I have some good news and some not so good news to report.
Good News: KPC Stability Ball Abs DONE! PlyoX ALL of it (not just half) DONE!
Not So Good: S&A is postponed until tomorrow afternoon/evening.
I have a problem doing cardio and weights on the same day. I keep thinking it's going to mess up my strength.
TTOM is close at hand. I feel the need to spread the hate.x( However, I'm not craving fast foods!
Tonight was broiled flounder, brown rice cooked in chicken broth, and a spinach/tomato/feta cheese salad. Oh, and a nice sized slice of apple pie.:9 :9 :9
Jeanette: How's my fellow baritone this evening?
Would you like my apple pie recipe I discovered and refined 14 years ago? It's good. It has cream cheese in it!!!:9 :9 :9 I think Grandmom would love it!!!:+ Let me know. I'm not stingy with any of my recipes. I don't feel the need to withhold recipes from friends/family/strangers/World Wide Web; partly because they're not that good!:7 But, I believe these withholding women have some twisted notion that the only reason they're invited to some shindig is because of their speciality dishes. I swear that is one of my (many) pet peeves in life!!! When I meet a potential gf, who guards her bean dip recipe like Ft. Knox, well... she might as well be waving a [font color= red]RED FLAG[/font]! I've been know to exclude women like this from my tea parties and cookie exchanges!!! Which reminds me... I need to NAG the Skipper about finishing my kitchen. There are some women who need excluding from my next tea party!!!
Oh. My. Word. The toxins need to start flowing real quick before someone looses an eye. }(
I can't believe you remembered the piano butchering!!! I almost had that blocked from my memory!:7 Wasn't that a project we started the day before Easter? Poor Phil was up ALL night tearing that monster upright apart. I'm surprised he didn't fall asleep during dinner!!! I have to agree with the Captain about the tuna casserole. Funny thing though, I can eat tuna fish sandwiches perfectly fine. Must be a textural issue. BTW, now that I'm having issues... if you'd like any nagging tips, shoot me an email!}( :+
Debra! Thank goodness for CBL!!! I can only imagine the yard work you'd be having us do under the guise of team spirit if it wasn't for CBL!:7
You deserve a rest day! Let those blisters heal. Sending you hormonally balanced vibes for XDH's upcoming visit!!!!
Kim: OMW! Some people!!! Let her go and try to stir up trouble! I'd say Bring It!!! Just so you can put her back in her place.}( Really, the nerve of some people. Oh! I WISH I lived near you. I could visit the daycare and meet this concerned parent. Of course I'd have to act all concerned myself. I may even bring up the fact that her child looks to be farm breed (not in a good way).
}( Okay, I know that is very evil of me! It's not the child's fault. Children are fatter now. Okay, not a politically correct word. Hey, it fits. I see so many overweight children at the local elementary school. And the current children's clothing sizes reflect our modern society's epidemic. In Thailand, my daughter was able to find clothes that actually fit her without needing adjustable waistbands!!! But, whatcha gonna do. Be secure in the knowledge that this woman waved the red flag. No playdates with her offspring!!! :7 Oh good to hear about your calves. Do you think they just needed conditioned to the new workouts? Maybe that is what is happening to my calves.
Teddygirl: Guess what? As a kept woman, I'm earning my paycheck too!
}( :+
Nicole: No need to talk me into X+. I'm on my way over to Beachbody to order them tonight. Yeah, I haven't discussed it with dh yet. Oh well. My former DDCoffee habit will more than cover the workouts!:7 Oooo! Please come over and do my laundry. You know that the Crazy Asian wouldn't let me hire someone for 50 cents to do my laundry!!! x( That's okay. I made my brother do it for free!!!
Gosh, I miss him!!!! What's this sneaking around to post personals! Tell your dh that Wendy isn't having this any longer!!! He's to play Dad while you have a moment to chat with your girls!!! Don't make me come to your house!!!
}( :+ Honey, wooing doesn't have anything to do with having solitary nature... unless that's what he wants. But, playing with oneself isn't much fun
.... from what I hear.}( :+ I mean, just ask anyone with a XDH living in Russia.
Those of you lurking in the Peanut Gallery shaking your heads and exclaiming, "Oh! No! Girlfriend didn't just say that!!!" I hear you loud and clear! I best stop personals before y'all kick me out of the check-in and refuse to pick me up at the airport.
Looks like I need to stop at the health food store after art lessons and buy me a huge batch of Bi@!ch relief!!! Oh, I better email dd's art teacher with the following warning: Be Afraid. Be very afraid. }( Dd has taken art lessons for years now. He should get the message!:+
Sweet Dreams to ALL! See I can play nice!
:* :* :* :*
Good News: KPC Stability Ball Abs DONE! PlyoX ALL of it (not just half) DONE!
Not So Good: S&A is postponed until tomorrow afternoon/evening.
I have a problem doing cardio and weights on the same day. I keep thinking it's going to mess up my strength.
TTOM is close at hand. I feel the need to spread the hate.x( However, I'm not craving fast foods!
Jeanette: How's my fellow baritone this evening?
Debra! Thank goodness for CBL!!! I can only imagine the yard work you'd be having us do under the guise of team spirit if it wasn't for CBL!:7
Kim: OMW! Some people!!! Let her go and try to stir up trouble! I'd say Bring It!!! Just so you can put her back in her place.}( Really, the nerve of some people. Oh! I WISH I lived near you. I could visit the daycare and meet this concerned parent. Of course I'd have to act all concerned myself. I may even bring up the fact that her child looks to be farm breed (not in a good way).
Teddygirl: Guess what? As a kept woman, I'm earning my paycheck too!
Nicole: No need to talk me into X+. I'm on my way over to Beachbody to order them tonight. Yeah, I haven't discussed it with dh yet. Oh well. My former DDCoffee habit will more than cover the workouts!:7 Oooo! Please come over and do my laundry. You know that the Crazy Asian wouldn't let me hire someone for 50 cents to do my laundry!!! x( That's okay. I made my brother do it for free!!!
Those of you lurking in the Peanut Gallery shaking your heads and exclaiming, "Oh! No! Girlfriend didn't just say that!!!" I hear you loud and clear! I best stop personals before y'all kick me out of the check-in and refuse to pick me up at the airport.
Looks like I need to stop at the health food store after art lessons and buy me a huge batch of Bi@!ch relief!!! Oh, I better email dd's art teacher with the following warning: Be Afraid. Be very afraid. }( Dd has taken art lessons for years now. He should get the message!:+
Sweet Dreams to ALL! See I can play nice!
:* :* :* :*