DH is off on a bike ride, DS's are watching Dora, I have my coffee and I'm ready to chat with myself

I always miss the rush but hey, I try
Interval X went well and I'm starting to look forward to the end. Only 2-1/2 more weeks to go and I'll be an XX'er
Looks like we'll have quite a turn out for the retreat. I am so glad it's going to happen. I was all stressed about losing weight before then but I decided I will never be as small as you little ladies so I gave up

I'm still watching what I eat and pushing myself but I'm trying to not add the stress of major weight loss to my list of things to do.
Wendy, Take it easy, you do not want this junk going around. DS has been sick with relapses for a month and a half. Cute shoes! Are we going to see a picture of the whole outfit? Oh yeah, I totally think the sizes run big because a 00 is just huge

I can't even imagine getting my toe into those. My sister is tiny like that but 5'5". It's disgusting and I'll have a talk with God in heaven about that later

Thanks for the hugs! I do think I'm do for a good distancing from the situation. She is moving to Washington state so she'll be far away
Tracy, Are you noticing any changes with this round of P90X? Of course your so tones as it is you might not notice but did you measure? Are you going to do the + program after this round or wait until after STS comes out? I was thinking that some of my fast changes could be because I started using the pull up bar. Granted I can't do even one but even the assisted ones work well. DH and I are doing better today because I was able to discuss the issues we have calmly. I know he sees it but in the heat of an argument he relapses. Next time I'll box him one
Traci, Thanks again for your advice this morning. It helped a lot! I am ready to rid myself of all the negative junk going on around me and look for the positive.I looked up ticket prices and found that it was only $350 where it was $500 a month ago. I too have heard from many trainers that the back is supposed to be trained 2X as much as the front. It makes sense that you would hunch if your chest muscles were too tight all the time.
Gee Sandra, Your life sounds as exciting as mine lately

I really need to take DS to the doctor to see if he has an ear infection. He has been sick so long I don't remember him being well. He has a fever again and is just pooped. Honestly it's kind of nice to have him down a few notches from his regular energy

How is your thesis coming? I bet it's nice for the girls to have someone's undivided attention and nice for you to get your own undivided attention.
Lea, You are becoming the yoga queen and I'm jealous

I get to join you tomorrow. I love Thursday for that reason. I do think it would be safe to do floorwork. Be sure to really stretch your hamstrings and hip flexors or you will make your back worse. The only time I really start to feel my back is when I have tight muscles or tweak it with bad form.
Teddygirl, Your stew looks easy and good for you, two pluses

I take it you and Ted are doing better? Good idea to get him cologne. Have a great Valentine's Day!
Jeanette, It's you and the Garage Boys tonight, huh? Are you feeling a bit lighter today? I get on the scale purely for accountability but would steer clear of it otherwise. It's amazing how it can ruin your day even if you were felling good before you got on it. I noticed on the Biggest Loser how the contestants wouldn't lose weight if their calorie intake was too low. It's amazing how efficient the body is at storing fat for times of famine. I try to convince it that I won't starve it but it doesn't listen and stores the fat extremely efficiently

I agree that I should distance myself from this whole situation and I am glad it will all be gone in two weeks and I can get on with my life.
Debra, When it's raining you invite CBL over for dinner and mention to him how much you hate taking the trash out in the rain

I can't believe you let him leave without taking them out! Oh well, next time

Yummy:9 I love chicken and dumplings! I'm sure I would feel better after fish and roasted veggies though. Thanks for the hugs and advice. I will be happy when this is all over and she moves to Washington so I can focus on my own life as it's been a while. How many of us are going to descend on you?
Laurie, Wow, 3 degrees is so out of my realm of thinking. It was 73 here today and my sister once again told me to shut up about it. This is the time of year she usually comes to visit and she couldn't afford it this year. She said she is starting to get depressed. Are your cherries done yet? Maybe we can make them at the retreat:9 That would make me feel better
Ok, I'm off to cook dinner. I had a nice chat with myself
Bring it!!!