Xers ~~~ Monday~~~


Good Morning Team X!
Doubles / Phase 1 / Week 2!! Zippity! / Day 1 / Round 2

P90X: Chest & Back + ARX (subbing TaeBo Ab Bootcamp- Floor)
Cardio: Timesaver 1 (Body Blast Series)
Power Yoga Quickie - just to stretch out my hips & hammies:eek:

If our group continues to grow we shall be quite a force to be reckoned with very soon! I do hope everyone had a simply wonderful Easter and enjoyed all the festivities.
I awoke at 10, 11, 12 & 1AM with a head cold that came out of nowhere! I havent had anything but sore muscles;-) for at least 2 years. I do believe it was the horrid eating the past 7 days- my body is just so used to be taken care of... Today shall be a detox fast day (thanks Tracy:* ) to rid this old body of the sugar, carbs, and all the names of ingredients that cannot be spelled properly but sure feel good in the mouth!

My camera failed to work - WHO KNEW ya gotta replace batteries once in awhile! - so no new picsx( x( x(

Back to the gabby girls of Easter PM:

JEANETTE: What a grand picture of family you always paint in my mind! I do hope that someday I have that tight of a relationship with my folks & siblings. Thank you for sharing that piece of your life with your Buff Buddies! Its inspiring and heart warming. What another active day you had! GREAT 25 mile ride- I know that was just a "warmup ride" for you:7 , but I broke a sweat as I read it! Now HONESTLY- did you REALLY forget to send home the ice cream??? Hmmmm maybe netta petta isnt ready for TOTAL detox today! Oh a pic by the Speed Sign would be a hoot! I'd so love to see it!!! :7 You know its really funny when I run or ride... The first 20-30 minutes my mind is all about mulling over life issues that may be in my brain.. After that initial period I truly zone out and start appreciating what my body is able to do at this age, I notice my muscles responding and it becomes a very zen experience. I have ZERO competition in my blood since I bowed out of corporate america 2 years ago and I like this lighter side of me. I never knew it existed. I think thats why I find it hard to workout for less than 30 minutes at a time... I know my junk is still with me til I pass that time mark... I want the emotional feel good stuff so I tend to over do.

Debra: GREAT GREAT GREAT for getting GS completed yesterday! Not easy after a full Easter Sunday! Glad you liked using Mix n Match! I swear thats the only way I'll ever be able to lift with Cathe and lift heavy. Thoughts on Self Flat Abs? I dont have any of their workouts but here some are good. Are you making a recommendation ???

Debfer: YEAH! We have another X junkie!!! LOL on fitness tests.. YES you will amaze yourself in each phase!!! Whatever your nemisis - you shall conquer and be joyfully surprised! Tony helps us break thru the mental blocks to doing just that little extra bit that is the magic for growth (imo). I totally agree with you on Kenpo! After being gone from X for just two months I didnt realize how poor my KB form had gotten again... Doing it last week and having back, Shoulder, Bicep, Ab DOMS * I am back on track! Execution/Form is EVERTHING for a superior kick workout!!!

Wendy: You are going to get your very own personal page because I'm out of coffee and I see that you posted 3 - count them 3!! Novels since I last posted!! :+ I cannot wait to read the antics of yesterday so I shall return!
:7 Miss Wendys Personal Page of Personals!:7

I have to laugh- you were so excited that you stayed awake until 11pm yet your posts were all about your ZOMBIE antics! Cracked me up-
Wendy it never once dawned on me that you would actually FORGET to do your Sh&Arms!!!:+ :+ :+ Thats a HOOT! I take full responsibilty if you show no increase in definition phase 1! Heaven knows that if you get off track for a day or two its all over! NOT! Did I ever mention that my last round was really called P96X???? :7

How was that swirled cheesecake??? NO WAIT- DO NOT TELL ME!!! lalalalalalalaallalalalalalalaalalalalal - I'm not listening!

I do believe I hear just a teenie tiny bit of jealousy regarding Dreya!:p Its really not Dreya ya gotta worry about- its actually Laurie X and ME!}( Tony is putting us in his next set of videos and Dreya will be toast! :eek: Fly thru this dreya! :eek:

I too have a DH that my family and friends think does no wrong! The problem is - with the exception of his obsessive fishing he really is pretty close to perfect! Makes me SICK I tell ya! I always tell him hes a much better husband than I am a wife! I was born to be free and independent (aka: in control at all times!) - He's Mr. "Theres 2 people in this marriage"....:7 I keep forgetting that!

PLEASE dont put me back on the Xer pedestal! I am deathly afraid of heights- hey .....That MUST be why I binged all week.... I needed to get off that dam* pedestal! So it YOUR FAULT!}(

I second your nomination to have the Xer retreat at Jeanettes! She also lives in a BEAUTIFUL part of the country so we could all hike, bike, eat, Kenpo etc....

Hope that late night post cheesecake workout got done! If not you are officially doing P91X}(


Great morning to all - I shall be out and about in the world all morning but shall return this afternoon.
Lordy I feel like I'm talking to myself this morning!

Forgot to tell Miss Lea X.....
I suspected that you had new pics in your album..... OMG your boys are just the absolute most adorable little guys... The one of them on the bed is just priceless! They look angelic but with just a tad of devil in the eye.... You must be so busy with them. Is that your mom & sis in the kitchen pics?
OK since obviously none of you have any desire to keep me company this morning I had to go and shop.... I ordered Power Half Hour with Tony! Can you believe I did this? Its all bands, half hour each (duh), stretch and a lower level Ab Ripper. It should be terrific for recovery weeks from non X rotations.
Now I officially have ordered every series known to man kind and do not know how I will ever again say - I dont know what rotation to do... Lets see- what else can I buy before 5am?:7
Hi all,

Traci - I'm out here for a minute......

I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday day yesterday and that the eating festivities did not leave you too hung over from fat, sugar, carbs, or alcohol. Today is a new day, do your best and forget the rest!

Yesterday I did BM1 and BM2 upper body only segments. That is really a great combination for a total upper body workout. I subbed the body weight exercises for weight work, but overall that is an excellent combination of different exercises for the upper body. It moves fast and gives you a good pump in an hour. Then I did 20 minutes on the stationary bike and magically hips.

Today is either a walk and/or 30 minutes on the stationary bike, maybe some floor work, and Brian Kest Sweat.

I have no time for personals now, I have to work. Such a novel idea isn’t it?


Morning Xers,

Doubles: Ph1/Wk2/Day1/Rnd2

Today will be Chest & Back, ARX, and a 3 Mile Run.

Saturday saw my DH take over the computer, because ya know we need to get our taxes done. We owe money, so we wait as long as possible. x( But I did manage to get my KenpoX in, and it was fun. :D And of course we went to my brothers for some good eats. Sunday I was at church for two services, yes I'm crazy about singing in the choir. :D 6:00 am I was in church. Right after that we went to my youngest brothers house for some brunch, and we stayed there until 3:00. Then that lead to DH's parents house, minus one child (she wanted to spend the night with her cousins). So DH's parents took us out to eat. See a theme here. :9 :9 :9 x( x( x( Anyway, we had a good time visiting with DH's parents. After that we went home and enjoyed watching a movie. :D Such a peaceful house without children. :)

Back on the good eating band wagon today!

I will BBL, I need to read some posts from the weekend,

OK Ladies- I have officially replaced morning eating with SHOPPING! Ya know I ordered Beachbody Power Half Hour for my recovery weeks and now .... Coach Sean (CC) Volumes 1 & 2 to add to my volume 3 on ipod...(Coach was lonely!) I wanted the shorter ones as I am just starting back to running/crawling and dont want to get into something that is too long to burn me out.

Tracy: Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to work we go....
:+ Have a great day!!!! Thanks for keeping me company this morning. Your workouts are just mind boggling... I do believe you are giving Tony a run for his money!

Laurie: MY HEADS SPINNING! I bet you burn more calories in a weekend than I do all week! Enjoy your 25,000 pushups today... I'll be happy to make it thru the darn thing with this head cold! Be sure and retrieve those children OK? DO NOT take the lead from Sandra on this one- they may disappear!

I'm outta here to go get brows mowed, send off a book in mail- find untainted dog food & cookies and loads of other exciting things. All workouts will be afternoon / evening as DH has some business partners coming to house so I need to make myself scarce. :7
Good morning,

Today was Slim Series Tone It Up. This will be the last week of SS type workouts. Not sure what I will do next week, maybe one of Fitness Freak's from the Rotation forum.

Traci, dang, how'd that cold sneak in there? Be sure to drink tons of water today to thin that mucous. I'll be with you on clean eating this week. The weekend is behind us and I'm looking forward to getting that unbloated feeling again. DH's BBQ seasonings always make me retain mucho water so will be flushing, flushing, flushing with lots of it. Hopefully, the toilet will be flushing too. Hate it when you are drinking lots and nothing is coming out. So cool how you explain the zen like feelings when exercising. I think I would enjoy it more if I didn't have to hurry up and get it done before work in the morning. I remember enjoying my Friday workouts because that was my day off and no one else was home. I could make them longer if I wanted to. Thanks for the comment on coming to my house for a get together. That would be too cool! I was on a tear a while back and bought lots of stuff online. Have to watch myself. Love waiting for a package to come.

Tracy, your workouts sound real good. Bet you are still in darned good shape for a back injury. How many people can say that? Sorry that work is keeping you from posting more. I hate that.

Laurie, there are a bunch of us getting on that wagon too. Traci and I will come pick you up. All aboard! What kind of music do you like to sing? Sounds like lots of good visiting and food this weekend.


Oh yeah, my new furniture will be delivered on Wednesday. I'll have to take a block of time off from work. We're giving my brother our old couch and loveseat. He'll be picking it up soon, I hope.

Good morning,

How are the chests and backs of all the Xers who started on a Monday? Toasty, I bet!!

A Cheetah snuck onto our thread yesterday!!!!! What are you doing here, ShellyC? Shouldn't you be off chasing down rabbits?

TraciX - so the cardio today is Timesaver #1, is it? Okay. Thanks. I couldn't decide what I wanted it to be, so I figured I'd just copy you again. A cold? Oooh, get better soon. Maybe I gave you mine? Your post to Wendy cracked me up. You're feeling chipper today! WTH are you doing buying Power Half Hour?! Like, when are you ever going to do a NON-P90X rotation?? You're addicted! I've never tried edamame beans, although see them in healthy places all the time. In the spirit of trying something new, I will buy some this week. What's the best way to eat them? I'm curious which new vegetable you bought?

TracyX - Why would you want to avoid the lamb? I love lamb. Yum yum. How was your dinner yesterday? To have a bag of chocolate chips in the house is a dangerous thing. Both BM upper body workouts in one session?? Oh my! That's gotta hurt! Something to keep in mind for the future....Enjoy your walk today.

LaurieX - La la la la!! You sing, you act, you do it all! Are you doing rehearsals for the ren faire these days? Do you rehearse these things? I know nothing about them, to be honest. A quiet house....what's that like? Your weekend sounds like it was very enjoyable. I found KenpoX to be enjoyable, too. A month away from it was all I needed.

DebraX - EB's celery and rosemary snack complemented our carrot snack quite nicely. I like the way you did GS chest & tri yesterday. I never use the Mix 'n Match feature on any dvds. I don't like fiddling with buttons in between sets of anything. But given how much you all find it useful, I should probably give it a try some time. LOL at what you think is in my daughter's toybox. Remember the day I was cleaning and turned around to see her eating the Comet and washing it down with the Windex? You can see I don't stock the pantry any better than the toybox!

LeaX - I like the sounds of what the EB left your kids. The fact that they were happy with it is also great to hear. You're an excellent mother. Are you still sore today? How are your various injuries? Holding up? For serious, do you drink cocktails frequently? I swear it never, ever, ever crosses my mind to have an alcoholic drink. Our guests even brought wine last night, and I had water in my wine glass. I do enjoy the taste of wine, for sure, but I absolutely hate the way alcohol makes me feel. There are a few mixed drinks from my younger days that I love (Long Island Iced Tea, Pina Colada, Paralyzer, rum and coke), but I haven't had one of those in so long I can't even remember what they taste like. Alcohol, like pop, is for me just a huge waste of calories. Thank heavens there's *something* I don't like!! I've looked at the picture of the Inca porridge a ton of times, and can't remember why I haven't made it yet. It looks very tempting. Maybe this week I'll make the effort.

JeanetteX - I like the idea of phasing out the EB treats at an early age like 7 or 8. Your parents are good people. I have the same policy about doing dishes as you do. I don't make the guests clean up. DH and I do it together as soon as they leave (although, with 28 guests, it may get put off for the next day, too!). I like waking up to a clean kitchen. The day we moved in here, I stayed up until 3am putting all the kitchen stuff away. I'm a bit OCD about having an organized, fully-functional kitchen. My goodness your meal sounded delicious! You guys know how to have a bbq! I'm wishing you all the best on your TT tomorrow. 35 mins must be a hard distance for finding the right pace: can't go too hard and burn out quickly, but also need to keep the tempo up so you get a good time. Tricky! DH has those aero bars. He says they make the bike more difficult to control. But you sure look cool, down low in that position. FAST!!!

Amy - Greetings!! It's fun to have so many new faces around here. That's really, really neat that you have friends who are doing the program with you. I've gotten a couple of people interested in learning more, but they haven't taken the step of ordering yet (and if they think I'm going to lend them my disks, they're smoking something!).

Wendy - LMAO about cashiers coming to think you're "special"! I had to phone my DH for my PIN once....but I was pregnant. Remember that pregnancy brain? OMG it's terrible. I'm sure 90% of it is a result of sleep deprivation and that horrid fatigue that descends in the first trimester. Living in a partially-renovated kitchen? Sounds like my idea of hell (see my above post to Jeanette). Who will install the new cupboards? I've been married to DH for almost 14 years...I know how the value of a good guilt trip :) Dang, you brought up taxes!! We got to do those this week. Nope, I'm not a SP watcher, but if I ever come across that episode I'll give it a gander. You *forgot* to so SA??? I'm not surprised, given how much you do in a day! However, in our defense, we're not used to someone who doesn't start the rotation on a Monday! Nobody around here knows what you're supposed to be doing. Except maybe TraciX - I think she takes notes.

Deb - I'm glad you enjoyed YogaX again yesterday, and are enjoying all the P90X workouts. Yes, you will improve with the pull-ups, as long as you keep doing the assisted ones. They actually work!

Our Easter ham dinner yesterday was really, really nice. The food tasted good, and while I'm puffy and thirsty from the salt today, I don't think I overate much at all. The apple-crumble recipe I found on the internet turned out deeelicious. I'll make that again, for sure! Today we're having a full turkey dinner with another set of friends (and possibly a third set, who will phone later and let me know if they can make it).

I ate really well during the day yesterday, and will probably try to just replicate that for today.

Before then, I need to do Timesaver #1 cardio (TraciX, is that the SB combos 1 & 2?), P90X Chest, Shoulders & Triceps (grrrooooan), and ARX. So, I've got lots to do today. Better get at it!

Hello to the rest of the gang who will be posting as I type this, and later on today.

Hi, I'm back again. :)

Traci, I'm all for being in Tony's next workout. Do you think that he would be touching us all over like he does Dreya? I think he should do a new series, and include the people that workout at home. :D You ARE really having fun shopping this morning. Do you think that your cold may be the culprit? At least that is what I would blame for my spending spree. "Really dear the cold made me spend." }( I'm hoping I receive Tosca's book today. :)

Tracy, Wow that does sound like a great upper body workout. I haven't done the Bryan Kest Sweat yet. Sometime in this rotation I will need to do something besides YogaX, so maybe...

Jeanette, I'm so glad I'm not the only one that has to hoist herself back up on that wagon. I feel so fat today, that I know when I fell off, I just kept rolling. :D Hey road trip to CA! I'm all for it, Traci when do we leave? New furniture, now that is something I need for my family room. Very excited for you!

Sandra & Lea, I finally know what the Doodlebops are. My youngest DD had the show on, and I asked her what she was watching. She had no idea what it was. My DH said it had to be written by someone on an acid trip. :D

DH and I where looking for something to watch on TV last night, and he was looking through the On Demand Channels for our cable. I asked him to look through the Exercise on Demand. The last time I had looked they only had Petra Kolber. Anyway they have Tony listed on there with Debbie Siebers - Thin Thighs and Great Abs. I'm going to check out some of the Yoga. Mark Blanchard had some workouts in there, and watching them is a good way to get my kids off the TV watching.

Off to do some more work for my job!

Sandra, We haven't started rehersals for the faire yet. They start the first weekend in June. Our opening weekend is the second weekend in July. I will be singing for faire also. We have a Magrical group that I sing with. :D I actually enjoy singing in the Magrical group more than the church choir. My throat is a little sore this morning, with brass and pipe organ, you just tend to sing louder. :)

Amy, Hello I have yet to skim the weekend posts. You must have joined our happy little group this weekend. You will enjoy chatting with all these wonderful women.

Now I really will get some work done. Ya right.

Good morning ladies...No time for personals right now...Just wanted to pop on and make sure Traci survived all the processed food yesterday! I am planning on doing CC#4 this afternoon...we have a showing on our house this morning and we actually got an offer on the house today...We are countering...so PLEASE keep your fingers crossed that we can get this mammoth off our back and move down South! DD has dance this afternoon, too...so as usual a busy day here. And I didn't sleep well last night...I almost got online, because I knew that Traci would be up! Okay...gotta run for now...I may not have time to post until later this afternoon since I really need to get my cardio in today...'cause my eating wasn't as good as I had planned last week.

Have a great day ladies...I will be thinking of all of you doing hundreds of push ups and chin ups today!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

Morning ladies. All I have to say is "WOW", you ladies are awesome. Thanks so much for all the great tips and advice. I am going to need it! Well, I felt so horrible on Saturday morning that I ended up going to urgent care and am now BACK on antibiotics for the second time in a month. I can't get past this bug and it's wearing me down emotionally. I still managed to get in GS BSB and the Step portion of MIC on Saturday and IMAX 3 yesterday. This morning I felt my body needed a little extra sleep, so I plan to do GS C&T and cardio from C&W when I get home tonight.
Yes, I will be starting on Thursday. Hopefully by then I will be feeling MUCH better. I was going through the eating plan last night trying to create a menu to follow the guidelines, but I think I'm just going to stick with my BFFM, only up my calories to around 1800. I'll try to cut back a little on the carbs and substitute with protein. I don't want to make it too complicated or I'll have a difficult time sticking with it.
I'm looking forward to it and not looking forward to it at the same time.:p

Hope you all have a great day!

Good Morning/Afternoon Ladies!

I still have Yoga to do this morning. Phil was sick yesterday. He drank some Theraflu and did all of S&A except for the last 4 bonus round exercises. We got an I in ARX. Phil wasn't able to breath through his nose by then. I figured we'd have to do it tonight. And you know what Tony says about doing ARX two days in a row. I think tonight is Legs and Back. I'll have to check as my mind isn't fully recovered from sleep deprivation.

Traci-X: Debra will be glad to see that you didn't drown in Velvetta and Miracle Whip! I get my own personal page. I feel so special! In a good way special! LOL OMG, I can't be that bad! I'm sure if you tallied up the word count in my posts it wouldn't come close to yours. Well, maybe not. ;-) NOOOOO! I do not lust after Tony! Dreya can have him drooling after her! I am so uncomfortable whenever a man flirts with me. (Believe me, it doesn't happen very much anymore!) It's just so uncomfortable to watch Tony flirt with his good friend, Mikey's wife while almost ignoring the two other people. You and Laurie-X filming with Tony! Now, there's a video I'd go through BB again to buy! I better NOT hear any moaning though!!! ;-) Does your dh want to come back in his next life as you? Phil wants to come back as either me or our dog. He's still not sure who has it better. LOL Thanks for the heads up. I'll have to checkout Lea's recently posted pics. Put down the credit card. Enough of the retail therapy! I can't believe you would enable me to consider Power Half Hour. It's sooo tempting to sub his lower level ab routine! Getting your brows mowed eh. You should see Phil's unibrow. I have to pluck them even though I have a wax. I get so much joy watching him squirm! }(

Tracy: LOL on your novel idea. You go recovery girl! Shame the rest of us without any injuries.

Laurie: Oh, you sing too! What did y'all sing? I love Easter hymns. We have a huge ren faire in Lancaster area every year. I've never been to one. You ladies should be strong after doing the X already. If Tony even thinks of touching you guys during the shoot, take him down with some Cathe moves!

Jeanette: You have endurance! 25 miles at an easy pace? I think that's funny to see 25 miles and easy in the same sentence! :) Will you be posting your electronic speed sign picture? Cute idea! LOL about spelling your name right. I don't play the piano. We bought it 5 years ago for $20.00 so dd could take lessons. In retrospect, I think they should have paid us to take it. The piano tuner was able to tune it. But, he informed us that a piano is not like an antique piece of furniture. They do not increase in value when they are that old. We bought oldest dd a new harp two years ago. I took a break from learning how to play it after getting a calluse and blister that wouldn't heal back in November. My fingertip still isn't healed right. I need to go to see a doctor for it. Now, that's something I wish I could do... sing well. I'm so envious. I do think God made me unable to carry a tune to keep my pride in check. My life would be a musical otherwise. ;-) I think you're trying to get me in trouble! Everyone she asked, I didn't offer. Of course, I'll send you my grandmother's not so secret cheesecake recipe. I can't help you with the Chocolate Stampede recipe. That's a dessert I get when we have dinner at Longhorn. :9 Enjoy your new furniture!

Debra: How heavy were you able to go last night? Thanks for the mix and match Gym Styles tip. I'll have to keep it in mind for the day I'm allowed to sub. What flooring do you do Kenpo on? I'm on carpet and it's terrible for moving my feet in Kenpo. Maybe that's why I don't like it as much as Cathe's KPC.

Sandra-X: You're absolved! I *forgot* that y'all start on Mondays. ;-) You see how bad my memory is. You can just imagine how it was during pregnancy. I would make up new words and combinations of words (Wendywords) because I couldn't remember the actual word. What's so bad is that I didn't realize they weren't real words until someone pointed it out!!! My ghetto kitchen days are numbered. I can't wait! I'm so excited to finally have a real kitchen again! Phil gutted the entire room, replaced and moved all the plumbing and electric for our new floor plan, and installed new insulation. It wasn't a small feat as our house is over 167 years old. The kitchen was originally the back porch.

Hi to all my fellow Xers. Hope your day is wonderful and pain free!

Hi there all..not much time but just wanted to say hi! I am a nervous wreck as we are in negotiations with the possible new owner of my house! I am just crazed! I am trying to calm down, so thought I'd pop on for a quick chat.

Wendy...I also work out on carpet and I have found that I really enjoy doing Kenpo barefoot. I have good padding underneath, so I am able to do the plyo moves with no danger...and of course, if you land like a cat, your muscles absorb the shock instead of your joints. I kind of feel like David Carradine (wasn't he the king fu guy?) when I do it barefoot. Actually I try to do any non cardio either in bare feet or comfy shoes...I have the darnedest time with my tennies causing callouses and such. Anyway, with bare feet I can do all the pivots and drags. As far as my workout last night, I was able to use 15 and 20's for chest and 10 and 12's for triceps. I probably could have gone longer and added on, but my wrist and elbow said no. Why are you doing yoga + legs and back today? Is this to make up for your missed workout on zombie day?

Katie...Hope you are feeling better and those antibiotics work for you so you will be ready to start the X on Thursday!

Okay..gotta take DD to dance...Keep your fingers crossed that these people actually buy our house! I'll bbl for the rest of personals.


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

Hi all,

I ended up doing a total of 30 minutes on the stationary bike and the standing part of B&G with a few modifications, no regular squats and absolutely no deadlifts. I subbed with step ups and squats with one leg higher than the other, not sure what that is called. It was OK and felt good to get the legs working again. Then I did B.Kest Tone. That is harder that magically hips, but got into the muscles a little differently which was good. He gets a lot done in 50 minutes. I can almost do a decent Ddog again. At one point, when this first happened, I could not sit on the floor with my legs straight, nor get my socks on. It wasn't any fun.

It is so stinking cold here it's unbelievable. It didn't get above 42 today. Global warming here we come!

Traci - How was today's workout?

Debra - I'm keeping my fingers crossed on the negotiations. I'm visualizing you in the south sipping iced tea and enjoying the weather.

Sandra - I never drink either. I did many years ago and gave it up when I got pregnant. My BIL wasn't eating any desserts yesterday and said he was watching his waist. I'm thinking then why don't you give up the bottles of wine that you drink almost every night? Luckily the little voice in my head helped me to keep my mouth shut.

Katie - Maybe you should cut back a little on the working out until you get better. I'm one to talk, but sometimes a break can help. You do not want to start the X if you are sick. It is hard on the body. It's good that you have your food planned out for something that will work for you.

Wendy - We are stuck mid-kitchen renovation. We ran out of $$ and had to fab up some temporary stuff. It works, and is much better than our 8X8 kitchen before. Good luck. It is such a mess and extra work.

Hi to all who follow,

Hi, I'm back again...I'll get done with the personals sometime, I promise!

Tracy..So glad to hear your back is feeling a bit better. When do you get your results from your test? I know you must be missing your leg workouts! Yes...Picture me drinking a sweet tea...That's one thing we don't have and I never drank it much when I lived there, but now that I don't, I miss it! We had snow flurries here today if it makes you feel any better.

Sandra...I am sure you are having a great time with your friends right now and eating a lovely turkey dinner. Yes, you must try the mix and match feature..I don't like fiddling either, but I was able to keep heavy with my weights and the fiddling time just helped me catch my breath a bit...kind of like you do with Tony as you are writing down everything.

Laurie...I am so glad you had such a nice Easter holiday. It sounds like you guys are such a talented family! I haven't received my Tosca book yet, either...and I am tapping my toe and looking at my watch!

Jeanette...Yeah! New furniture! Did I mention I love new furniture?!? I am from High Point, NC...which has the title of "Furniture Capital of the World." And that's where we're moving back to and I can't wait to go furniture shopping! Let us know what rotation you start using...Did you check out Cathe's April one...I think it's pretty complimentary to after X work.

Traci...Step away from the computer and put down the credit card! Wait, who am I kidding?!? I love to shop online...I just do mine late at night instead of early in the morning. Hey, at least we're not snacking! I'm sorry we don't have any new pics to peruse...those pesky cameras and those batteries! I don't know if you would get the burn you are looking for with the Self abs video...I think you could just use a good ab section from your favorite pilates person and get the same result...but I will be happy to loan it to you for a preview...You can just pretend that I am flickety fit. Hope your workout went well today.

I have legs tomorrow and I am planning on doing Gym Styles. I also need to do abs again. Did I mention that I really enjoyed Cardio Coach today? I am going to have to get another one of those...But I'm not sure which one to get next.

Okay...I am going for now...Hi to Lea (where are you?), Deb, Amy, and another hi to Wendy and Katie! Have a great evening ladies!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

Good Evening Ladies,

It's so quiet here today. Must be due to Traci-X having to make herself scarce for dh's meeting. It's probably only an excuse for her to do more shopping! ;-)

L&B is done! I got myself into another project...reupholstering our soot covered, fabric clawed, 4 year old, Rowe settee. We didn't have a fire. Our furnance coughed up a enough soot to blacken the back of it before breaking down. Baby didn't ruin the fabric with her nails. A week after it was delivered I dog sat my friends poorly trained and not clipped dog. Removing those darn staples will be the death of me!

Debra: Thanks for the barefoot tip. I shall try it tomorrow. You guessed it. I had to do a makeup day because I didn't have S&A written down on my to-do list. ;-) Where do the negotiations stand? Did your house sell? Where are you living now? Is High Point, NC near the ocean? That is a gorgeous area. I took the girls down to the Outer Banks when we were studying Early American history to visit the Roanoke settlement.

Tracy: Man that blows! What still needs done? At least, you have a bigger kitchen. 8X8 sounds like a walk-in closet these days. LOL One of my biggest fears...running out of $. Of course, I always choose the most expensive cabinet doors, countertops, sinks, etc... I'm trying to keep the costs down so I can get soapstone or granite countertops. This entire renovation started when dh bought discontinued stone tiles at a fraction of costs. We decided to go ahead and start afresh since the floorplan didn't maximize space and the cabinets needed updating. I found the perfect lighting fixture on the discontinued rack at Lowes. Thankfully, dh knows how to do all this stuff or else we wouldn't be doing this.

Lea: Oh! Your boys are so precious! You must have a difficult time restraining yourself from kissing their cheeks every time you look at them. You have such a handsome family!

Well, back I go for Round 2 with the settee.

Sweet Dreams!
Hi Wendy...You're right the check in is quiet today. We are close to being done with the negotiations...but I am trying not to jinx myself by being too positive. We currently live in a suburb of Chicago about 45 minutes outside the city. High Point is actually in the middle of the state. But my mom is from a little city about and hour from the Outer Banks and that is where we went when I was little to go to the beach. The town where we are moving is actually a bit closer to the South Carolina shore. Also my bestest buddy lives near Charleston SC, so I am we will spend a lot of time with her. Hope legs and back go well for you and DH tonight. I am sure you will notice Dreya moaning on that one....Tony actually seems embarrassed.

Also to Laurie and Jeanette...I am one step closer to getting your DVDs out to you...perhaps tomorrow if things go as planned!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

Giving my thumb a rest.

Debra, I was thinking of taking oldest dd to visit the Lyon & Healy factory in Chicago in a couple of years. She plays on a L&H Prelude lever harp now. When she's tall enough for a pedal harp, I'll trade her Prelude for one. I thought she'd enjoy a short airplane ride. I do not plan on visiting the American Girl Place. Did you ever get sucked into going to it? How about an Ophra show? I'm sure you won't miss the snow and wind too much!

Going for round 3: P13X vs. a gazillion staples


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