Xers: Sweeeeeet Sunday

Hi all! Back for a last goodnight...CBL was in a crappy mood tonight, so he has headed on home...which is actually a bonus of dating as opposed to living with someone...when they are in a bad mood...you can send them home! And you don't have to spend the rest of an uncomfortable evening with them!

So..I did Kenpo+ today...I like parts of this workout...I will probably like it better when I know it better....I always feel like I am playing catch up the whole time...and sometimes they do a 3 count and sometimes 4 and it always throws me off! I do like that it is short...so I added on KM leg conditioning drills. I can tell such a huge difference in my legs since I did those drills for the first time a couple of years ago.


Aren't you a special girl for doing something on what should be your rest day! You are waaaaaay to dedicated for me.....maybe your extra day of working out will cancel out my day of not working out yesterday! Oh, if dreams were real!!

You know how the docs are though....sometimes they really don't listen to what you are saying...I am hoping to get some more blood work this week...but if I don't feel like I am getting any satisfaction, I will head to a gyno...since they tend to know women better. Well, I guess it is good that you didn't head to the Bay...buckets of tears aren't good when you are trying to relax! I will keep you posted on the 'thinny thin chin' and I promise to let you know if it is a product to invest in. I think that it is just my skinny neck that got my BF so low...don't hate me! I am sure it is because of the jowl reducing product.

That darn laundry...it is always there isn't it?? It doesn't seem like it ever ends!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like you got your back workout with the shoveling instead of with Tony! MTM is the worst mom in 'Ordinary People'...I hated that character...I just couldn't understand how a mother didn't love her son...who was a pretty good guy....It's not like Timothy Hutton played an ax murderer or anything...I could understand if your devotion to your son waned with multiple murders, but he was a good kid..just not her favorite...and she hated him for surviving. How incredibly awful. I will be doing Eoin tomorrow, so the reviews will come later.

Good gracious!!!! What a week you have had! Sorry for all of your travails and travels! I hope for your sake that DD takes one of the European ballet offers....I am sure it will be easier for you guys to see each other if she is closer. Sorry you and DH seem to be missing each other in transit lately too! I know from experience that is no fun. Wish you could have sat on the Captain's lap, though...LOL! I feel exactly the same way about George....even if the movie isn't great, how bad can it be if he is in it?? Sorry you won't be able to make the retreat...but we certainly understand. It sounds like you have put in plenty of travel miles already...with more to come. It sounds like you have been able to keep up with your workouts....which is to be commended, for sure! Hope things become a little more even keel for you soon...Check in when you can and know we miss you when you are gone!

I like 4DSKB, too. I think it is definitely a keeper! A lot in just oer an hour. What is not to like?? Hope you go your errands done. What were you shopping for that you didn't find. I think I would make an excellent personal shopper for people like you who don't like to shop. I think the BF% must be off, but I'll take it!

You poor dear...it doesn't seem like you can catch a break lately! Hope you are feeling better. Good luck at the reception tonight...kisses to you!

Okay...think that catches me up for now...I see that Sandra and Brad didn't make it to the awards tonight...sorry not to see you there! I have a monster number of errands to do tomorrow...including getting a new cell phone. DD has not one but 2 birthday parties to attend this weekend and there are 2 more bdays I have to send out gifts for...and I still have a paper to write for my class...which I have to observe some people for first(without their knowledge). Ugh. I will say that Eoin is definitely looking like the bright spot of my day tomorrow!

Good night all!!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Hi all,
Back from Mom and Dad's. Sister came to relieve me around 7 tonite. Mom and Dad will be back from their trip tomorrow afternoon. Grandma had a good day today, ate pretty well and read and read and read a Nora Roberts book. DH spent the night with me last night and left this morning. He was so sweet and baked a chicken with potatoes, carrots, celery and onions and brought it over for me to feed Grandma tonite. Good to be home now. Have some laundry going and will do the dishes tomorrow. I do have some priorities. Got some treadmill time in today. Did Cardio Coach #2 (revised). I need to reload my CC's as they are out of order and skip around even when my MP3 player is set right. I just need to spend some time with it.

Traci, you sound so chipper this morning! What a difference a good night's sleep makes, huh? I was so glad DH spent the time with me. Guess he's all right and I'll keep him. He's also been watching the Golf Channel when I'm not around. He likes Tiger Woods. I'm hoping this little bit turns into someday hitting some balls at the driving range with me and then on to playing a real game. That would really, really please me! I will probably have to pack the beer in my golf bag. Whatever it takes! Re: BF% on that site. It said I was 22%. My Tanita scale says 26% plus here lately. The most I ever got down to on my Tanita scale during my 1st round of the X was the low 25's. 22% sounds better, and according to the graph, says it's borderline underweight. I think not. Oh yeah, TTOM started this morning so I'm puffy and staying away from any scale for a while. Did you get that conference call in to Cathe & Chris? I need to preorder as there is now a deadline.

Tracy, glad you are feeling better. We've had lots of crummy weather here too. Think tomorrow is the end of it for a little while.

Sandra, great idea about the real time exercising. Did you get to do any Amy SC? I need to go over my rotation and do some subbing to take out the cardio. Hard to see if anything is working or not as I ate terribly from being out of town this week, then TTOM hit.

Laurie, good job. Bashful was the one I couldn't remember. Do you have a cold coming on, what with the sneezing? Hope not.

Debra, that's quite a nap yesterday. Hope the doc can get a diagnosis on the fatigue. You're reminding me about the cat box. That needs doing tomorrow too. I'll have to get Michael Clayton. Is it on video yet? I enjoyed having DH come over. He brought the dogs too and they spent the night. Mom and Dad have a guinea pig so they were very interested in that fat little thing. I'm glad to be close enough to help out Mom and Dad with Grandma, plus get to spend some quality time with her. My sister down south cared for Grandma for about 4 years I think. Just got to be too much when Grandma needed closer care. Sorry CBL wasn't in a good mood. Hope he's not one of those moody types. One thing about my DH, if nothing else, he's pretty predictable and usually never moody. Hope the funk leaves. Nice, though, that you can say see ya for a while.

Wendy, no housework or cleaning this weekend for me, though I did dishes and pickup over at Mom & Dad's. Wow, feels like I didn't get much done (and I didn't), but it was a good weekend anyway. The weather was crappy so I didn't feel like I was pent up in the house, missing out. So, have you ordered STS yet? I'm this close.

Christiane, so glad you are back. What an ordeal you have had! Nothing is every easy, is it? I have the original Turbo Jam and like it. I am not a big kickbox fan, but this one is doable for me. Not as intense, but I think Turbo Jam has some tougher workouts, Fat Blaster something or other is supposed to be more intense. I do like the Ab Jam workout. It has 10 minutes of standing and 10 minutes of lying ab work. I like Chalene. I'm glad I said something to my aunt. I told my sister and she was very happy I said something. Aunt Sandy has always been Grandma's favorite, but has never helped one little bit all these years. My Mom is the real treasure of the family. We are so blessed to have her as our mother. Funny what look some guys like in a woman. I know guys that prefer very fat women too. Just no figuring. Really, the important thing is what we are on the inside. As I get older, I'm thinking more about that, and what I want to be remembered for. Shoot, I've made some poor choices in past years, placing my sports, hobbies and working out above family functions and events. I sure regret that now.

Nicole, sorry you are sick. Please take it easy so you can get over it quickly. You will not believe how many people are sick where I work. Did you get to see the end of the Tour of California? Great finish! I'm so glad George won a stage. Couldn't have been a better ending!

Must sign off now, hope to get back to normal this week.

Just back for a quick hello before I head off for my daily nap. I did feel like Alice in Wonderland this morning since it was so foggy here and we were already late....don' know where my time went, all of a sudden I looked up and it was 7:30!!! Ooops! Anyhoo....just a couple of quickies....

Will you post the link to the discussion on OD or STS that you were talking about...I always like reading Chris's responses to nastiness. Some people simply have no class whatsoever. And thanks for giving Wendy the *itch treatment too...at least I am not alone...LOL!

Poor dear...Sending healing vibes your way...but at least you had a good reason for ducking out on the reception! Reread the last line on Traci's posts...It is all about Eoin....He is the man!

Speaking of the man Eoin, I will definitely be visiting with him this afternoon and will give you guys some info on the new dvd....Also CBL's mood was drastically raised by this morning...I think he was just crabby. Again, it's good thing I can just send his cranky a$$ home so I don't have to deal with it. He was very perky today. Whatever....LOL!

Okay..off to nap...gotta set the alarm to make sure I am up in time to pick up the diva from school just in case I try to sleep 4 hours again! I will be back this evening to catch up with personals.

Kisses to all!!!!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn


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