RE: Xers -
Hi all!!! Hope everyone is doing well this evening! I did MM upper only today and feeling toasty just like Sandra! I got my presentation done for tomorrow, but there is a chance of snow and sleet here...and we know how that throws school off kilter! But I wanted to be prepared just in case. CBL said I would get a special treat if I got a 100 on my test the other day...LOL! So I want to go to class to get my grade back. DD is spending the night with my mom tomorrow so that we can go to the Will Ferrell concert....Should be lots of fun. CBL and I are spending the day and maybe seeing a movie before we meet my friends for the concert.
onto some personals...
My goodness...Donna Summer, hunh?? I refuse to believe I am a bad girl...LOL! Team no-noookie...silly woman!!! Yes, you sufficiently intimidated CBL...poor guy! He wanted to know last night when you guys were coming so he could make plans to be away....but I wouldn't tell Once I explained it was all good, I think he felt better, but who knows....silly boy. I told him it was just a compliment to his manhood! Poor girl...sorry your sleep has been so disrupted lately. It certainly makes a big difference on how your body handles EVERYTHING. Wish I had the rest of Barbie's figure and not just her toenails.
OMG...Mice completely creep me out when they are in the house!! We had one in Connecticut...but our 2 cats took care of it...My XDH woke one morning to a decapitated mouse in the den! Better him than me. I am guessing you are at class since I didn't notice any weather your way yet when I was checking that out earlier. Take it easy on your rest day!
LOL about going on about multiple something yesterday!! Crazy lady! Let me just clarify about my libido levels....When I was married and living with was pretty much nil...but now..things are a bit different...surprisingly so! I think that Jerry won the MOD contest...I remember Elaine was second out because she kept seeing JFK Jr. around town....The contest was between Jerry and George in the end...but it has been a while since I saw that episode. It wasn't on any that I watched today...which were multitude, by the way. I guess there are worse ways to prepare for class! Elaine..always cracked me the dancing episode!! I ALWAYS have simple carb cravings which I rarely I am of no help with that one.
I am glad you slept in today...I am used to the days of you working out at 11pm and then sleeping in the next day!! Tell Phil we ARE a bunch of crazies....but we keep our toys to ourselves for the most we are completely harmless! Can't wait to tell CBL about the 'magic mechanic'! I forgot about that one with Puddy...he always cracked me up!
I have given up cooking lasagna...I always mess it up! I will never make it at home again. I can cook all kinds of things, but lasagna seems to be over my head, for some reason....It is either over cooked or under cooked, too saucy or not saucy enough, too much cheese or not enough cheese...So I have decided at 41 to give it up and concentrate on those things that I can do better! So, to answer your question there was lasagna...but the regulating was much better!!! I love the 'spare a square'!!! That was on one of the ones I watched Hope you have a safe and on time flight home!
Poor you, poor DS, poor everyone!! Hope you are all feeling better today!
I am glad that no one at work was reading over your shoulder at work today! Not everything should be shared with co-workers! I guess that Cami is starting to feel better today..all good! My DD got a haircut yesterday too....I love the gal who does her hair...she does mine too. I am waiting until closer until you guys come to get mine touched up and trimmed. The reason I am using Seinfeld for class is because we are talking about body gestures...facial expressions, hand movements, etc. I have to tell this story since a couple of you mentioned the lunar eclipse...So last night I am taking out the trash out to the curb in my pjs (of course) and my next door neighbor (a retired gentleman) yells over to me...'Debra! Look at the moon!!' At the time we had complete cloud cover and I couldn't find the moon at all! So I'm looking around...and he shows me where to the eclipse wasn't full..and I'm like..okay cool..but what do I say?? Keep in mind CBL and I had just finished 'regulating', and I was headed off to bed to sleep with my boy toy....I just said, 'Oh how cool' and went inside....I just was at a loss for words! And my neighbor was sooooooo excited...and I really couldn't muster up the same enthusiasm.
Hope everyone has a great evening...and for those of you who need 'regulating', hope that goes well!
To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn
Hi all!!! Hope everyone is doing well this evening! I did MM upper only today and feeling toasty just like Sandra! I got my presentation done for tomorrow, but there is a chance of snow and sleet here...and we know how that throws school off kilter! But I wanted to be prepared just in case. CBL said I would get a special treat if I got a 100 on my test the other day...LOL! So I want to go to class to get my grade back. DD is spending the night with my mom tomorrow so that we can go to the Will Ferrell concert....Should be lots of fun. CBL and I are spending the day and maybe seeing a movie before we meet my friends for the concert.
onto some personals...
My goodness...Donna Summer, hunh?? I refuse to believe I am a bad girl...LOL! Team no-noookie...silly woman!!! Yes, you sufficiently intimidated CBL...poor guy! He wanted to know last night when you guys were coming so he could make plans to be away....but I wouldn't tell Once I explained it was all good, I think he felt better, but who knows....silly boy. I told him it was just a compliment to his manhood! Poor girl...sorry your sleep has been so disrupted lately. It certainly makes a big difference on how your body handles EVERYTHING. Wish I had the rest of Barbie's figure and not just her toenails.
OMG...Mice completely creep me out when they are in the house!! We had one in Connecticut...but our 2 cats took care of it...My XDH woke one morning to a decapitated mouse in the den! Better him than me. I am guessing you are at class since I didn't notice any weather your way yet when I was checking that out earlier. Take it easy on your rest day!
LOL about going on about multiple something yesterday!! Crazy lady! Let me just clarify about my libido levels....When I was married and living with was pretty much nil...but now..things are a bit different...surprisingly so! I think that Jerry won the MOD contest...I remember Elaine was second out because she kept seeing JFK Jr. around town....The contest was between Jerry and George in the end...but it has been a while since I saw that episode. It wasn't on any that I watched today...which were multitude, by the way. I guess there are worse ways to prepare for class! Elaine..always cracked me the dancing episode!! I ALWAYS have simple carb cravings which I rarely I am of no help with that one.
I am glad you slept in today...I am used to the days of you working out at 11pm and then sleeping in the next day!! Tell Phil we ARE a bunch of crazies....but we keep our toys to ourselves for the most we are completely harmless! Can't wait to tell CBL about the 'magic mechanic'! I forgot about that one with Puddy...he always cracked me up!
I have given up cooking lasagna...I always mess it up! I will never make it at home again. I can cook all kinds of things, but lasagna seems to be over my head, for some reason....It is either over cooked or under cooked, too saucy or not saucy enough, too much cheese or not enough cheese...So I have decided at 41 to give it up and concentrate on those things that I can do better! So, to answer your question there was lasagna...but the regulating was much better!!! I love the 'spare a square'!!! That was on one of the ones I watched Hope you have a safe and on time flight home!
Poor you, poor DS, poor everyone!! Hope you are all feeling better today!
I am glad that no one at work was reading over your shoulder at work today! Not everything should be shared with co-workers! I guess that Cami is starting to feel better today..all good! My DD got a haircut yesterday too....I love the gal who does her hair...she does mine too. I am waiting until closer until you guys come to get mine touched up and trimmed. The reason I am using Seinfeld for class is because we are talking about body gestures...facial expressions, hand movements, etc. I have to tell this story since a couple of you mentioned the lunar eclipse...So last night I am taking out the trash out to the curb in my pjs (of course) and my next door neighbor (a retired gentleman) yells over to me...'Debra! Look at the moon!!' At the time we had complete cloud cover and I couldn't find the moon at all! So I'm looking around...and he shows me where to the eclipse wasn't full..and I'm like..okay cool..but what do I say?? Keep in mind CBL and I had just finished 'regulating', and I was headed off to bed to sleep with my boy toy....I just said, 'Oh how cool' and went inside....I just was at a loss for words! And my neighbor was sooooooo excited...and I really couldn't muster up the same enthusiasm.
Hope everyone has a great evening...and for those of you who need 'regulating', hope that goes well!
To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn