AOL had a newsflash about a deadly airplane crash in Thailand commuting from Bangkok to Phuket. 74 people died and 14 are missing. I'll have to reconsider transportation to the southern beaches. Maybe, we'll take the train instead, or we can tip the bus driver if he keeps the speed under 90 mph.
I am full! Just ate some spicy chicken salad. There's still enough left over for another meal. Either they have a better cook because the food there has gotten better (more ethnic tasting). I also think they want to fatten me up. I wonder if it's a tactic to gain control over my eggs?}(;-)
TG: I read on VF that the new P90X workouts are scheduled to be released around Dec. Great time since I'll be broke!!! Happy Birthday a day early!!!! Have a good time with your sis. It's not your birthday YET! Try to be good to yourself. Save some calories for tomorrow or it's definitely BIG girl panties for you!!!:7
Jeanette-X: When you're done, can you mow my yard too? Ever since eldest ds left for bootcamp, the yard has seen a mower once!!! I've gotta delegate better!}( What's the average mph for your group rides? There's a women's bike group in Philly with a 19mph average for their rides. Not with my bike!!!! My you were chatty last night! Did you have an espresso nightcap? Why do you think I pay so much to get my hair colored? The scalp massages are long and wonderful! My hairdresser makes sure I get a shampoo girl with strong fingers.:7 You are such a good dd. What a nice gift to give your parents!!! Thanks for the pedal advice. If Phil continues to work long hours, I may just have the local bike shop put them on for me. I'll email you later today.
Lea-X: How's the raw food eating going? Are you eating raw 100%? I guess sniffing chicken soup vapors is out of the question?;-) There's always Vicks. I hated it when my parents would make me breathe in steamed Vicks with a blanket over my head. The workouts can wait till you're feeling better.
Tracy-X: Sleep is good!

Are you saying that Cathe has balanced chest work and P90X doesn't? I'm too new to all of this to have an opinion. I do like how yoga is exposing any of my muscular imbalances and helping to maintain any muscle balances. I don't have near the amount of DOMS after power heated yoga as I did after my first class.
Traci-X: What is Framework? Are the PHH workouts lacking in back work? MIL gave me some Emeril seasoning. I haven't used it yet. Does Wendell consider seasoned baked fish a compromise? LOL
Debra-X: LOL on spending dh's money. Good plan! Have fun at the game!!!
Laurie-XX: Congrats to your dd!!! Your youngest dd probably worked just as hard being the only one in class!
Nicole-X: I like Power Yoga. I'm still not completely sold on the heated part. I'm guessing that the heat helps you go deeper in your stretches. I don't know. I can produce a lot heat on my own!!! I don't mind getting drenched in sweat if I have two large towels; one for my mat and one to wipe off my face. By the end of class, it looks like I took a shower in my sweat. My clothes and hair are literally soaked and dripping!!! Nice shopping trip!!!! It always more fun to shop with an enabler! The only time I buy heels is when Phil is along with me begging. LOLOLOL}( Phil and I had a long conversation about being a Bible believing Christian and practicing yoga. I do feel uncomfortable with some aspects of it. I don't participate in the parts that make me feel uncomfortable. Just because I hear the instructors share their theological beliefs during corpse pose, doesn't mean that I agree with it. Sometimes, I agree with parts of it. 2+2 will always equal 4 if you KWIM. It gives me something to think about -- how what they are saying lines up with the Bible -- while trying to balance and relax my body. So, I guess I'm balancing my mind in a different way. LOL I kinda look at it the same as the Hebrews plundering the Egyptians. Take what you find worthy and leave the rest. I read about PraiseMoves. I think for this lady, she was so deep into the Eastern philosophy that she's a bit hyper-sensitive because she placed so much spiritual connection to the physical part before becoming a Christian. I have no control over someone else's intention. If they want to praise whomever or whatever through movements and breathing, so be it. My intention is to use those movements as is... a physical workout. I don't see Cathe saying to exhale while lifting for anything other than to keep yourself safe while lifting. I don't buy some of the anti-yoga argument about causing a weaker brother to stumble. It's like reformed alcoholics. I'm not inviting them to any of my keg parties!

Not that I have any, but if I did...LOL Maybe, I should have emailed you this.
Okay ladies, laundry and housework are calling!
Ballistic Hugs to ALL!