Tracy (taprice): Thanks for the warning, after watching my dh give his all and cry like a baby for the repeat, I knew I had to pace myself! He even commented that the dvd didn't look hard until he did it. I do admire his ethusiasm. I can relate... I don't mind dh making fun of me frequenting Cathe's forums. But, I can't stand it when someone is reading over my shoulder while I'm typing. It's one of my many pet peeves.
Lea (wkoutmom): Awww, your ds learned how to ride his bicycle. My father taught me and my dh taught our dc. It's cool that you taught him! I mainly focused on teaching them to pedal their tricycles. I love the Kettler trikes with long push handles. My the things they invent for kids! About your mom, I'm envious of her travels! I'd love to visit Greece! I dreamt about visiting Greece, Rome, Egypt, and the Middle East all last year when we were studying the ancients.
Jeanette (Netta): That's cool that you ride outside and in competitions! I think the last time I rode outside and up hills was when I was 18. I remember being so sore the next day! Thanks for the warning. It's difficult for me to know what weight to use until I actually do the exercise. I started off using 8 pounds for the heavy pants and went past 20 reps. The second round I used 10 pounds and felt a good burn at 15 reps. With the lawnmower, I used 12 pounds and got a good burn at 15 reps on the second round. I had my dh watch to make sure I was using good form. I don't think my arms will be as strong as my chest and shoulders though.
Laurie (lvnascar): How cool that your dh is thinking of exercising!! I'll cross my fingers for him too. He must see the results in you! That's what happened with dh. He was seeing me breathing hard and getting fitter and stronger. I think it made him examine his own health. I wonder what my dc will say about having siblings. I have identical twin girls and they are best friends. My boys bicker all the time, but will defend eachother tooth and nail. My 3 youngest, girls, hardly bicker or fight. I was older when I had them, and learned to focus more on instilling peace and love. Although, it could be attributed to the absence of testosterone and not any real wisdom! LOL We only have one 6 year old dog. I won't get another one until she's gone. I got her last November from the pound. I'm shocked that my dc are taking care of her without me nagging. They worked out a system on their own on who feeds, bathes and walks her. What's funny is that I do nothing and yet my dog prefers and follows me over all others. Yeah, she must know who's in charge. LOL
SandraX (Fiddlefit): I can hardly believe my progress either. I couldn't even do the 9 min. warm-up in Basic Step Jan. 2, 2007! I just pushed myself a little more everyday. My goal was to finish that dvd and then the next one and the next...! Cathe's personality and Cedie's enthusiasm was really motivational to me. I usually work out LATE in the evenings. I homeschool my three youngest during the morning and afternoon. Thankfully, I homeschool year around. It makes taking breaks a lot easier! We already finished science and history for the year. Also, my 18 year old helps. If I have an appointment or somewhere to go, he'll do a math and english lesson with the twins. My 9 year old can do her Latin, english and math on her own. My dh helps with the cooking and sometimes cleaning if needed. He's also in charge of the twins' cello and viola practices since I already focus on dd's harp practices. We usually work together as a family well. I'd love to have more children, but I don't think it's going to happen.
I'll list my goals again for anyone who didn't read my late night post yesterday. I mainly want to increase my strength and endurance. I'd love to lose a couple of pounds, lean out, and decrease my body fat. I have no idea what to type of results to expect with P90X. My diet is pretty good as far as calories. I think I'll stick with high reps for now. I'm adding in bar type exercises for my legs/rear. I don't think I'll have time to add in additional cardio.
My dh's goals is to increase his strength, bulk out, and increase his cardiovascular fitness. He's lean and lanky with ZERO bodyfat! LOL He's a sprinkler fitter (installs fire protection systems). So, he's up and down ladders with his hands in the air all day. He was able to do 4 standard pull-ups for the Fit test and more for Day 1. His legs and core need to get stronger. I think he's tickled that y'all are watching his every move. He might tease us Catheites, but deep down he's just jealous! LOL
Debra (aschendell): I don't know what it says about you, but I'm right there with you. I want to feel it the next day or I think I didn't work myself hard enough. Thanks for the poodle information. I'll keep that in mind if I ever need to get another dog. I have a black and white Cavalier King Charles mix who sheds all over the place. She better be glad that I love her so much!
Katie (lov2bfit): WooHoo! You're going to get it before you know it. You're much more patient than my dh. He wanted to know where his BB stuff was like three days later!!!
Enough rambling, I need to get Plyometrics outta the way!
Have a great day!