workout. I'll have to catch up on personals tomorrow. I hate it when I have things to do after work.

Hi there...Back for personals!

Tracy...Sorry you actually had to do some work today...It's too bad when work gets in the way of your personals! ;) Glad you had a good workout anyway!

Traci...Glad you had such a nice facial! I had one a couple of weeks ago..and thought, "Why don't I do this more often?" Glad you went ahead and scheduled another one...Your birthday is coming up? Do you have any other big plans? It's always nice to have a surprise in your mailbox...Sounds like you will have that 6 pack for sure! Also...let me just say WooHoo!!!! Way to go with those results! I also enjoy hearing that you liked Leaner Legs without weights...That's a good idea...I am just not inventive with changing up workouts..I tend to do them just as produced. I was busy watching "Lost" last night at 9 o'clock...and then went to bed...the reason I was up early enough to post quick before taking DD to school!

Laurie...I am even more impressed now that I know you guys make your own outfits! How great! Glad you enjoyed StretchX...that one is just a tad too long for me...I get bored about 15 minutes before the end.

Sandra...I enjoyed Kenpo today too..This one is a keeper even after this rotation. I am very jealous of your housing market...When we moved here 2 years ago everything was moving pretty fast...but it's slowed to a crawl right now....It's great for you guys that you have already made to much money on your home!

Steph...So sorry that you have been sick! I understand how you feel about finishing the X...I'm sure my rotation ran closer to 100 days instead of 90! Good luck with the no chocolate for 40 days!! There is no WAY I could do that...probably why I'm not Catholic!

Jeanette...Glad you enjoyed StretchX...On my right hammie I am very limber...but my left is SOOO tight! sounds like you had a good time with the boys last night. Hope you keep the sniffles at bay!

Monica...Hope you're out there and doing well!

Lea...I'll be back to let you know about the shirts...Thanks again for all the work you put into that...I had to go to the grocery store again today too...I guess while I was sprinting through yesterday I forgot a couple of things!I think it's great that you SIL is involved with Best Friends...What a great cause!:)

I forgot to let you guys know what workout I did today!! I started with Cathe's Bootcamp kickbox only premix...Then on to Kenpo...I skipped to kenpo warmup..and put it back at the end...then I did the Core only premix from Bootcamp. So I felt good and had a great workout. I am having a good time with recovery week...I think I feel like the pressure is off to do exactly each workout on the specific day precisely as produced:7 .

Okay...I think I caught everyone...will be back in a bit to give Lea my order. Have a great evening ladies!

Lea...I'll take one Medium for me and one small for DD...Let me know about $$$$...

Thanks again!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Hi all,

Had to grocery shop tonite and ran into a friend so we yakked right next to the sweet potatoes for quite a while. She's a bike riding friend of mine but her knees are so bad that she couldn't ride anymore. She has since had injections in her knees and it has helped immensely. Next time she will have the rooster comb injection which I hear works pretty good. Not permanent, but gives relief.

Laurie, what beautiful costumes. I am flabbergasted that you made them! Your family is very beautiful too. I too love chocolate, but come to think of it, never had any today. One of the secretaries at work always has Dove dark in a basket. Good thing I didn't go up there today. Keep us posted on Kimberly Spreen.

Sandra, glad to hear KenpoX was so good. This is really an outstanding workout. For as much as I've done it over the last 90 days, I still don't dread it. Only subbed it once.

Lea, ooooh Plyo Legs. That's one that I've got to try next week I think. Please put me down for a medium in the heather gray (think that's one of the choices, I couldn't get to the picture). Please let me know where to send the money also. Your snowboarding lesson is going to just be awesome! Be sure to wear sunscreen. I'm sending out good vibes that the healing goes quickly on your elbow.

Traci, LL was easy? That one has never been easy for me. Slim Series is probably in my future rotation too. I'm just soooo confused!! They all sound good to do right now. I think I just need to chill for a week and do whatever I want. I am sooo jealous about the facial. I remember my first one (only one I've had) and it was just divine! I wanted to go out and buy gift certificates for facials for my mom and sisters so they could feel pampered too.

Debra, I don't know if you solved your Ipod problem yet, but I actually have to turn off my computer, plug in my mp3 player to the front of the computer and then turn the computer back on to see the removable device. That's the only way I can get mine to show up. Hope you get your problem solved. Sounds like you got a great workout in today. Way to go for being "adventurous" with your workout.

Tracy, sounds like you are really busy. Hope you get time to check back. Cardio Core Stack Attack, was it good?

Got to go now, finished The Italian Job last night. Think I fell asleep during the best part, but DH enjoyed it. Tonite is The Guardian.


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