Everyone: I am such an airhead. I must have mentally blocked my actual departure day. I'm leaving on the 22nd. That's Thanksgiving Day! I can't believe I never noticed it when 1) I booked. 2) I confirmed my itinerary over the Internet. and 3) When my tickets arrived. It doesn't matter. I always knew I wouldn't be here for Thanksgiving. But, I didn't really think I'd be flying either! Oh, well. I bought a pumpkin pie last night to ease the pain.:+
TracyX: I'm still here. I'm not going to follow Cathe's Nov. Rotation. Did I ever? :7 I think I'll play with Shiva in the dark tonight. Thanks for sharing the new dvd. I'll have to put it on my Amazon wish list for when I return. Sounds too tempting to ignore!
TraciX: I'm with you today! (Except for the feisty part! LOL) Shiva sounds like the perfect workout for me. Oh! Wait! I don't have Fluid Power! I'm doing some flow from Shatki or is it Shakti. Whatever.:7 Glad you were able to feel the benefits of Amy's Slo Mo with less weights. OMW! You are funny when you are awaiting Aunt Flo. Are you encouraging Debra to look for a Eoin High dvd?!?!!!!! Now! Traci, STOP THAT! Just so you know. This will be one of the first posts we will be reading at the 1st Xer Get Together!}( Here's a quote for you:
Resistance is futile ~ The Borg. HA-HA! Yep, the Trekkie nerd in me is exposed.:7 Yep! Agreeing with your another X round defense to Sandra. Now let's persuade her and her dh to join us. We have a week to apply the pressure. Shall we use a thigh or a breast? Get your mind out of the gutter. I meant a turkey! Oh, Such is my life a wandering! I'm all over the place getting ready for the trip. Saying hello and goodbye to everyone. I can't wait until I get to Thailand and sit in a hut all day with nothing to do!:7 :+ Oh! Yes!!! Such a good reminder. I blocked out doing double Tony days too! I don't know if there are McDonalds there. They do have KFC and Burger King. But, knowing my mom, she won't allow me to go there and eat junk. No, I don't have to worry about them selling dogs or cats. There's enough restaurants that do! Eek! Uck! When you lose a pet, you don't go to your local pound. KWIM! Now, you stay safe. I want you fully recovered by the time I get back!!!!
Debra-X: All done with Christmas shopping! Did you do this while your dd was playing with the fundamentalists? ROFL! Do you realize that most people would consider me a fundamentalist? LOL Of course, I'm on the extreme left of that fringe group.}( I was talking about you to my BFF yesterday. We also had a good laugh about your unschooling neighbors inviting your dd to church. See, it's funny because the church we both used to attend had Vacation Bible School (VBS). I wouldn't let my girls go. Excuse me, I have a life! And, my girls already do daily devotions. Anyhow, isn't VBS for the unsaved children and their parents!

The kicker was when my good friend knew my thoughts (went deeper than what I've typed here), and she had her 4 year old son call my 5 year old dd to ask her to go to VBS. He told her that he would get points for bringing in a guest. A guest! She went to that church! What kind of evangelizing is that!

}( I am so going to hell.

Anyhow, I told her that you reminded me of me! And, I told her to pray for me, instead of encouraging my sinfulness with her laughter, while I was away representing Christ to all because she knows how rebellious I can be! Okay, back to shopping: Last night I used my Limited Two coupon for some My Little Pet Shop animals and backpacks to hold them for the twins. And, I bought them a calendar featuring pigs dressed up on parade. That's it for Christmas. The rest is up to Phil!

}( My other shopping included my Thailand friend's wish list. I told her I'd bring her a suitcase filled with things from home.She asked for Borax and Arm & Hammer Washing Soap! What does that say about Thailand?

:7 I don't know. All I know is that her suitcase has reached its weight limit!!!!
Carol: Does your computer have a dvd player? What about the XBox? Do you have one of those? How about dh's old laptop? Is it really that old? I hate it when I lose remotes. Our bedroom dvd player is the same.
TG: So, you didn't get a traditional workout in last night. Look at the positives. Sounds like you and Ted got some non-traditional workout done!}( :+
Jeanette-X: Yes, I am getting a little excited again. I would be more excited if you joined me!:7 But, I understand. Tillie would miss you too much! BTW, how is her eye doing? Does she ever stumble around? Excuse me? Not a real productive day? Oh my! You'd hate to be me then!!! Glad to see you got a bike ride in this weekend!!! It won't be long before the weather rears it's ugly head for months on end!
Okay, I've gotta go and do something productive like math. I'll try to BBL for more personals before Bible Club.
Hi to Lea, Amy, Amy-X, MIA Cheryl, Nicole, and anyone else I might have missed.
Ballistic Hugs to ALL!