CB is done! I never need to do that one again, if I so chose. It's not that I don't like push/pull ups; it's that doing so many starts to wear and tear on my elbows and wrists and I don't like all those little twinges happening. I have to believe that you can still build good muscle definition in the chest and back without blowing out your smaller joints in the meantime. Maybe just doing one round of that workout, then adding on chest work with dbs or the bb is what would work for me (maybe do CB Round 1, then 4DS Chest & Back, or something like that).
My 30 min yoga warm up today was Shiva's Fluid Power Standing Pose Mandala (27mins). That's a great way to warm up the entire body without tuckering yourself out. DH and I wound up doing Eion's Pure & Simple Yoga yesterday. As Debra said, it gets right to the point, and I like that. A very nice yoga session, for sure. We used the "dual" screen feature so DH could follow along with the Beginner version, and I could watch the Intermediate one. My Eion was shirtless

Christiane....You're doing the Popeye workout today! Enjoy your inflated forearms!
Tracy....You're doing the Popeye workout too. And then hanging off the bar some more for the core workout? Er, have fun. I don't care a bit about what premixes Cathe does or does not put on her dvds. I'm capable of making any mix I want using my programmable dvd player, and when they release their new Workout Blender software, we should be able to do the same using workouts on different dvds. I'm really looking forward to that.
Debra....Oh my, what a miiiiserable day you had yesterday!! Your poor dog. Don't they know that stuff is poison for them? You earned your nap today. Enjoy.
Lea....I'll take your rain over our snow any day. If it's raining, that means it's not so bloody cold. How neat that you're taking some online business courses. What is your plan? What business do you want to work in?
Traci....Man, girlfriend, you sound like the Walking Wounded. What are you doing to yourself? I recommend that you spend the day lying down watching tv or reading a book. Do not move. Tomorrow, gradually start to wiggle a toe, then a finger, and work your way back up to vertical. If you can do that without pain, then you're good to go. Otherwise, wrap yourself in bubblewrap and go back to bed. I may be purchasing those Perfect Push Up bars, since I see Cathe using them in STS. Like you, I know if she uses a piece of equipment, it will be a worthwhile investment. It's not just a prop. The way I knew the BG premix was looping was because I happen to have printed off the detailed description of the workout and premixes when Cathe posted them a looooong time ago. I think they were put on the blog and the AC forum. But without those, I'd just be thinking Cathe was truly sadistic and never attempt the premix ever again. Didn't Wendy leave only a week ago, Friday?
Nicole....Congratulations to your sons!! That made all your time at the arena worth it, didn't it?
Teddygirl....What a nice weekend you had. I wish I could have stayed inside yesterday and read all day. But no, we had things to do, so we ventured out in the blizzard a couple of times. Yuck. I don't plan to venture outside today until it's time to pick DD up from the bus stop.
Carol....Wow, I love your enthusiasm for the start of Phase 3! Look out Tony! Here comes Carol!! "We get good people...good people"

I have the same Rykas and really like the high ankle support.
Jeanette....So, which one of you cleared off the dish? LOL. For the cars we have block heaters in the engines, which have an electrical cord that you plug into an outside outlet when the cars aren't being used. This sends an electrical current through the engines, which prevents the oil from getting too thick for the engine to turn over. Despite having the Explorer plugged in last night, DH said it baaarely started this morning. This is the kind of weather where people will leave their vehicles running while they go shopping. It's terrible for the environment and on gas consumption, to have parking lots full of idling vehicles. Our house is comfortably warm, but our gas bill next month will blow the roof off, I'm sure LOL!
Laurie....I hope the funeral was, oh there's no good way to say it. I'm sorry again for the loss of your friend. I'll have to look into getting a flying simulation program like that for the Wii. I'll bet the kids and DH would love it. I bought the Wii "Dancing With the Stars" game last week, for when my mother comes to visit in a month. She loves line dancing, and loves that show. So, I'll have something to keep her amused for a few days. And I'll maybe even learn to mambo, cha cha and tango too!
Well, I'd best go do the Monday work. Have a great day.
Sandra/ Cathe Cat