RE: Xers -
Morning Xers,
Round 3/Phase 3/Week 11/Day 6
Workout: KenpoX
I have to stop LOL at work!!!!! At least I am the only one in the office right now. The conversation yesterday was a hoot! And just an FYI, no hormonal adjustment for me last night either. :7 :7 :7
Traci, I have heard that Classical Stretch is very good, but never heard torture was involved.

You mean I need to warm the food up, poor Cami is a deprived dog. I don't think she cared, because as soon as I was mixing up the beef/rice she was on me like a fly to a sticky trap! :7 I will have to remember the chicken broth, she probably would LOVE that. The girls came back from the hair salon with cuts that they both LOVED!!! Yippee!!! Oldest had blonde highlights, and a cut that is longer in the front and short in the back. Youngest has hers curled up at the bottom, so this morning I had to use the curling iron on the back of her hair. "Can't see the back of my hair MOM!" I asked her what are you going to do when it's only Dad left in the house. She said that is why she woke up early. :7 :7 :7 Ok now I want to try that rotation out. :7 Just for some Cathe time. :7
Tracy, I to am sending cancellation vibes your way. Dang on the mouse in the house. This may sounds strange, but leave a bucket of water out and the mouse will try to get a drink. Guess you know what happens after that.


Depending on how you feel about dead mice. :7 :7
Debra, All I can say is I'm glad you are regulated and chipper this morning. You get to watch Seinfeld reruns for class. I loved the one where Jerry kept seeing things about his dates he didn't like. The woman with the big hands. Just the expressions on his face makes me laugh. And of course the one where Krammer takes the USPS truck for a drive. :7 :7
Sandra, Did you get to see the lunar eclipse. We watched it from our patio door. So cool to see that.
Lea, I have heard that bronchitis is going around, so sorry it had to stop at your house.

Take a snooze for me to, you sound like you need it more than I do.
Wendy, Now we have Cathe Cat, Netta Van Petta, and Traci is BarbieX? :7 :7 I know my DH will never join me in a Power Heater Yoga class.

I think you are right on the breaking of real food, she just munches the rice/meat down. This morning I put in some of her kibble, and will work more of that into her diet as the week goes on. Reasure your friend that we are crazy. :7
Jeanette, What you don't like smoked salmon.

I'm one of those that absolutely loves the stuff. Love most smoked fish, guess that is the Finn in me.

I have stated taking glucosamine in the last couple of months, and it seems to have help the knee quite a bit. I just have to remember to take the dang things. I'm so bad with taking things on a consistant basis.
Nicole, Don't worry I have done the same thing. My oldest has a gage reflex also. So totally understand the wipe up and deal with it kid.

So I would never get Mom of the Year either.

Of course my MOY went away this weekend when oldest had her cell phone taken away.
TG, Imax has legs. Oh ya leg torture.

Glad you had fun with it though.
Kim, Oh come back!
I'm going to get myself some hot water for my tea, and then I have the need for a snack. :7 :7 :7 :7
Have a great day!