Good Morning!!!
Does Cathe look like she has ZERO BF% or what on the latest blog pics??? GAWD that woman is amazing! Still gives me hope as 45 approaches quickly!
Today is BBC new: Upper Fat Blaster + BBC Mission Abs:7 Feeling lots of "luv" from my upper body muscles all night long...I think its more the accumulative effect of last weeks workouts & training schedule vs just BBC but we shall see... Can ya say T-O-A-S-T-Y?
A few afternoon/PM Personals to catch up with & then I'm ready to face the day....7am Petsmart SPA DAY for boys, 9am Eyebrow grooming for me, 10AM workout then FREE til 4pm training:7 Will most likely spend the day ridding house of winter dog smell -
:* :7 :* :7 :* :7 :* :7
Thanks for sharing your scientific test results on X! Its nice to know I have a willing partner to be a guinnea pig here!!! Wish I got paid for all the "testing" I do...being a lab rat pays NADA!:7 ROF on the 10-Dwarfs Cheer! I'd bet $$ you still know the dern thing!
~~ OK- 20% BF deserves a Big B to you as well! :* I was 18% by mid 2nd round of X in 2006/2007..... havent been there since..... 20 is actually awesome! Did you look at the charts???? My new client is 61% BF if that makes us feel any better at all. Its hard to imagine that on a 5'4" frame of a 29 year old isnt it?
There you are! I thought for some reason you'd be gone from the states by now.... This is a long visit for you! Very glad DD is working thru all her issues & life is moving forward. Hopefully there will be only joy in the remainder of your time together. Congrats on Week 11! Thats really such an accomplishment when you are home-based...traveling? Well thats just a feat to be boasted about! ~~ I smiled about the BF & scale...My brand new Tanita goes from 32% in AM when I'm dehydrated all the way down to 25% on PM... I use it for AM weight & PM BF%! :+ Actually I bought calipers last year so have used those monthly & thats the # that corresponds w/ the web one - I shall IGNORE Tanita's unless its lower than that of course;-)
Now would you have EVER believed if we had told ya ANYTHING from 4DS would make you say "really good workout"? :+ I recall you were so NOT "feelin' the luv" for the series- very happy you have a good use for it now. ~~ Shopping frustrates me too- thats why I do it sitting @ my desk!:7 I was crackin' up! No tape measure?????? I guess you arent DH's seamstress in your spare time?:+ :+ DH HAS to have one in that garage filled w/ guy stuff! I bet you're close to 11% bf now.
Well sweets you were bound & determined to catch one of the ba-zillions of germs out there werent you??? Does this mean the male population in your house will STEP UP & take care of YOU?;-) - Whats LTF Reception??? I'm scratchin my head.:7 Hope you feel better- my best medical advice? Stay drugged up HEAVILY}(
Ahhhhhh male PMS- gotta LUV it! How does CBL act when he's hormonal??? Mine becomes a jack-arss
~~ I agree that Kenpo+ takes a bit of doing to be able to really bring it- I remember thinking to self..."Do not loan this out to someone who doesnt already know Kenpo". Maybe its those leg drills that explain the low BF%?:+ ROF on TTT Cream! Hey..... Maybe I measured my neck @ the "fat" part!!!! ~~ I do hope you & Eoin find time today...He shall center & massage all your aches away!:*
Long weekend for you! I'm sure GM was THRILLED to have you for so much time! ~~~ My ipod mixes up my CC as well! WHAT UP WITH THAT??? I'm sure its mixing everything up but I just dont notice it...Beer in golf bags isnt a bad thing!}( I ALMOST learned to play when I saw the drink cart gal across the street one day (on the course) serving Margaritas to a couple of players...ANYTHING goes in Texas! When I moved here you could DRINK & DRIVE if you were a passenger! Can you imagine??? Coming from CA that was a total shock for me.... We even had a national news story a few years back about a drunk golfer killing a player with his golf cart!!! ROF...Its sad about the death of course but GEEZ!!!!!! Now ya gotta play golf w/ eyes in the back of your head! ~~~ Get STS preordered! Does Cathe look awesome or what??? ~~ WooHoo on the BF%!!!!! Thats FABULOUS!!!! Maybe if we all actually SEE we are not "fat" we shall lighten up a bit on ourselves! We are pefectly perfect IMO:*
Hugs & Xer Flex to each & every gal!
Does Cathe look like she has ZERO BF% or what on the latest blog pics??? GAWD that woman is amazing! Still gives me hope as 45 approaches quickly!
Today is BBC new: Upper Fat Blaster + BBC Mission Abs:7 Feeling lots of "luv" from my upper body muscles all night long...I think its more the accumulative effect of last weeks workouts & training schedule vs just BBC but we shall see... Can ya say T-O-A-S-T-Y?
A few afternoon/PM Personals to catch up with & then I'm ready to face the day....7am Petsmart SPA DAY for boys, 9am Eyebrow grooming for me, 10AM workout then FREE til 4pm training:7 Will most likely spend the day ridding house of winter dog smell -
:* :7 :* :7 :* :7 :* :7
Thanks for sharing your scientific test results on X! Its nice to know I have a willing partner to be a guinnea pig here!!! Wish I got paid for all the "testing" I do...being a lab rat pays NADA!:7 ROF on the 10-Dwarfs Cheer! I'd bet $$ you still know the dern thing!
There you are! I thought for some reason you'd be gone from the states by now.... This is a long visit for you! Very glad DD is working thru all her issues & life is moving forward. Hopefully there will be only joy in the remainder of your time together. Congrats on Week 11! Thats really such an accomplishment when you are home-based...traveling? Well thats just a feat to be boasted about! ~~ I smiled about the BF & scale...My brand new Tanita goes from 32% in AM when I'm dehydrated all the way down to 25% on PM... I use it for AM weight & PM BF%! :+ Actually I bought calipers last year so have used those monthly & thats the # that corresponds w/ the web one - I shall IGNORE Tanita's unless its lower than that of course;-)
Now would you have EVER believed if we had told ya ANYTHING from 4DS would make you say "really good workout"? :+ I recall you were so NOT "feelin' the luv" for the series- very happy you have a good use for it now. ~~ Shopping frustrates me too- thats why I do it sitting @ my desk!:7 I was crackin' up! No tape measure?????? I guess you arent DH's seamstress in your spare time?:+ :+ DH HAS to have one in that garage filled w/ guy stuff! I bet you're close to 11% bf now.
Well sweets you were bound & determined to catch one of the ba-zillions of germs out there werent you??? Does this mean the male population in your house will STEP UP & take care of YOU?;-) - Whats LTF Reception??? I'm scratchin my head.:7 Hope you feel better- my best medical advice? Stay drugged up HEAVILY}(
Ahhhhhh male PMS- gotta LUV it! How does CBL act when he's hormonal??? Mine becomes a jack-arss
Long weekend for you! I'm sure GM was THRILLED to have you for so much time! ~~~ My ipod mixes up my CC as well! WHAT UP WITH THAT??? I'm sure its mixing everything up but I just dont notice it...Beer in golf bags isnt a bad thing!}( I ALMOST learned to play when I saw the drink cart gal across the street one day (on the course) serving Margaritas to a couple of players...ANYTHING goes in Texas! When I moved here you could DRINK & DRIVE if you were a passenger! Can you imagine??? Coming from CA that was a total shock for me.... We even had a national news story a few years back about a drunk golfer killing a player with his golf cart!!! ROF...Its sad about the death of course but GEEZ!!!!!! Now ya gotta play golf w/ eyes in the back of your head! ~~~ Get STS preordered! Does Cathe look awesome or what??? ~~ WooHoo on the BF%!!!!! Thats FABULOUS!!!! Maybe if we all actually SEE we are not "fat" we shall lighten up a bit on ourselves! We are pefectly perfect IMO:*
Hugs & Xer Flex to each & every gal!