Xers::: Rockin' Out on Tuesday ;-)

Hi all!! Legs and Glutes done. Under duress...I might add! Have I mentioned lately how much I dislike doing legs?? LG isn't as bad for me since there aren't any bb squats...and there is lots of floor work which I like. Okay...enough complaining for me now...until next week, anyway...lol!

Let's see...I got a fancy new cell phone today that I can send emails with...WooHoo!! And it's green...am I cool or what??

I will try to get to a few personals before CBL comes back to take DD and I out to dinner.


Sorry (or not) about the booty DOMS today...I am sure I will have my own tomorrow...I always feel my buttocks after those side leg raises in LG. You will definitely want the new Eoin...I will have some more info on Thursday for you guys...I am planning on doing the sections that weren't on the premix I did yesterday.

Teddygirl....Sending a great big wave your way!!!

Stacy...(ie Traci)
Sounds like you are missing a bit of sleep there, little lady....You seem to be a bit on edge...LOL!! Oh..and by the way...I have been meaning to tell you all week that the pack you sent for the Diva is safely hidden in a closet here until your arrival...and thank you!!!! LOL about the eyebrows and the yoga and lunges...you are losing it, my friend!!

Dr. appt is on Thursday...Don't know if it is a virus or what...usually I feel better if I get around 10 + hours of sleep a day...that can't be normal, right?? I guess your forearms will be fried this evening, hunh!

Well, at least Cami came back...Polly would have headed for the hills in wild anticipation of finding some critter or another! The doggie kisses must have made it all better, though! Hope you are feeling okay this afternoon. Have a great run with DD today. Keep safe on those nasty roads. I am hoping DD's stuff is only a cold. We have had a lot of flu in other parts of the state, but not in this area...or at least not at DD's school. For my paper I have to observe a couple having a conversation without listening to what they say and only watching their nonverbal messages. Hopefully, I can find someone having a really nasty fight...LOL!

I just noticed that you mentioned my Magic Mechanic in your post...Did you tell Phil about MM?? Good luck at yoga....and perfect Phil...Is the same gay guy teaching the hot yoga?? What is that John Mayer song that talks about how life is just like high school...Is it John Mayer or someone else??? It's all like high school again with the prom queens, the nerds and the jocks...It never changes!

So glad you jumped on the bandwagon and ordered STS...I know it will be a great purchase. I bet you are going to think of Cathe each time you go to the bathroom tomorrow! GS legs is a killer. I will be doing that one on my next rotation...which will be a much easier version of Sandra's version of Cathe's Feb. rotation.

Okay...gotta run for now....I will possibly be back later to finish up...if not...I will catch up tomorrow!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Its ok guys...You can all stop worrying about the sudden emergence of Stacy.... started ttom 5 days early......THAT explains all of it doesnt it???

Off to work:*
Hey girls,

I'm on long enough to check my e-mail and assure you I haven't died.........yet!

This is awful! I haven't been this sick in a very long time. You better spray more Lysol Traci because this stuff is extremely contagious!!!

Day two with no workout, at least it's a "recovery week". I guess excessive coughing and the contraction of my abs counts for something:p

I hope to see you all bright and bushy tomorrow.


Bring it!!!
Oh I wish I had time to catch up with you all but life is just so busy this week. We have something almost every evening after work this week and then trying to squeeze in workouts and kid's homework, piano practice etc. Today, ds was in speed skating races.

But I'm still here doing my second recovery week and going to start running with my friends this week to start training for the half marathon. Just finished CS. Tomorrow I'm going straight from work to the dentist, then I have to pick up kids,make supper, do YogaX and bake something for a potluck at work the next day.

Hope to catch up with everyone in a day or two. Kim
Hi ladies,
Had a very busy day today, no time for a walk. I really would like to make that more of a priority, but by the time things slow down, it's about 30 minutes from time to go home. Oh yeah, my boss gave me my yearly performance report. I was thrilled! Couldn't have been better and he had some very nice comments. Maybe he had me mixed up with someone else.

I have DOMS from GS Legs tonite. I have never felt that before in my quads and now I have them. Ladies, I confess, I guess I have been really slacking on my previous leg workouts up until this rotation. Hoping to start seeing some results soon. They are good, strong legs, just don't have the athletic look (to me anyway). Do you think this is attainable? None of the females in our family have nice, shapely legs. We have short, thick thighs, with shapeless calves. Genetics. But then, I have good genetics on my Mom's side, healthwise, so I have much to be thankful for.

Wendy, I checked out the Crazy Hats! So cute! You guys are so clever. When you wrote "beanies", I immediately thought of "Beanie & Cecil". It was a cartoon back in the 60's. Cecil was the seasick sea serpent. There was a beatnik in it that wore a beanie. Don't think Dad liked that part of the cartoon. I'm still less puffy so thinking less cardio may be helping. Jury is still out. Why did I have to look at your Cheesecake picture? AAARGGHHH!

Debra, we are all so anxious to meet your CBL! Once we start on the cocktails, who knows what we will say! Hope he's not too shy. Thunderstorms? Things are getting stranger and stranger. Seriously. Good for you for getting Legs & Glutes done. Think I will put that one in on the next rotation. I swear I've only done it once in the last 4 years. Whoohoo on the new cell phone! I have a plain vanilla Tracfone. I normally don't even turn it on unless I want to make a call out or I know someone needs to call me.

Laurie, so glad you weren't hurt in your fall. Good girl for Cami coming back to you. She's your baby, isn't she :7? Hope your run was good with your DD today. I envy you and Tracy working out with your kids. My DS has a mtn. bike. Maybe I should plan something on the bike path over in Reno. That would be fun. Is your DH converting files as part of his job? Will you be cracking the whip pretty soon to have him start up that sewing machine? Do you sew too? I used to sew a lot when I was in high school. You know, those maternity looking tops that we wore back in the 70's, peasant tops in the late 60's, leisure looking suits, A-Line skirts. I think the last thing I sewed was a maternity dress that looked like a tent for myself. And my son will be 27 in May. Don't think I'd even remember how to thread a bobbin. Those slo mo lunges were killer, and with only 5#ers. Yikes, I have that one to do again later this week. Ouchy.

Tracy, are you getting up later in the morning due to better sleep? I am thankful that I have no issues in the sleep department, except for that choking feeling I get almost every night, that wakes me up. I think it's a dry mouth thing. I guess I do have an issue after all LOL. How is your DS's GF doing? Is she still scheduled for the gastric bypass surgery? You haven't mentioned her for a while. Are she and your DS not together anymore?

Latrese, I'm anxious to see how your 4DS rotation goes. I think that's one that people have had good results from. Hope you receive it soon. I finally ordered STS last night.

Sandra, good workouts for you with 4DS! Sorry to say, I've only done the weight workouts once and then I don't think I ever did the leg workout at all. Good job on the pullups too! Cardio Coach #5 IS a good one! We have Garage Boys tomorrow night, but it's getting nice enough and light enough after work that soon we'll be able to ride out on the roads, much nicer than inside a garage. I'm looking forward to tackling those other Cardio Coach workouts like both of the 6's, and #7 that I've never done. Also, I remember #4 is a toughie and only did it once in the house on my trainer. You know, I never did a lot of heavy legwork as it seemed like I always had some ride that I wanted fresh legs for. No pain, no gain, right? And, remember, I'm the laziest Xer here. I always preferred lying leg work, and how heavy can you go with that? By the way, my green band broke today while doing the outer leg lifts in GS Legs. I have 2 more bands so no problem. Should last me for quite some time. I'm thinking the Bowflex will work for the squat rack. It's just that I'll have to leave the room and Cathe to do it. Wonder if the lifting is all orchestrated and choreographed. That was the nice thing with the X, I could leave the room and go do my lat pulldowns on the Bowflex and never miss a lick.

Stacy, 5 days early??? Weren't you late last time? What's up with that? What-ever.

Nicole, hope you start feeling better soon. When I'm sick, I sometimes have DH give me a nice rub with mentholatum whatever on my chest, throat and back. He even dabs a little on the edges of my nostrils. Don't know if it does any good, but anything mentho seems like it's got to help.

Kim, you have quite the week planned. Hope the dentist takes care of that painful tooth. How fun, running with friends! I love bike riding with a group, so I imagine running would be fun too.

Good night,

Jeanette: Stay with GS Legs and nice things begin too happen. I loooooovvvvveee working my legs that’s my favorite part. I need all the help I can get with these juicy thighs. Good for you for ordering STS I’m right behind ya:)

Did you guys see Barry’s new workouts? I forgot I had his older series, duh! check it out, seem like a good workout for beginners, I may be wrong about that}(

I’m in TROUBLE………when I got too work 7 boxes of Girl Scouts Cookies was on my desk. I haven’t had breakfast yet and all ready ripped open a box only had one thus far….gotta get my sweet fix on :9 :9

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