Morning Xers,
Rotation: Cathe Feb08/Week 1/Day 4
Workout: Off (ya right!) / 2m Run and Eoin's PY4H Quickie
Last night oldest DD didn't get home until 10:30pm. She was very tired and very hungry when she got home. The biggest mistake my DH made last night was calling on the phone to tell me to make grilled cheese sandwitch for the DD. I think evil Laurie came out at that moment. It was more like "I'm ready for bed and you want me to make grilled cheese!!!" I did make the meal for her, because she didn't have anything since lunch. By the time I was done cooking, I was wide awake, good thing I had a book to put me to sleep.

DD had a time of 14:14 for a 2m run. So she is running a little over a 7m mile. Not to bad for just having a week of practice under her belt. She was the first girl from WI to cross the finish line, apparently the IL girls have been practicing for 2 months.
We saw the deer again this morning, and Cami became Crazy Dog after that. I was pretty much pulled around the neighborhood for the rest of the walk. :7 :7 :7 Ya know she is the great GS hunter after all. :7 :7 :7
I did forget to do one thing after my XXX round. I didn't give stats, so here we go. The info is based on my last measurements after the Look Great in 8 rotation I did.
Weight: -2.5 lbs

Hips: No Change
Waist: -1.25 inch
Thighs: -.5 inch
Chest: -1 inch

(the girls are looking smaller x( )
Tracy, Hope the meeting goes well for you, and the parents are resonable. B&B for the last time, I think that one is the best workout of all the weight ones in the X. Your biceps feel so pumped after that workout. I didn't use ankle weights, maybe when I can actually get my leg high enough I will attempt 1lb. :7 :7 :7
Christiane, You are smart to sub CS for something else. Guess you can't do housework until that back of yours is healed.

Of course I would say that, being a person that HATES to do housework.

The maintenance rotation of the X+ does look like a good one. It would be easy to sub different cardio, but keep the weighted workouts. I have a love/hate relationship with Tracy on these workouts. I am in awe of how her body looks, but hate the fact that she makes these workouts look easy. I'm huffing a puffing, and she hasn't broken a sweat!

We had really strong winds yesterday too. I took the dog for a walk, and had to lean into the wind. Cami's ears wouldn't even stay up straight. :7 :7 :7
Traci, I'm glad that Sandra and I could inspire you to torture your client. :7 :7 :7 Just let us know what other tortures you want to inflict, and we can come up with something else. :7
Debra, That is very nice of CBL to help you out like that. LOL at the workout drag. I did a double take on that one too, so don't feel bad. I may be an X porn queen, but I'm not crazy enough to try those drills with weights. :7 :7 :7 Well maybe some day, when these legs are looking like a porn queen's legs should look.
Sandra, Did you see that Traci is using us as guinea pigs for her tortured clients. Congrats on the possible new bike. Nope nothing is above a soprano as far as I know. To bad I can't sing that high. :7 :7 Did you see that adding in the additional leg work did help my poor thighs. I added in B&G Leg Blast and L&G standing. The running may have helped too.
Lea, WTG on the CS workout today. Thanks for the compliment on the pic. I still love that dress, but am happy I am too small to fit in it anymore.

I think the reason I love to dress up in the clothing, is because I get to be a princess for a couple of days. Just to bad it has to be in 90 deg weather sometimes.
Jeanette, You only lost one ball, that isn't bad at all. I made Tuna Casserole on Sunday, and everyone really liked it. I was just glad I had everything to make the dish. Hope you get inspired on what you want to make.
TG, Glad to see you!
Nicole, Yep it is still chilly around here. It was 41 degs yesterday, but with the wind it felt much colder. x( We are starting to see the brown grass in places around our yard, so that is a plus. Good that your cousin can have a chance to enjoy warmer temps.
Wendy, I haven't tried the Upper Body workout from the X+ yet, but to me it is more like endurance work or the new word fusion. You work on one exercise for about 1 min each, but you are doing two things at one time. I had to go down really looooow in weight for the warrior/shoulder work. To tell you the truth, I think that inserting these new ones into Phase 3 (I did Interval+ and Kenpo+) helped me get through that phase. I don't think you would have to add anything additional. The amount of cardio from PlyoX and Interval+ is about the same. He takes breaks in Plyox, Interval+ hardly any breaks at all so about the same amount of time per workout really.

I don't think that you would lose anything by working them into your rotation.
Jeanette, DH hasn't been sewing on my dress at all. x( I'm one of those that if the dress doesn't get done, then it will some day.

If the DD's wouldn't grow anymore, then we wouldn't have to worry about them every year.

Maybe I need to start to nag, I mean talk to DH about the priority of a new dress.
Have a great day!