Xers...Hold on to your hats Wednesday......


Hello ladies. I was a no show yesterday, but I'll start us up today. Why this title? Cause it's been so windy for the last 3 days....unbelievable:eek: :eek: :eek: Anyway, I'll go get breakfast and come back with a nice cup of "George's Nespresso" and read on late Monday and yesterday's post before going into personnals.;-)
Hi all,

Yesterday was bitter sweet. B&B for the last time. I felt really good and increased my reps on almost all exercises. Then I did Magically Hips and the upper part of the Dome Challenge.

Today will be some sort of cardio and yoga.

I've decided to not take the recovery week and do a week or two of GS upper as active recovery. I don't feel tweeky in the upper body; actually all of my little aches have gone, which is unusual while doing the x.

I hope everyone has a great day. I have yet another potentially nasty meeting today. Thank goodness we really only have about 3 real nasty sets of parents out of 120 or so.

Hello again.
As I am siting here reading Monday and Tuesday's posts the weather has gone to all the extreme. It's not too cold, around 45F, but for one minute it's nice and sunny, not too much wind and all of a sudden, the sky gets all clouded and the wind is so strong that the rain comes down sideways... x( Well it's Luxembourg for you.
Yesterday was my "clean the house...or appartment day" and it took me nearly all day. The back was doing slightly better or so I thought until I finished cleaning... Not goodx( x( x( . The sensation I feel now is of somthing pinched in the left portion of the sacrum. So everytime I get up or lean forward, I have to readjust my posture and ease that pinching sensation. So at the end of my cleaning session I did a Yoga session, it felt good. Didn't do the X though. Today is supposed to be Core Syn, but no way I can get through it with the back, so I'll sub for a Pilates stability ball w/o; Core Balance. Some errands downtown, water the plants before leaving for MI, get the suitcase ready for an early check-in tonight and that should complete the day, sort of.;-)

Debra~~ Well I don't thing DH is going to get too comfy with Vlad. He said that Moscow is very interesting but not in a good way. Very capitalistic but just for the wealthy, which of course are all Vlad's cronies. He also said that the women there are definitely treated as a commodity... so NO I will not go there to visit.x(

Sandra~~ Well yes I did try Interval X+ and thought it was a very interesting w/o. I am not sure if I got the best w/o possible though as I had to modify so many moves. My HB went up but I don't know. It's definitely a keeper but I have to find cardios that get me up there without upsetting the back. We have both a bike and a elliptical but they are the cheap one here in Lux and I HATE both of them. As for Round 2 it is defitely in the future, but probably not before STS comes out. I have to deal first with this back issue and nurse it.:) I previewed UBX+ and it does seems like a great w/o. WOW is Tracy awsome... 4 kids and those abs...:D :D :D Jalous, jalous, jalous...:+ Thanks for the salmon recipe. I'll take it down as we eat salmon several times/week and I am running out of recipees.

Carol~~ I am glad the family...and the rabbit...are doing better:+ . Thank you for the rotation suggestion. I have GS but I don't have S&H, any suggestions on what to sub for?

Lea~~ Glad to see you around. How is your back going? Now it's me too x( x( x(

Jeanette~~ Seems like you are getting better day by day. It is unbelievable although what a few days off a rigorous w/o plan will wreck you. Well continuing on our discussion about balance... we are all... hopefully... work in progress. Otherwise, there is no progress. As for regrets, well it's OK to have some but not dwell on them. You did what you did for a reason and it seemed logical at that time in your life. Life is today and tomorrow... you learn from yesterday but you have to move forward...;) OK enough about deep philosophy... my brain is exausted.:+ I wish I could play golf again, I might try a little when the weater is better but my feeling is the back won't take itx( x( x(

Wendy~~ DH also wanted me to stick around with him and restart Phase 3. But sorry, it's no go for me. And anyway my back made the decision easy for me. He missed 3 days in a row and decided it's was so bad that he had to restart Phase 3 from day 1... He has become obsessed...}( DH told me that in the US P90X is advertized like crazy. Actually people that know we are doing this program have asked DH if it would be a good program for them. For some it's truly a case of you have no clue what you're getting yourself into...}( I was laughing when reading your post about the cashier. It is incredible how people cannot count mentally when you give them penny (to round up an amount) after they registered the initial $ you gace them. All of a sudden it's not what the cash register tells them and panic sets in and they can't count anymore. Yes my friend you are insane... you said so yourself...;-) BUT way to go on w/o at 2AM. You'll never see me pull that one off. Although DH did it once in Singapore. It was 3am and he couldn't sleep so he asked the manager to open the gym and there he went...:D

Laurie~~ Cleaning does feel like a w/o, at least it did for me yesterday. I am at this point considering different rotations. The Feb08 is interesting although I would have to sub a few as I don't have of the IMAX and S&H. I was also looking at the maintenance rotation of X+. But yet again, I have to get the back in order.

TraciX~~ OK who's Stacy? Is it the same thing as Mia????:) I wonder why your calfs would be toasted with 35#BB. Although I use 2x15#DB. My problem is that ever since I've had my sciatic 2 1/2 years ago on the left leg, I've had terrible cramping in the same leg. THe doctor says there's no relation to the sciatic, I just find it odd. Anyway either the calf, or the instep or the hamstring will cramp all of a sudden. So when I go high on calf raise I get a cramp every timex( . Oh well...:D IYO what do the 10MT add to your w/o library...and your's seem to be quite big...:p OUCH for Wendell's out-of-pocket... I agree with you that our health care system is broken. There has to be a sound system between the total socialized system and ours in the US, a happy medium somewhere.

Nicole~~ Thanks for the heads-up for the Clean Eating mag. I'll look for it when I go back to the US tomorrow.

Kim~~ I have not heard anything from my family, so I assume thay are off to their cruise.

OK, now off to my Core w/o.
Have a great day everyone.:p
Mornin' Xers!

No workouts for me yesterday...I was dressed in workout drag all day but kept getting/letting things get in the way.... OH Well! Today will either be just yesterday or a marathon....We'll see.

Christiane::: I'm hangin' on tight! We get super high winds several times a year too...Makes the dogs go bonkers when they go outside! I always worry that my avocado trees will go flying! HORRORS!!! ~ You are being so smart about taking care of your back...do you have a good Massage Therapist? I think the good ones can work miracles. The only time my rotator cuff injury ever seems to stop aching is when I have regular massages by a therapist.

TRACY::: Was surprised to read "bittersweet"... I dont recall you feeling that way after last round. Whats different this time? Hows the studying going for ACE? Not sure when you fit it in - perhaps while doing headstands in yoga?

:eek: I send Wendell emails & tell him I'm from www.nag.com! I think that its all less irritating to him when he knows I know that I'm nagging! ;-) ~ When he got back from golf I asked how it went, "Well- ya know its been 4 months since I played":+ THAT said it all!

HORRORS to be without a regular 'puter! ~ Ahhhhh- I KNEW I spotted you in the Tony DVDs! What a versatile woman you are! ~ Well the $$ for the ticket is spent so the only thing that could possibly keep me away from retreat is Wendells mouth! We are keeping fingers crossed that theres no complications- I'm sure all will be fine if he's a good patient & follows the 4 pages of intructions for the 7 days after the surgery. ~ LOL on poopy diaper... I think it was a Sonic gift card.... Wondering if you did Plyo or ANYTHING late last night....Not me- once the clock dings 4PM if it aint done it aint getting done!:7

Oh yes- I forgot that XDH cannot enter the home zone! Good girl! You are very very loving & un-selfish to remember that his relationship with DD is more important than the feud. GOOD MOMMY!:* Tell Julia that tomorrow Ms Traci gets her hair done ... We're taking a pool on the color & style;-) ~~ YEAH on the 10 Minute Trainers! You just spend yourself silly!

Glad you got back to chat. Is DH REALLY that bad about you having computer time once he gets home???? We need to let him know whos boss missy!}( ~ I think the trainers are a great investment- keep in mind however that I'm ALWAYS looking for things to do in LESS time & still call it a workout:eek:

Thought that boss of yours took away web privelages! Glad to know you're OK!

YUMMMMMMYYYYYY recipe! I shall head out in search of salmon this weekend! ~ I have no crayons to look @ for the magenta...I have about 15 bands now between BBC2 + Tonys + the others...NONE of the colors are consistent with each other..... I have them in piles now... Light - Med - Hard.... Thats the best I can do. ~~ Deb had a good idea about DVDs...Would it be cheaper for me to send it to you? Heck I still have the stickers sitting in the envelope all ready to take to post office- I think its been a month since I said I'd send them?:7

You & Sandra inspired me about KM Drills no chair- so last night I had my client do some leg work drills & I took away her chair! :p I may not torture myself but by golly I can torture clients!:+

Hows it going today? More yoga, treadmills??? When do you leave for your trip? DONT PACK Mia!

Hi all!! Just popping on to say good morning!! The diva got up a little easier today...Thank goodness!! Not me, though...I was up in the middle of the night for about an hour and a half. Ugh. I hate not sleeping. Anyhoo, today is a rest day for me workout wise, but I will be working out in the yard with CBL. He is spreading some fertilizer for me...and he is getting a load of mulch delivered, so we will work on that together. What a sweetie to help with my yard!!! I am surprised sometimes at how kind and helpful he is.

Got a kick out of 'workout drag'...of course, in my bleary state I just read 'drag' and I got a totally different picture...LOL! Have a lovely time getting your hair done tomorrow...and let me know what color it is so that I can tell the diva. I actually didn't buy anything yesterday...but I will try to rememdy that soon...lol!

Have a great time in MI if I don't see you before you leave! How long are you there this time?? Has DD heard anything from her auditions yet? Your DH is right about the Russian women...but I think you have to be in the society to understand that most of the girls put themselves out there that way....Because of the poverty, they are all looking for an older rich man to take care of them financially and they will do anything to make that happen.

Back later with more personals....Hope everyone has a great morning!!!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Good morning,

Today I'm going to do Amy's Advanced Step Challenge II.

Christiane....Tie your hat on tight! I hope you enjoy the salmon recipe. It's so quick and easy to make, and so tasty. I commend you (and Tracy) for persevering with exercise in general when you have to cope with such a troublesome back issue. I'd have probably thrown in the towel by now.

Traci....I went to the BB website and checked out their packages of bands. Yes, "magenta" was what they sent me. It's not the same shade of magenta that appeared on my screen when I looked it up in Wikipedia, but I have a terrible memory for colour. I'll swear upside down and backwards that the sweater in my closet is blue, when it's actually green. I'm not colour blind, just can't remember the colour of anything when I'm not actually looking at it.

Oh dear, look at the time. I've got to get on with things. I'll have to come back later to finish. Just one more thing:

Jeanette....DH found me a used bike that he thinks might be perfect for me. It's a Specialized, although I'm not sure which one. We'll be going to the bike store today or tomorrow to see if it fits me. He says the components are better than on his bike. It's $500. That sounds reasonable to me for something I probably won't use more than once/week. Banff has mountains. Big mountains. Tour de France sized mountains. Get working on those leg presses }(

Hello to everyone!
Hi there everyone:p !!!! Today I did Core Synergystics. I just can't stand not moving anymore. But I did not do the towel hops or any of the jumping around.

Christiane - So sorry to hear about your back. What a pain in the *#$!!! I really do hope that it gets better and quick. I love hearing about all of your and DH's adventures. I have never been to Moscow, so thank you for the heads up. Maybe that will not be at the top of my list to see.

Traci - Darling. Howz it going? So were you just stuck in front of the computer all day ordering stuff}( ? Is that why you couldn't work out? I leave today after Anthy's school. We should get there around midnight. It should be fun, except it is suppose to rain this weekend. It never rains in Arizona!! Go figure.

Debra - CBL seems like a big helper for you. Good for you. I hope that you do get some sleep soon. Poor girl. Take care of yourself.

Sandra - Have a great workout today. So you are getting a bike? Good for you. Have fun with the magenta band. LOL.

Wendy - I think Anthony Bordaine is becoming my new favorite travel host. You are right, he definately does not show the touristy stuff which is a plus. I also loves that he will go to certain places and all he seems to do is eat and get trashed. You gotta love that.

Nicole - Hi there. I am glad that you are doing much better.

Jeanette - A Canadian trip sounds great. I am sure Sandra wouldn't mind all of us staying at her house;-) .

Laurie - Congrats on the XXX status. Now you really are a star aren't you? I forgot to say how pretty that dress was. The one that you posted with the picture of your daughter. It must be really fun to dress up.

All right gang. Hi to anyone I missed. I must make coffee and start packing. Have a great day.

Good morning ladies,
Today was step from SJP, then weights from SJP, then abs from SJP. Felt good today. I think I needed to exert just a little more to loosen up some stuff in my chest that settles when I sleep. Feeling really good right now:7 :7 :7 . Need to think about a recipe to make for Mom and Dad. Some kind of casserole I think. Hmmmmm.

Christiane, we knew exactly what you meant by Georgie's Nespresso. Oh, what a nice indulgence. I see there is a new movie coming out that he's in, "Leatherbacks". Must check into that one. I hate the wind, especially when I indulged in sports like horseback riding and cycling. Not wind friendly sports for me. So sorry the back is not better. Hope you can get some relief soon. Yep, these few days off from working out have taken a bit of a toll, but I think the muscle memory will kick in pretty soon, and once the nastiness in the chest/upper airways is cleared, cardio gains can be made again.

Tracy, hoping the nasty meetings go better than expected today. So glad the aches and pains are gone. No leg twinge either? Hope DH has settled down with the family drama and his brother.

Traci, Wendell's game was so-so? I was actually pleasantly surprised with mine. Guess hitting the wiffle balls in the front yard helped. Of course, if the ball lands on a low spot or dirt spot, I'm all about moving it to a more desirable lie. Not like I'm competing or serious about this stuff. I'm pleased my elbow doesn't hurt. When I first started golfing, that's when I injured my elbow, hitting the ground instead of the ball. So far, so good.

Debra, how nice that CBL is helping with the yardwork. I'd like to get someone to help me too. Right now, the grass hasn't started growing so no need for mowing. I'm going to steer DH toward doing that chore more often. Heck, it's a riding mower, how tough could it be? I just hate being stuck with it. Might have to make him a trade.

Sandra, Specialized makes good bikes. The price sounds good. What color is it? Oh, I need details. I was afraid that Banff had mountains. TDF size? Oh my! Actually, I do hills pretty good, up to a point, but mentally I do better if I've done the climb before. It's when I'm suffering on a new one and don't know if it's going to get worse. Have fun with ASCII today.

Lea, hope you have a great time in Arizona. I love Anthony B's show too.

Have to go get in the shower now,

ASCII is done, as is 10MT Yoga. The yoga is just enough to remind me how good yoga feels, and how I really should be trying to do more of it. Nag, nag, nag.

Traci....Thank you for the really nice offer to order and send me the yoga dvd. In these days of dollar parity there's no advantage in doing that, really. I just prefer to support Canadian businesses when I can, and thought Chapters would be carrying it. But if they're not, then I'll order from Amazon.com. I'm glad I could inspire you in your torturous ways. How'd your client do without the chair? My DH is like you, about wanting to call anything a workout. I asked him what workout he did last night and he said, "10 Minute Yoga." I waited for him to go on. When he didn't, I said, "Is that it?" I know, nag, nag, nag :)

Debra....My diva self is adjusting to the time change, too. It takes about a week, I think. That CBL can do no wrong. Never marry him or even live with him. Keep him around for the good times and send him home when you need a break. Sounds perfect! Club Penguin is new to me. I'll check it out and show it to her. Please see my post to Traci about the Eoin dvd.

Lea....Have a great trip!!!! It's only going to rain for a bit today so the place is all shiny and clean for you.

Jeanette....Mmmm, what casserole will you come up with, I wonder? You're on the other side of this wretched illness. Yay! I'll let you know more about the bike once I see it. That may be this afternoon or tomorrow evening. Banff is in the heart of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. So yes, it's hilly. If we've got the strength to go up the mountains and the nerves to go down, we could do a world-class scenic ride from Banff to Jasper. Or we could bike the boring flat highway from Calgary to Edmonton. Your choice :) I've never heard of Tecate beer, but if that's what it takes to get your DH along for the ride, then by all means, we'll find some!

Tracy....The BeachBody band I received with 10MinTrainers is really good quality. The handles don't look like they'll come off at the first sign of tension, unlike the Walmart bands I bought a year ago. The rubber tubing is thick. Overall they just seem like a really good quality band. They aren't must-haves if you already have a set of bands that you like.

Nicole....You must be feeling better and better; your workouts are getting tougher and tougher. I'm glad you saw good results with the P90X+ rotation. Please tell that to Wendy; she's thinking of doing something similar. Convince her to buy the Plus workouts :) Orange glazed salmon?? I'm drooling already.

Wendy....Did you get through PlyoX last night? Boy, that would be a hard one to press play on late at night when you're tired. The good news is, I doubt anyone ever fell asleep while doing PlyoX, so once you get it in the player, you should be okay. P90X+ comes with a small booklet that has 3 rotations: maintenance, classic+, and lean+. The Maintenance rotation uses only the P90X+ workouts, while the Classic+ and Lean+ rotations incorporate the P90X workouts a bit. So, I would think if you do the Classic+ and Lean+ rotations for phase three, you would still see gains. Nicole could best answer your question because she's done this, with the Lean rotation. A bit of good news: there aren't nearly as many pull/push ups in the Plus workouts. It seems much more reasonable.

Have a great day,
Morning Xers,

Rotation: Cathe Feb08/Week 1/Day 4
Workout: Off (ya right!) / 2m Run and Eoin's PY4H Quickie

Last night oldest DD didn't get home until 10:30pm. She was very tired and very hungry when she got home. The biggest mistake my DH made last night was calling on the phone to tell me to make grilled cheese sandwitch for the DD. I think evil Laurie came out at that moment. It was more like "I'm ready for bed and you want me to make grilled cheese!!!" I did make the meal for her, because she didn't have anything since lunch. By the time I was done cooking, I was wide awake, good thing I had a book to put me to sleep. :D DD had a time of 14:14 for a 2m run. So she is running a little over a 7m mile. Not to bad for just having a week of practice under her belt. She was the first girl from WI to cross the finish line, apparently the IL girls have been practicing for 2 months.

We saw the deer again this morning, and Cami became Crazy Dog after that. I was pretty much pulled around the neighborhood for the rest of the walk. :7 :7 :7 Ya know she is the great GS hunter after all. :7 :7 :7

I did forget to do one thing after my XXX round. I didn't give stats, so here we go. The info is based on my last measurements after the Look Great in 8 rotation I did.

Weight: -2.5 lbs :)
Hips: No Change :(
Waist: -1.25 inch :)
Thighs: -.5 inch :)
Chest: -1 inch :) (the girls are looking smaller x( )

Tracy, Hope the meeting goes well for you, and the parents are resonable. B&B for the last time, I think that one is the best workout of all the weight ones in the X. Your biceps feel so pumped after that workout. I didn't use ankle weights, maybe when I can actually get my leg high enough I will attempt 1lb. :7 :7 :7

Christiane, You are smart to sub CS for something else. Guess you can't do housework until that back of yours is healed. :D Of course I would say that, being a person that HATES to do housework. :D The maintenance rotation of the X+ does look like a good one. It would be easy to sub different cardio, but keep the weighted workouts. I have a love/hate relationship with Tracy on these workouts. I am in awe of how her body looks, but hate the fact that she makes these workouts look easy. I'm huffing a puffing, and she hasn't broken a sweat! :D :D We had really strong winds yesterday too. I took the dog for a walk, and had to lean into the wind. Cami's ears wouldn't even stay up straight. :7 :7 :7

Traci, I'm glad that Sandra and I could inspire you to torture your client. :7 :7 :7 Just let us know what other tortures you want to inflict, and we can come up with something else. :7

Debra, That is very nice of CBL to help you out like that. LOL at the workout drag. I did a double take on that one too, so don't feel bad. I may be an X porn queen, but I'm not crazy enough to try those drills with weights. :7 :7 :7 Well maybe some day, when these legs are looking like a porn queen's legs should look.

Sandra, Did you see that Traci is using us as guinea pigs for her tortured clients. Congrats on the possible new bike. Nope nothing is above a soprano as far as I know. To bad I can't sing that high. :7 :7 Did you see that adding in the additional leg work did help my poor thighs. I added in B&G Leg Blast and L&G standing. The running may have helped too.

Lea, WTG on the CS workout today. Thanks for the compliment on the pic. I still love that dress, but am happy I am too small to fit in it anymore. :D I think the reason I love to dress up in the clothing, is because I get to be a princess for a couple of days. Just to bad it has to be in 90 deg weather sometimes.

Jeanette, You only lost one ball, that isn't bad at all. I made Tuna Casserole on Sunday, and everyone really liked it. I was just glad I had everything to make the dish. Hope you get inspired on what you want to make.

TG, Glad to see you!

Nicole, Yep it is still chilly around here. It was 41 degs yesterday, but with the wind it felt much colder. x( We are starting to see the brown grass in places around our yard, so that is a plus. Good that your cousin can have a chance to enjoy warmer temps.

Wendy, I haven't tried the Upper Body workout from the X+ yet, but to me it is more like endurance work or the new word fusion. You work on one exercise for about 1 min each, but you are doing two things at one time. I had to go down really looooow in weight for the warrior/shoulder work. To tell you the truth, I think that inserting these new ones into Phase 3 (I did Interval+ and Kenpo+) helped me get through that phase. I don't think you would have to add anything additional. The amount of cardio from PlyoX and Interval+ is about the same. He takes breaks in Plyox, Interval+ hardly any breaks at all so about the same amount of time per workout really. :D I don't think that you would lose anything by working them into your rotation.

Jeanette, DH hasn't been sewing on my dress at all. x( I'm one of those that if the dress doesn't get done, then it will some day. :D If the DD's wouldn't grow anymore, then we wouldn't have to worry about them every year. :D Maybe I need to start to nag, I mean talk to DH about the priority of a new dress. :D :D

Have a great day!

GS Legs and Core work

I'm going to workout right now before I lose the nerve:p I do NOT like working my legsx(

I'll be back:*


Feel the burn!!!
Back for a little chat. This might be the last time until Friday. As you know I am traveling tomorrow and plan on working out when I get home. I did all my chores, the appartment is nice and clean, the laundry is being done now. That's how I like to leave the house(s) when traveling from one to another. It's still windy as hell and alternating between a beautiful sun and rain...:eek: Crazy Lux weather.
Today I did Core Balance on the stability ball and it felt good. I decided that next week I'll indulge in another week of recovery, this time the X+. Hopefully by the end the second recovery week the back will be better. The more I am looking into it, the more I am leaning towards the X+ maintenance program. We'll see.

Tracy~~ Congratulations on your last time with B&B. I wish I was in a position to skip a recovery and go into an active one, but no such luck for me right now. Got a do what you got a do...;-)

TraciX~~ I have a massage scheduled for Monday and he is a good massage therapist. I think once I come back here, I will try the massages at the Wellness clinic. I am sure they have good therapist.

Debra~~ Hold on to CBL... he's a keeper...:9 :9 :9 No such luck on my side, although in all honesty DH barely has a minute to himself and when he does it's not spent in the garden. I have a huge garden in MI and miss it terribly. I am a passionate gardener and can spend hours on end gardening:+ . I agree with you and the Russian women situation. Sad none the less....:(

Sandra~~ Well doing nothing even with the back pain is not an option. I realize after doing the X that one works so hard, I am not willing to loose all the gains I've made. So I am being careful, maybe not following the diet to a T but check myself regularely and react accordingly.;-) But I'm still p...ed that I cannot be as intense.x(

Lea~~ Ya back pain is a real "p$assx( For me it's a constant struggle. I am grateful though that I was able to almost complete the X before going into relapse :+ When you are ready to travel across the ocean let me know...:+

Jeanette~~ I am getting a Georgie's Nespresso for the MI house when I go back home...:p I was waiting to finish all the capsules from the other brand I had as I thought it was a waste. But now I can indulge in my favorite coffee. It's just like velvet going down your throat... (George or the coffee....) OH Christiane....:eek: :eek: :eek:

Laurie~~ Congratulations to your daughter for her run. Mine was also a runner before going into ballet school. As I was reading your measurement I had a chuckle... my girls were the first thing to go....ya! it's sad...x( x( x( You are so right abouth Tracy in the X+. I wonder how much she is lifting. I have been known to slow or freeze DVD's to see the weight the girls are using in various w/o. Nothing serious, just want to compare what this old broad can do compare to these younger ladies. But it's hard with the Bowflex weights.

Well for all that asked about DD and her auditions I have not heard anything yet. We will see her in performance Saturday and I am sure she will keep us posted on what is going on. Thank you all for your positive vibes:) :) :) I appreciate it and I am sure she does too.

See you probably Friday. I will not start us up tomorrow. Leaving the house at 5:20am... YUKx( x( x(
Got through the first half of plyo and called it a night! 11:00 wasn't the best time for plyo!!! I may do the second portion this afternoon. Doubt it. May.

Tonight is SA with dh plus something from Cathe for abs. I haven't decided which one yet. I'm going to refresh my memory by previewing the ab portion on the KPC/LG dvd this afternoon. My arms are still sore from C&B! Hopefully, I'll be able to bring it on something fierce tonight.

Nicole: I really like GS legs. I'm so happy Carol enabled me to buy it! Anthony Bourdain is on the Travel Channel. His show, No Reservations, is usually on Monday nights. He just cracks me up! His sense of humor reminds me of my dad.

Laurie: Whooo Hooo! Awesome stats!!! Thanks for sharing. You just may have motivated me to finish plyo today! Kudos to your dd for finishing with the conditioned IL girls! Thanks for talking to me about the X+ workouts. I'll talk to Phil about getting them since he might be interested in doing them too. How long does it take for dh to sew a dress. I used to sew dresses for the girls. Phil even bought me a pleating machine. I have NEVER used it. I should sell it on ebay. They're not cheap! I don't know how people can whip out a dress in one day. It takes me one day just to prep and cut the fabric! Since I don't have a serger, I french hem all the seams. That's like sewing twice!!! All this talk of sewing reminds me I still have bolts and bolts of fabric upstairs waiting to be living room curtains. sigh

Sandra: LOLOL on your dh's 10 minute yoga!!!:7 So, this yoga is a tease? That's how Baron's Live was if I hadn't of used it as a tack-on. His Live Series seems long enough to tack onto the end of a workout. I didn't realize the X+ workouts had rotations integrating the X workouts. Cool. Maybe I can talk Phil into getting these!:) Poor guy, he's so sore from Monday's Legs. How exciting... a new bike!!! I bet you're more excited than a kid with a new bike considering you know the value of money!!!! I thought about upgrading to a faster road bike. I'm going to give my Gary Fisher bike a few years before I decide to invest in one of those! This spring, I'm going to play with the clipless pedals Swifty's dh gave me. My shoes are waiting to come out of the box!!!

Jeanette: A casserole... My mind is drawing a blank. How about a chicken and rice casserole? What's this Sandra has up her sleeve? A brownie cc recipe? Um, payback time! Please forward ASAP!:7 Is it me or does George look thinner (in a good way) in the commercials for Leatherback?

Lea: I luv Core Synergystics!!! Maybe because it seems so unique compared to other workouts. Did you see Tony's Nambia episode? OMW! That one was The BEST!!! It's the one where he's eating the WORST meal of his life out in the bush. It's priceless!!!!! Have fun this weekend!

Traci: I vote for a repeat and not a marathon! You need to save your energy to nurse WB after his surgery. That man is NOT allowed to have one infection!!! I will personally come down there and pull every tooth out his mouth, after he's properly drugged:+, if you miss the retreat!!!}( Well, that doesn't make sense. The Sonic gift card should have gone to the clean diapered men. Cuz, you know, that's nasty, processed, highly preserved, fast food would be give them poopy diapers!!!! YUCK! Thankfully, all my friends are past giving birth!!!

Christiane: There were some mighty winds here this weekend. Yep, that's how it was here too... all calm, sunny and then the crap hit the fan and bushes were a flying into the middle of the road. Listen to your body! You don't need to be on the injury list with an obsessed dh!!!:7 Last night, I rubbed it into dh's face about how at your dh's age, he still FINISHED the X. LOL on the manager opening up the gym for dh's 3 AM workout! Those Singaporeans must exercise more than Thais. The masseuse in Bangkok thought I might be Singaporean since I didn't speak Thai or have a Thai accent, and because my back was muscular. Most Thais may be skinny. But, the majority of the women do not work out!!!

Traci: Best wishes for nasty free meetings. I don't know how you're able to restrain yourself in those situations. I'm too hot headed to play nice.

Kim: Hope I catch you before you leave. I've been meaning to ask you about knots. Have you been able to avoid getting them in your legs? It seems like I keep getting one in the same place on my calves. Maybe, I had them the last time I did the X and never took notice. It's becoming a pain in the butt!!! Hope your back gets better during your extra recovery week!

Okay Ladies, duties call. Talk more later.

GS Legs and Abs done!:D

Last week I could hardly walk for three days thanks to GS Legs so I'm hoping for less DOMS this week. I'm building myself up to S&H. No, I really don't think Cathe will have the STS done in the middle of May I'm just trying to be optimistic:) I expect it will be in the early summer or so, we'll see.

Headache is gone after 2 Advil, 3 Tylenol and a good night's sleep. Of course I didn't want to wake up this morning:p

Not much going on here today except for laundry and cleaning. It's a daily routine around here to clean up after three little boys. I feel like it's all I do and nothing ever looks cleanx(

Tracy, Sorry to hear you have yet another nasty parent to deal with. I bet it's amazing to see how loud and demanding 3 nasty parents can be. It does seem the minority can be so much more loud and obnoxious than the minority. Hope all goes well. If you consider GS "active recovery" I'm a wimp. The chest and tri's workout kills me every time. My chest is a bit tight this week but not as bad as last week thank goodness. Enjoy your yoga. I have got to fit that in somehow this rotation.

Christiane, I bet you're glad to be leaving that weather for a bit. I don't know if MI is much better but it has to be a little. Your back pain sounds a lot like mine did. I would suggest taking the time to lay on your back with a rolled up towel under your lower back. Backward fluction might take some os the stress off your spine. It's worth a try. Definitely get that magazine while your here, it's worth it! I think X+ is a good program for maintenance. It's a keeper!

Traci, *GASP* You didn't workout yesterday?! What was it like, I must know:D I bet it was good for your body to get a break. I think I will take a good week long yoga journey when I'm finished with this rotation. Yes, DH is very anal about my being on the computer during the day. I know he uses that time against me as leverage when he's mad so I just choose to take away the leverage from him. I told him that sometimes I feel like I'm married to my father. I'm sure I do a lot of it to myself but he is a bit odd in that way. I also avoid watching TV until the evening. He comes home for lunch at random times and I like to stay busy. After all this is my job}(

Debra, I sure hope XDH visit goes by fast so you can get back to a normal sleeping schedule. That is so sweet of CBL to help you with yard work. Are you going to be sure to mention to XDH that he is so helpful;) How is the studying going? Isn't your test/paper due on Friday?

Sandra, I've yet to get any AB other than APXtreme and I still haven't even tried that one:p LOL! You truly are Sergent Sandra, aren't you? Your DH must love having you crack the whip with him:) I am thinking about getting the TMT but I don't know how much I would use it other than the yoga. I am very picky about what sequence I lift upper body weights in. I guess we'll see if all the talking about it makes me cave in. I didn't know Wendy needed convincing to get the P90X+. I think it would be perfect for her!

Lea, Glad you decided to throw CS in there. That is a great workout! I always notice a difference in my middle when I do a Lean rotation with that. Thanks, I am feeling much better:)

Jeanette, Glad to hear a little golf pepped you up and made you feel better:) I did the step portion of SJ&P the other day and it's so fun. I had forgotten about that one until I started searching for some shorter cardio. I am getting lazy in my old age:p Have you ever made Chicken Tortilla Casserole? Yummy:9 The orange part of the salmon is orange marmalade. I used a fruit only version from Trader Joe's. It has spinach mushrooms, ginger, garlic and tomatoes in it. It was delicious!

Laurie, Sounds like you had a fun night last night......not! I sure hope DD prepares next time and brings some food for herself. Before long you'll have to open a diner:D Good results with your 3rd round of the X. Way to go! The girls are always the first thing to go on me too. DH complains when my BF starts to get too low because they're pretty sad:( Sorry it's still chilly there. I do hope it warms up for you soon.

Wendy, No, DH job is not in jeopardy. He is the one of the best they have. He was still on a job at a customers house last night when I snuck in for personals. He installs cable, phone and internet. He didn't get home until almost 8 and I had such I bad headache I couldn't even make dinner:( And no, DH doesn't woo me. I don't think it's in his DNA:p He is a very solitary person and doesn't like to depend on anyone. I am a lot like that so we just push each other away a lot. So, I hear I have to talk you into P90X+. If you are on the fence I would definitely say get it! I noticed a big difference in just a month long rotation. I did the lean one and it has CS in it every week but it really tightened my core:D I'm glad someone likes GS Legs. It's a killer! I'll have to check out AB's show.

Off to clean and wash}(}(}(


Feel the burn!!!

This morning, I did Scrambled Eggs, awesome! That’s alls :+ I can say.

Nicole: You shouldn’t be as sore this time around, nice work;) Glad too hear you are feeling better.

Laurie: ^^^^^5 :) :) :) :)

Tracie: I’m okay. We’ve been EXTREMELY busy. Guess what? I’m actually earning my pay check LOL:p

And too everyone else have a wonderful day.
Hey Latrese, Glad you've been a busy bee at work. It makes the time go by faster for sure. Scrambled Eggs is a goodie, glad you had fun with it:) Yes, I am less sore this time which is good. I hope my legs will be less sore too:D


Feel the burn!!!
Hello everyone, yesterday I had a heavy workout day, did L&B, ARX and a 30 minute interval run so today I'm having a recovery day but did help ds with his paper route.

I have to tell you a story, yesterday the director of the before/after school program who I know very well pulled me aside to tell me that another parent bought a concern regarding my dd7 to their attention. This parent is concerned that my dd is underweight and whether the daycare had concerns about this as well. The director told that she reassured this mother that she knows us well and has no concerns about how we care for our dd and that our dd has a healthy appetite and that its just her build. But the director wanted to give me the heads up in case this parent decided to voice her concerns any where else. WTH?? My dd is average height and 39 lbs at age 7 but DH is 5'11'' and 150 lbs, his family is tall and very slender. ( I'm short and chubby, lol) I'm guess that's good that someone is concerned but just kind of weird to think that's she's talking to people about my dd. The pediatrician once told me that she had the ideal body weight but that people weren't used to seeing that anymore with so many overweight kids.

Tracy-I'm so sorry to hear about the family fighting. I hope you're meeting went okay today.

Wendy Are you insane, working out at 2am? Man, there are ladies with very strange sleep/wake cycles on this check in. I had terrible cramps in my calf the first few weeks on the X and then it stopped, I don't think I did anything to prevent it. Actually after doing Plyo one night they just went away.

Traci- What is with the Mia/ Stacy stuff? I known a few patients at our hospital who have many different names too
;-) ;)

Sandra- My dd7 likes to play Webkins Hmm, so if I train and run Edmonton in August 2009, you would run with me?? I might just take you up on that. I've only ever run the Manitoba Marathon which as you would expect has only two small bridges for hills. I see that other mom often so will ask her about her running and eventually make sure that she has things figured. She's a nice lady and I don't want to see her injure herself or anything.

LOL on the passport, (You were joking right)

Jeanette- Glad that you're feeling a little better. That's great that you were able to get out on the golf course.

Laurie Sounds like the girls are keeping you busy. Your daughter had a great run time and awesome stats for you!!
The boys did finish their science experiment even though I had to step in and help organize them. They did 3 minutes each of alternating bicep curls (5 lbs), stepping and running on the treadmill. The heartrate went up the most with running then stepping and then the weights. Then made up nice graphs and stuff, the science fair is tomorrow.

Nicole did you get your leg workout done?

Christiane Have a good and safe trip!

Kim, I have people say the same thing about my kids and their doctor is of the same opinion as yours. Thank goodness mine go to a school where almost all of the kids are quite slender so nobody says anything. I actually have strangers say it:p What a world we live in, hunh? It's sad that obese is normal and slender is so not normal that people worry about kids who are thin. Nice workout today. Are you doing doubles or just getting extra cardio in? Yes, legs are done and I hope won't be as sore as last week. Have a good night!


Feel the burn!!!
Geez Louise...Who knew that moving mulch all over the place was such hard work!! I thought today was supposed to be my rest day. Ugh...Anyhoo...We got the front flower beds done...and the two closest to the patio in the back...CBL is planning on getting another guy to help him one day next week and knock out the rest of it...which is actually a lot...3 really large areas around the side and back of the house. Keep in mind, my house is on an acre of land...so there is a lot to do. CBL also finished fertilizing the grass....and put lime down too. He is planning on aerating and putting down grass seed next week. God bless his little heart!! He has taken my grass on as his project and I can't tell you how much money I have saved and just how many brownie points he has won today! Although, I have lots of blisters myself. If I am super sore tomorrow...which I have a feeling my back and arms will be...I may take that as a full day off...I also have a busy day planned tomorrow, too.

I am pretty darn beat right now...so just a couple of personals...

Sorry your DD seems to be under such a watchful eye...It is actually kind of weird that someone has taken that close an interest in your DD's weight. My DD is over the 75 percentile in height and less than 50th in weight...And she is only about 10 pounds more than your DD....Tall and thin, too. I didn't think she would ever get over 40 pounds...but once she did (which wasn't too long ago!) then she gained 10 pounds pretty quickly. Hope the other parent doesn't pursue it any further.

Well, since XDH is only going to be in the country for 4 days...the whole thing will go by pretty quick...luckily!! And yes, I have a presentation due on Friday...but I am already prepared...which is good since tomorrow is my mom's birthday and we are taking her out to dinner...and then I have to drop off XDH's car to the airport. Good for you for doing GS legs...I have that one later this week.

Poor Phil...Now you are rubbing it in about Christiane's DH!! Hope SA goes well for you tonight!! I am guessing you didn't do the second half of Plyo....or maybe you did...and I was bad for thinking you didn't...LOL! You cracked me up about switching to the 'dark side'...My dad was a registered Democrat, but always voted Republican. What are you gonna do??

Have a great time in MI!

Sounds like the third round treated you well. Your stats are awesome!

I was just thinking the same thing about CBL...Keep him as a boyfriend forever...Never marry...never move in...Just keep up the lube jobs and the yard work...LOL! How are you liking Amy?? Tecate beer is a Mexican brand....It should be next to the Corona. Does that mean I know too much about the alcohol aisle in the grocery store?? LOL about your giving DH a hard time about his workouts.

So glad you are feeling better!!! I love all kinds of casseroles...but DD doesn't like anything like that, so I never make them. CBL does like to golf...but I get the impression he isn't very good...but just enjoys playing sometimes...He said I could ride around in the cart with you guys....kind of like a caddy I guess! Maybe if I bring a bottle of wine we will have a little more fun...lol.

Have a great time on your trip!!

Hope you got your workouts in today. Or not...I didn't have a formal workout...but gotta tell you....I am as tired as I have been in a while!! Darn mulch.

Hope the nasty parents weren't as nasty as your expectations! WooHoo on the increased reps on BB. There is always something to gain with the X, I guess.

Darn it...I ended up chatting longer than I meant! I have got to head to bed. I can hear my nice warm sheets calling me right now. Good night to all!!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Hi all,
Sounds like everyone had a good day today. I decided to make a tamale pie and a taco salad for my parents for their Friday night dinner. May do a dessert too, if I can think of something. Went to the grocery store after work to pick up some ingredients.

Sandra, I just briefly fumbled thru my recipe box this morning and the tamale pie recipe surfaced. Easy ingredients, I can put it together and bake it right after I get home from work, and drive it over to the folks before 6 pm. The taco salad is a layered one, with pinto beans, avocado, tomatoes, green onions, grated cheese and iceberg lettuce (Grandma only eats iceberg). I'll take a bottle of Catalina over, but their choice on what they want to top it with. Did you get a look at the bike? My neighbor is researching road bikes and I believe will be getting a Trek Pilot something. We only have 1 bike shop in town and she definitely won't go wrong with that bike. Plus, he gives free adjustments for the life of the bike. I love downhills on bikes, just don't like getting over 40 mph, unless the road is straight and smooth. Bet Banff has some steepies. Did you enjoy your ASCII? I did notice the music was pretty low in ASCI. Could you please email Wendy the Cheesecake Brownie Recipe? I don't have it saved on my computer as it was before I got my laptop and I lost a bunch of stuff on my PC. If not, I can retype it for Wendy and send.

Laurie, I probably would have grumped a bit too being asked to cook at that late hour. Oh well, I'm sure your DD appreciated it. Your DD did well on her run. Think I'm lucky to do a 10 minute mile. Our German Shorthair tends to want to pull at the leash too. Makes my back get sore when that happens. I try to train her not to do that, but DH just lets her pull so why do I even try? Those are some awesome stats, girl!!! ^^5's to you!!! Congrats on the XXX!! I like tuna casserole, but have never made it as DH says he had too much of it when he was a kid at the cafeteria. Says it reminds him of cat food. Sad to say, but I have to nag to get most anything extra done. The car repairs and other stuff that has to get done he is good at doing. Anything extra, believe me, you are going to have to nag. Hope your DH moves that dress to the top of the pile.

Christiane, you made me laugh and choke on your comment about George and velvet in the throat! OMG, girl! That was a good one!!! Hope you have a safe travel and we look forward to hearing from you soon. Glad you enjoyed your stability ball workout. Do you have a garden planned for this year? Those lousy little Roma tomatoes I bought tonite were $1.99/lb. Bet they don't have much flavor either. I guess if I get tired enough of it, I'll start growing my own.

Wendy, imagine that, 11 pm not being prime time for plyo. I can't believe it. You are crazy, girl! I remember when you first started posting I think you and Phil were working on a piano, and in the middle of the night. I've only seen the Leatherback commercial once, will definitely look closer next time. Love that man's eyes and voice. Sandra shared the CC brownie recipe back when you were in Thailand the first time. I don't have it saved on this laptop as it was on my other computer and I lost some stuff when I transferred. I have it because I printed it out, but maybe Sandra can email it to you.

Nicole, bet your legs are getting stronger. Mine were burning big time during squats and lunges in SJP, after doing Legs & Glutes yesterday. Ouchie. However, no DOMS for me today. Isn't SJP fun? I love those workouts from the Body Blast series. I made a chicken and tortilla casserole a few weeks ago and it was well received. The orange glazed salmon sounds great. Spinach in the glaze? Hmmmm.

Latrese, way to go on Scrambled Eggs. I've never done that one. Is it a marathon workout? Hope things slow down for you so you can chat with us ladies. We like it when you can sit down a spell and talk to us.

Kim, hope you enjoyed your rest day. Always a little disconcerting to think someone is thinking your DD is too thin, but really, so many kids are too heavy nowadays. Hopefully this person is just concerned and not mean spirited. Really hope nothing more comes of it. That's so great that the science project was health oriented. Hope they do well at the science fair.

Debra, wow, what a day! You and CBL got a lot done and bet it shows. Please don't think you have to do it all for us Retreaters. Heck, my idea of sprucing up the place would be to neatly park the junk cars, excuse me - classic treasures, on our property. Or put the hoods down on them at least. I would love to play golf with you and CBL, but only if you have time. Maybe just 9 holes, which wouldn't take too long. We'll see, and I'm open to anything, but only if you guys wanted to. Bet you sleep good tonite!

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