Xers ~ Isnt it ironic.....Sunday


;-) Woke up with that song in my head...Isnt it ironic, like rain on your wedding day, a green light when you're already late.....

I wonder why we get these things in our heads? I didnt listen to anything but Namaste Yoga music all day yesterday....*smiley face w/ big ? across the face*

Legs sufficently "squatted out" from an all day pulling weeds session in backyard...Neck & back stiff but its not from anything but the position so will do some sort of UPPER blowout today... I am feeling the need for a Cathe fix today (that always brightens my day) so I'll probably do one of the ba-zillion SS/PP mixes.

BTW: The backyard now looks very appealing & beautiful again...How does one get 4 30-gallon trash cans full of weeds & palm tree clippings? Maybe I'm a weed head...;-)

Back with personals!


Look what I went out & got for you! A Smiley that shows what ya feel like doing to XDH [IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/kick/2.gif[/IMAGE] ...I do hope you're OK- missed you yesterday[IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/clueless/4.gif[/IMAGE]~ I assume you were busy partying? How is our little diva? Will there be pics of the big day??? [IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/ver1/birthday1/7.gif[/IMAGE]

Oh gosh I'm so sorry you got de-railed from your weight loss goals but I am very [IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/happy/7.gif[/IMAGE] That you are seeing the leg results already! ~ Good for you wanting to "just be healthy" for our trip... Funny how we take that "little thing" for granted isnt it?... wait...isnt it ironic?[IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/lol/11.gif[/IMAGE]

Well so much for staying up late last night waiting to read your post!?[IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/lol/14.gif[/IMAGE] Glad to hear you went & had a few laughs with a GF! Always good for the soul. [IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/signs10/9.gif[/IMAGE]

Well by Saturday standards you were the big winner of POSTING QUEEN![IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/thumbs/3.gif[/IMAGE] ~ I had to laugh about the study time not being as productive as you wanted...wait for it.......isnt it ironic?[IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/lol/11.gif[/IMAGE] - Oh I have waaayyy too much time on my hands this morning! Hope those legs stopped shaking! Wondering how they feel today...Do you get DOMS anymore or are you too conditioned these days? ~~ Funny thing about functioning on no juice...when we're young we have loads of reserves in the body- when we're "not so young" we run out of gas REAL QUICK! I can only do it a day or 2 before needing mega nap sessions to re-fuel. It actually throws me off for several days...

Did ya get to that grocery store? The thought of grocery shopping on a weekend here is CRAZY! So many dern people in a big city...The isles are more like lines..I always seem to get behind a person who must read every label with a magnifying glass- then decides "to hell w/ it" & buys the yummy brand anyway![IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/paranoid/2.gif[/IMAGE]Makes me CRAZY! Oh yes...add in we go shopping to talk on our cell! [IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/moody/7.gif[/IMAGE]

What funny faces shall I post for you?[IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/movingeyes/3.gif[/IMAGE] Your post sounded BLISSFUL! What a way to start a great weekend! Must have been a busy day (as usual) for the Rastin Family! Were you riding like the wind?[IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/glass2/21.gif[/IMAGE]~ Glad you see a use for Squeeze..havent touched it in ages..I liked it well enough - just not a workout that sticks in my brain I suppose. I think I'm like a kid with way too many toys![IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/thinking/6.gif[/IMAGE] May I just say- You are one WILD & CRAZY shopper! Thats UNBELIEVABLE about the cost of bike shorts... I am truly stunned![IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/nono/4.gif[/IMAGE] & YES- you are right - biking shorts are the absolute WORST for a womans body...I always wore my regular bike shorts (workout ones) to spin...

OK- Gals...Hope you enjoyed your little show this morning... It takes FOREVER to find a smiley that is "just perfect" so dont expect to see so dern many again![IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/lol/3.gif[/IMAGE]

In case any of you have too much time on your hands too....http://www.emotihost.com/ver1/pageindex.htm

Hi all,

I woke up tired because I slept 2 hours later than usual. No big deal today though; DH is taking care of his Dad and the kids will sleep for a while, so I will be able to study. The darn study guide is not formatted to my learning style so I had to go back and re-do my personal study materials for the first couple of chapters.

I am feeling some fatigue from yesterday's upper body workout. I really was happy will my pull/chin ups! That's the best I've felt in a long time. Today will be some kickboxing and a little other cardio of some sort, plus core and yoga.

I did make it to the gracery store yesteday and even a 6 it was really crowded. I generally shop at this international market. On the weekends white faces are truely the minority, but I don't care. Thier produce is so much better than other places. It's interesting because there are three grocery stors within a 1/4 of a mile. The Asians shop at the one I go to, the Latinos shop at the one across the street, and the Americans shop at the other one. Oh well enough of my cultural observations.

Did you all look at the blog update? They sure don't have on thier normal happy faces in some of those photos. Is that an indication that it's hard?

I previewed Amy's two new clips. I think I'll like the Hi/Lo better. In the ring looks pretty shoulder intense. I hope it doesn't end up being that way and there are enough other moves to balance that out.

Does anyone besides Sandra have the Cardio Coaches? Which should I get?

Traci - Your post is a nice way to wake up. I can't imagine how long it took. I used to do yard work, but since Vic runs his business from the house, those guys do all of that. I don't miss spreading mulch and pulling weeds. It felt good to do a Cathe yesterday. I miss her impeccable form. I have lots more time on the weekends. During the week I barely have time to get home, workout, do yoga, cook dinner, return the calls for Vic's business, clean up the kitchen so I can cook, shower, watch an hour of mindless tv, and then go to bed. I do nothing on the weekends because I have way too much social all during the week. There is rarely 30 minutes when someone is not in my office, which I love because it has helped get me established, but there have been a few days when I just wanted to hide.

Sorry I don't have time to insert faces. I can barely get an exclammation point or other descriptive symbols in:)


You made me laugh so here's another one JUST FOR YOU!

I am so happy you have found a rhythm to your unbelievably tight schedule... I really do respect your commitment to workouts that are tough & lengthy;-) .... Life is just too full sometimes. Mine goes back & forth...Too full w/ too much free time. I still hope to find balance someday.

Oh to have all those men around to do the hard yard stuff! I really do love it once I get out there..its always been my form of zen practice...Just gets overwhelming after a few cold(er) months.

If you start posting alot today I'll know you are avoiding the study time again...do you want me to crack the proverbial whip?

Is it ACE outline that is different than you are accustomed to or is this part of your work studies? How you juggle it all is amazing!

Have a great day!
Good morning!!

What an animated post from you **Traci**. You appear to be very happy today. Are you getting some proper sleep this weekend? Did you soak up a bunch of vitamin d enriching sunshine yesterday? The song I woke up with in my head is by the Wiggles, for heaven's sake. I had no idea the Namaste series had a music cd. It's good, is it? Have you tried or previewed any of the workouts yet? Yes, we were on the go all day yesterday. I never managed to get a shower in, which drives me nuts. No, I'm not doing another P90X rotation. No way! But they are terrific weight workouts, so I decided I'd insert them periodically to help me maintain. I don't push myself as hard with push/pull ups when I do them on my own. My goal when I do the workouts is simply to match my Round 2 last week's numbers. Today I'm going to do SA, and maybe Abs/Core+. I didn't fly home for my paternal grandmother's funeral or my maternal grandfather's funerals, either, and I wasn't on bad terms with either of them. Oooh! You have a new client!!! Congratulations!!!!! Tell us about this one.

**Laurie** - So, are you going to incorporate some P90X workouts? I hope the first communion goes well for DD today. Didn't your other DD just have hers last year? It's "crying snow" here these days (love that phrase). We've had 2 days of snow, and are expecting 3 more. We were just getting used to spring, argh!!! Nope, I decided against LL yesterday. I'm not sure why. I think I just wanted to do GS Legs more. But I feel like I got in there good, regardless. With all the running you're doing, I'm wondering if you're planning on doing a race of some sort this year? Have you ever done a half-marathon, or a full one?

**Debra** CB signs his emails to you as CB??? LMAO!! And the Tamale Pie recipe for Day 2 of our vacation sounds like a plan. We can pretend we're travelling the world!! My parents took a picture of a buffet table in Thailand. Every bin was filled with a different kind of bug. Oh yum. I'm sure I'll get plenty of bug protein between my teeth as we ride. Best wishes to DD as she turns 7!!! Excuuuuuse me?!?! You added ankle weights to KM LCD?? You must have thighs of steel!! I feel so sorry for Traci's clients now. You know she takes her torturous inspiration from us, don't you?

**Kim** You have a birthday tomorrow! How will you celebrate? Well, it WAS nice enough in Edmonton to run and cycle, and then it started snowing on Friday, and it looks like December again. I should think all this snow will melt fairly quickly, though.

**Jeanette** Thank you for the two recipes. How did your parents enjoy them? Did Grandma eat? The shorts I bought are Sugoi. I noticed that brand alot on the website you sent me to. The chamois is their mid-range one. The store clerk tells me it should last for years. At the cost of it, it had better!!! Yes, DH keeps commenting on how light my bike is. Isn't it funny to look back? Watching old footage of Tour de France races is funny because I swear those people are riding my old 10-speed, and appear to be doing just fine. I think the miracle of Hilary and his Sherpa companion reaching the top of Mt. Everest first was less about the fact they did it, but that they did it without all the high-tech paraphernalia! You tried Amy's workout yesterday! I think part of the frustration is just learning her style. I found ASCI easier to learn than ASCII, probably because I was more familiar with her style by then. I hope you stick with her, and eventually buy ASCII; it's such an excellent step workout - even better than ASCI. Your sentance yesterday was incomplete, and I'm still trying to figure out what DD has offered to make for you to bring to the retreat. A pitcher of bloody mary's for Traci, perhaps?

**Tracy** Are you getting lots of studying done this weekend? I'm trying to think how you would do GS Chest & Back. Did you do each workout separately? You didn't alternate them in push/pull fashion, did you? I'm surprised to read you don't like bicep work. You probably have lovely nuggets by now :) I just read yesterday that you can apparently get a whole wheat flour that is really finely ground to more closely resemble white flour. It's called "white whole wheat flour", and is available in health foody type stores. Maybe that will appease both you and DH? (or at least, fool DH). I have Cardio Coaches 1-6. One & Two come in both an original version and a revised version. Six comes in a version that is coached by Sean, and one that is coached by guest coach, Candace. Until CC7 came out, people felt that #6 by Candace was the hardest. I did it once, and it's tough. #1&2 are the shortest (30-40mins), #3&4 are medium length (45mins), #5&6 are the longest (1 hr). All of them combine a mixture of tempos, speeds and resistance. He really made these for people using exercise equipment, but they are doable when you're running, etc. When he goes into hill climbs I do walking lunges. Whether you get a tough workout or not is up to how much effort you put into the workout. Personally I love #3 & 5, but I enjoy them all. You can't go wrong with whatever you pick. On the website you can see a specific breakdown of the workouts, in graphic form. What cardio activity do you plan to use them with? I'm thrilled you're getting these. Sean is very motivational.

About the $118 cycling shorts - that was the discounted price!!! Because DH is a member of their riding club, he gets 15% off of anything he buys. The full price was $139!!! I haven't spent that much money on all of my shorts put together over the last 10 years. I knew going in that it wouldn't be cheap, but I was planning on just buying an entry level short. The entry level short was $50, and looked godawful. Cycling accessories are hugely overpriced around here, and you can only buy them at cycling shops. No Walmart knockoffs to be found. So, these knicker shorts are IT for a few years. I definitely wanted a chamois short. I don't know how the Traci/y's can ride without one. I had mild saddle soreness on Friday just from briefly riding the bike on Thursday while the guy fitted it for me. The good news is that I don't have any soreness in my butt today.

I love the tank tops the women are wearing in the Meso#2 Legs workout (what happened to Meso#1 Legs, and all the rest of the Meso#1 workouts?). I like how they're long and a bit loose. I also liked how Brenda was wearing loose shorts and a regular t-shirt in the workout they filmed last weekend. I'm still impressed that Brenda is in these videos at all! I can understand why she's not in the Legs workouts LOL!!!

I cooked a turkey yesterday. My grocery store gave me one for free on Wednesday. Every week they have a coupon that gives you something for free if you spend a certain amount of money. Every Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter there's always a coupon for a free turkey. I haven't actually purchased a turkey in years. Anyhow, they gave me this free turkey, but we're going to have Easter dinner at our friend's house, and she's cooking ham. So, I decided to just make up the turkey yesterday for us, and use the leftover meat in some casseroles, soups, and sandwiches. The dinner was yummy. I put the carcass in the crockpot with water overnight to make a stock. The smell of turkey in the house is so strong this morning that it's really driving me nuts now.

Well, the daughter's up, and I've prattled on long enough. I think I'll go feed her and myself, then start making moves towards the basement to do Shoulders & Arms.

Have a great day!
Traci - I love the picture..... How'd you know?

It's not that the ACE info is different, it's the organization of the study guide. I used it for one chapter, then looked at the practice questions and decided to revamp. I surely can't remember all of the information after reading it just once (500+ pages), so I'm creating a chapter by chapter study guide with the relevant info. I've been exposed to a lot of it, but there is some memorization that will have to occur:)

Back to the books, at least for another hour.

Hi to all who follow

Shoot, I lost my post,
Will be attempting an easy bike ride today, then 9 holes of golf, unless DH wants to go do something else.


Sorry I didn't get back last night:( DH and boys came back home early because it got cold and windy in the desertx( Oh well, it's nice to have them home:)

I wanted to get back today but it's another busy one. I'm glad it's a rest day:D

Traci, I love the icon filled post this morning! It put a smile on my face:D

Off to church then the grocery store then to dinner at my mom's to see my cousin who's visiting from WI.

I'll see you dear women later:*


Feel the burn!!!
Hi all...Sorry I haven't been around...I have been busy trying to survive the birthday festivities...and of course, XDH's presence in my life. Ugh. The birthday party went great...everyone had a great time...I accidentally left my camera at the place, so I won't be able to upload pics until Monday. Thanks for the birthday wishes for the Diva. She was completely exhausted by the end of the day yesterday....but happy and now 7!! I talked to her briefly this morning...she is with her dad at his stepmom's place...They will be back tomorrow.

I was a busy bee yesterday, so I ended up doing All Step from CTX...I enjoyed it since it has been forever since I did that one. I should be doing some sort of GS today...don't remember which one right now...but I will get to that later this afternoon. I have to study for my class later today too since we have a test tomorrow. But right now, I am heading to go take a nap. I have been stressed for 3 days and it is taking a toll on me. I will hopefully be back later to catch up with some personals....

Oh..Sandra...I have CC #6 with Sean...and I love it!! I would definitely suggest that one.

Traci...You definitely had waaaaay too much time on your hands this morning to do all of those smileys!!!! Incredibly cute! I can't wait to show DD the happy birthday one!!! She will get a real kick out of that!

Thanks to everyone for all the positive words of encouragement and support. It really means a lot to me to be able to get online and feel your good vibes. Hope all is well with everyone...Back later after I have some rest.



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Just got back from a 6 mile run with my friend. Only one running buddy today. We had a very nice run and I dressed more appropriately for the weather and so was comfortable. Will plan on doing ARX and SA later this afternoon.

Dh's grandfather passed away yesterday. He was 92 and not in great health so not unexpected. DH and ds saw him last weekend for a visit so that was good. DH's parents were divorced at a young age and he didn't have much contact with his dad over the years (lives out of town) so he was never very close to this side of the family. DH and I will go to the funeral Wednesday, I think we will take ds but maybe leave dd in school. She doesn't handle things well and had only meet him 2-3 times in her whole life.

Traci- Thanks for the fun post, brighten up my morning!

Yes, tomorrow is my 39th birthday. The age thing doesn't really bother me much. I don't know if I mention before that I am part of a set of triplets ( never know how to phrase that) My Scottish mother had triplets on St. Patrick's Day. LOL This was before the day of fertility drugs etc so totally natural. She was told she was having twins. LOL Natural triplets are pretty uncommon so we used to have a big fuss around us, the city paper each year took a picture for the front page of the paper on St Patrick's day. So I have two sisters also turning 39 tomorrow. My mom is making us all supper, us 3 girls, our DHs and the 6 grandkids (2 each) I bought my sister tickets to see the Osmond brothers next week for a birthday gift, now does that date me. My DH is making lots of jokes about that and ds is trying figure out who we going to see in concert ;-)

I'm going to go check out your website when I'm done with personals

Sandra- $118 for shorts :eek: Hopefully your really like them and they last along time. Actually I want to go to the running room for shoes and shirts and I know how expensive they are. Sometimes these specialty items are worth the money. Glad that you're enjoying the bike.

Jeannette hope you enjoy your golf game today.

Tracy Hope you're getting some studying done this weekend. I have 3 of the cardio coaches (2, 3 and 6 with Candace) I really enjoy them. I think I like 3 betther than 2 for a short workout. (35-40 mins) The #6 is harder is closer to a hour. I did just buy 3 more (5, 6 with Sean and 7) but waiting for DH to download them on to my MP3 player.

Nicole I'm glad that you got some fun time with your girlfriend. Sounds like you have a busy day planned for today!

Laurie hope the communion goes well! Congrats to your dd.

Debra How did the birthday party go? Are you exhausted now? :D Good
luck on the test tomorrow.

Have a super Sunday! Kim
Just got SA and ARX out of the way. Figured along with my run I've burned enough calories to enjoy the Death by Chocolate dessert my mom made for tonight.

Traci, I checked out your website! It's great, very professional, beautiful pics and easy to use. Kim
Oh my it's a cranky household here today. I'm coming back to you guys, which is a much happier place. DH seems to think he's living through his first migraine, the toddler's just plain whiny and cranky, and the 7 year old is PMSing, I swear. The toddler was pulling on my sleeve earlier, as I was trying to eat my post-workout snack. She wanted an orange, and wanted an orange, and wanted an orange.....until finally I turned to her father who is sitting on the couch 5 feet away and said, "Please get your daughter an orange before I go freaking nuts!!" She went happily skipping into the kitchen behind him saying, "Mommy's going freaking nuts!" :+ It's all part of her grand plan, I'm sure of it.

Jeanette....Oh, darn that Lost Post Black Hole!!!! Enjoy your ride and your golf today. Surely that should be an Olympic Sport Combination, like the Biathlon, Triathlon, Decathlon. The Golfcycthlon.

Nicole....Busy day for you! I'm sorry the boys had to come home early and rain on your parade. Enjoy all your activities.

Kim....Oh, another funeral :( One of my happiest memories is of being about 7 yrs old and playing with my cousin at her father's funeral. But that's just wrong, isn't it? A triplet!! That's utterly fascinating!! Are you identical or fraternal? Did you see that news item a couple weeks ago about the identical triplets born in B.C. on Feb 29? There weren't any fertility drugs involved in that, either (and I don't think they affect the creation of identical siblings, anyway. That's 100% luck, I think). Identical triplets born on a leap year day are apparently extraordinarily rare. I have so many questions about identical siblings, if that's what you all are. Like, do they get their first periods on the same day? And are their cycles in sync for the rest of their lives? For identical siblings who do everything together, the rest of us must appear to have such a lonely existence. I often wonder what it would be like to have another copy of me to hang around with all the time, like that would alleviate any loneliness I might feel. Do identical siblings ever wonder what it's like to live as a single individual? Do they wonder how we get by? Will the newspaper be taking photos of you all when you turn 40 and compare the pics to your younger ones? You should suggest that to them :) You've had a bit of a taste of what life must have been like for the Dionne quintuplets.

Debra....Oh good, Dearest Diva had a great party. That's nice to hear. And you get a couple of days all to yourself. Time to kick back a little and relax!! Did you read on the Cathe calendar that Cathe has a Communications degree? Look out! You might have a future in the fitness industry ahead of you! CC#6 with Sean is the only one I own that I haven't done yet. But since I enjoy all the others, I can't imagine not liking that one, too.

Time to get back to these wild ones. Have a great afternoon,
Hi all,

Some KB, 25 minutes on the eliptical, and MM abs done. I'll do some yoga a little later. My side kicks have a lot to be desired, but my hips are so darn tight. Any suggestions on how to stretch them out better?

Nicole - Hi, glad you had a nice time with Bff.

Kim - Part on a group of identical triplets, wow. I wonder how often that happens? Are you close to the others? Glad you had a nice run. Thirty nine---- that's such a baby.

Debra - Glad you finally surfaced. I was a little worried that XDH was spreading a reign of terror. Is he behaving like an adult since it's DD's Bday? I would assume that until you get that agreement signed every encounter with him will be stressful, but lookout once that's signed huh? Be strong dear girl; how much time is left until he leaves?

Sandra - Sorry the house is cranky. The dogs can sometimes be just about knocking the door down and no one wil get up to let them out.

I guess I'll go do something.....

Hi all,

Some KB, 25 minutes on the eliptical, and MM abs done. I'll do some yoga a little later. My side kicks have a lot to be desired, but my hips are so darn tight. Any suggestions on how to stretch them out better?

Nicole - Hi, glad you had a nice time with Bff.

Kim - Part on a group of identical triplets, wow. I wonder how often that happens? Are you close to the others? Glad you had a nice run. Thirty nine---- that's such a baby.

Debra - Glad you finally surfaced. I was a little worried that XDH was spreading a reign of terror. Is he behaving like an adult since it's DD's Bday? I would assume that until you get that agreement signed every encounter with him will be stressful, but lookout once that's signed huh? Be strong dear girl; how much time is left until he leaves?

Sandra - Sorry the house is cranky. The dogs can sometimes be just about knocking the door down and no one wil get up to let them out.

I guess I'll go do something.....

Hello ladies. I am back. The trip from Lux to MI was OK although I always find it so long. Not as bad as coming back from Thailand I am sure, but then again I do it almost every 3-4 weeks...x(
This weekend we went to Pittsburgh to see DD dancing. We had a great dinner with her after the show. She had a wonderful talk with the choreographer that set the piece they were doing this weekend. He loves her and it seems things might work out with his company. We are keeping our fingers crossed as she would really love to dance for him. It would be in NYC so a big change from Pittsburgh...:+

Well....TADA...... I'M DONE....FINITO....OFFICIALLY GRADUATING TODAY!:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

I will be tagging one more week of recovery. The back is slowly getting better and I want to give it more time before starting another demanding program. I will do the X+ recovey and then follow with the X+ maintenance program. I will try to add every day some Yoga or Pilates or stretches to continue a full recovery for my back. As I was researching Collage for specialized back program I came upon a DVD that had very high praise and ordered it. It is a program that starts with 14min (2 weeks) then 22 min (2weeks) and then 33 min that you do every day. people that have been on this program were very happy with the results. A lot had the same chronic condition that I have so it's encouraging. If i remember it's No more back pain or something like that.

Today I did 45 min cardio, revisit an old Firm w/o and a back pain Yoga session with Rodney Yee. Feels good.

A few personnals. I did not go back all the way to last Wednesday...can't spend 3 hours...lol:*

TraciX~~ I am so jalous that you are working in your garden. I am dying to go play in the dirt but we still have a good snow coverage. My next visit is planned specifically for getting the garden going. It will take me at least 3 weeks, it's pretty big. But as you I find peace and solace when working in the dirt. Those animated faces were so cute...and so thoughful of you to find the perfect one for each.;-)

Tracy~~ Seems like you had a very busy day yesterday. I hate to shop on weekend, in fact I hate to shop period. I am not a typical women. DH on the other hand is worst than 10 women put together. Shopping with him is a day long outing. YUK!x( x( x( I have almost all the CC and like them all. It really depends how much time you want to spend. That is the main difference between them. As you go up in the sequence they get longer and longer with of course more intervals. As for a good exercise for your hips, the "Frog" stretch (like Tony's) is a good one to open the hips and it's also very good for the inner legs. Also if you can lean or hold onto something, bend your knee and extend your leg to the side slowly and continue, bend-extend,bend-extend for 10-15 times it's a very good exercises for side kicks. We use to do these to help our kicks.

Sandra~~ $118 for bike shorts!!! Holly Molly!!!x( I could almost smell your turkey from here. My last attempt was not very successful I'm afraid. It was this recipe in the slow cooker I did for Xmas and let's just say we had the turkey the next day and I had to improvise for dinner. Thank God it's was just us 4!x( Mommy I want and orange, I want an orange, I want an orange....:9 :9 :9 So cute, I was laughing so hard. Of course DH would not catch on that. lol;)

Kim~~ Great run you had there. I'm afraid runs are out of the picture for a little while until the back can take the pounding from it. I am sorry to hear about the loss of DH's grandfather. Please accept my condoleances. So you are turning 39...my my...so young...:+

Debra~~ I am glad the Diva's B-day went well.

OK it's time for me to go get dinner ready. I might BBL, otherwise I'll see you tomorrow.:)
Just really quick:

Debra, Say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Julia for me:):):D:D:*:*

ChristianeX, Congrats on finishing!!!!!!!!!!!!!:+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+


Feel the burn!!!
Hi girls,
Had a good day today. I didn't do the Sunday morning group bike ride because it was under 40 degrees at 10 a.m. and thought that was a bit cold for my lungs. I waited until after noon and then did about 16 miles, keeping my gears in the middle chain ring range. Was a nice way to ease back into riding. After that, I vacuumed, dusted and then played 9 holes of golf. Played the back nine holes this time and will suggest we play the front nine tomorrow after work as the back 9 still has snow around 2 holes and is a lot soggier, with less good grass. After that, went out to my DD's house and visited with them and the grandkids for a couple of hours. They have a new Welsh Corgi puppy that is 8 weeks old and really cute.

Traci, great job on the yard work [IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/working/10.gif[/IMAGE].
I need to clean out my flower too. Not sure I'll get around to planting anything. I usually start all enthused but run out of desire to keep it up later in the season. Love the emoticons. I think I will re-start my leg workout rotation and do it until the retreat. Boy, being sick sure knocked me down. I'm just hoping I'm on the downhill side of it now. Feeling better today, whereas yesterday wasn't so good. Taking the Sudafed Severe Cold capsules really helps and makes the drainage stop. Hope it stops for good soon, without the help of the Sudafed. Love the 102 Excuses LOL!

Tracy, I'll have to check out Amy's new hi-lo workout. Actually, I was surprised at her cueing in ASC. Guess I'm so used to Christi always cuing ahead of time. I just need to get used to Amy more. I do like her personality though. I have most of the Cardio Coaches. You can't go wrong with any of them. I don't have the latest one yet.

Sandra, those shorts are sure cute. Yes, Mom, Dad and Grandma liked the tamale pie and taco salad. DH liked it too and the leftovers are now gone. I'm thinking I'll probably buy ASCII. I like Amy puts together the routines. Your mind is always working, just like with Christi. DD is making a small scrapbook for me to bring to the retreat. I took a bunch of pictures over to her today. I told her I already had a Picture Trail, but she still wants to do it. Wow, no butt soreness today? I'm sure I had soreness for a couple of weeks. The turkey sounds great. I have to think about something for Mom and Dad on Friday. I'm thinking maybe beans and cornbread. They love my cornbread recipe, with the sour cream, cream corn, ortega chiles, onions and cheese. Very moist. LOL about going freakin nuts! I like the idea of the golfcyclathon. I'll show those Garage Boys a thing or two....

Nicole, sorry that your DH's desert trip ended due to not so good weather. Do they motorcycle?

Kim, glad the run was better than last weeks freezing one. I hate being too cold! So sorry about your DH's GF passing. Always sad. That is so cool about being a triplet! Hope you have a fantastic 39th birthday! The Osmonds, OMG! Hope you have a blast with your sisters. Oooh, Death By Chocolate, sounds wonderful!

Debra, so happy the birthday went well and DD had a wonderful time I'm sure. Hope you catch up on the rest. When is XDH leaving. Can't be soon enough I'm sure, though Julia must be enjoying her time with him. Must be awful for her to say goodbye.

Christiane, big congrats on finishing the X ! [IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/thumbs/3.gif[/IMAGE] So glad the back is feeling better. Hope that new DVD helps. I agree that you can't go wrong with any of the Cardio Coaches, plus they are chaptered so you can add on or subtract from easily.

Must go, hope to talk to you all tomorrow.


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