CTX Kickbox (much to my dismay)
I am really feeling tired today and did not want to workout but I did anyway. It helps distract me and feel better in the end.
Sad news- My DG passed away last night. It was such a hard week and we were so glad she finally went to be with the Lord. My Aunt Lucy said a prayer for her and she took a deep breath and opened her eyes real quick then she was gone. It was so special for my aunt and I and my MIL to be there. My FIL had just stepped out to shower when she went, so he was her only child missing at the time. Thank you for all the prayers, I know they worked.
Traci-X, I'm so happy that your ads are working already. Are you all set for your big trip to CA? Your 12# weight secret is safe with us
TracyX, It sounds like you, Debra and I are in the same boat today. I decided on CTX Kickbox because I didn't get any bicep work in last week. Sorry you are not snoozing good at night

Tonight is your last class

What will you do with your Monday nights now?
DebraX, Glad to hear your DD took the talk well. I am sure she is so used to XDH being gone that it wasn't as tough as it could have been. {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}
LaurieXX, Sounds like your having a little tryst with Tony

Glad your enjoying it.
Carol, Sounds like a good mix of cardio. DM is a good one
Anointed, What a nice sister you are

I am sure your sister is happy to have you help. Ted can cook too? You are really going to have to start renting him out to your Xer buddies

I think blast mania is the blasts 2x
LeaX, I'm surprised your kids aren't off of school today. Mine are home for Columbus Day. I thought all schools were off. Happy Birthday to DS!!
WendyX, So sorry you're having troubles with the dentist

I noticed this morning that my DS front tooth is turning gray x( I am not looking forward to even more dentist trips. {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} PMS may not be the best time to deal with insurance companiesx( Phil is a smart boy!
Cheryl, You are just a traveling woman aren't you? Are you enjoying it or is it tough?
SandraX, Happy Thanksgiving! All the food sounds yummy:9 Great workout! Enjoy the rest of the holiday
Off to spend a bit more time with the family,
I've been on a constant diet for the last two decades. I've lost a total of 789 pounds. By all accounts, I should be hanging from a charm bracelet. --Erma Bombeck