Xers Happy Dance Day *FRIDAY*

Still playing with the darn meez...



To day I am doing an old favorite that I always noticed changes with:) Tomorrow I am going to do PY4H as produced since the boys will be home to play with the little stinker:D

Off to workout and I will be back later, I promise!


Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

My brain is dead :+ Do you guys know I forgot to get my '08 STICKER' for my car, it expired on my birthday duh!!

Omg, what if mr. cop should stop me, what should I say, mr. cop I watch you guys every morning:+ lol really tho, will I get a ticket, my gosh, TG don’t need that. I better call now to find out what time License Bureau closes. WAIT And my driver’s license expired too. How did I do that?x
TG: Deep breath. Calm down. Now, did you put on your make-up today? Are you wearing a revealing outfit? If not, I suggest you round up at least 5 neighborhood kids to drive with you to the DMV. LOL Seriously, it's not a biggie. Just go online and renew it. Print out whatever the receipt is they give you. They'll mail you the stickers for your car registration, and picture id form for you to take down to the DMV. Or, you can go to the DMV. Or, you can go an autotag place with late hours and spend twice as much and not wait for the mailman to deliver anything.

Hope this helps!
Debra-X: What are you trying to do to your Meez Girl? Put her in the parking lot surrounded by a bunch of tailgaters?:+ I do love her zebra shoes! About the yoga... Yep slow and focused on form is a good thing to have when doing power yoga! Power Yoga goes by so fast that it's hard to focus on form half the time. However, it really limbers you up to do those stretches like Shiva!!! I was amazed with my flexibility last night after 20 minutes. Anyhow, I really appreciated taking that class in State College. I incorporate a lot of his form pointers in my power yoga class. I didn't eat breakfast until starting the X. Maybe, I just need to lift heavy again. That always helps to stimulate my appetite. But, I like your sympathy pain theory; makes me sound more compassionate!:)

Traci-X::p :p :p I was serious when I asked. Thanks for pointing out I could do anything today! ROTFLOL! You're right!:7

TG: I'll try the 50 pounds on my shoulders one of these days. I'll have to have dh spot me and take it off my shoulders after doing squats!

Jeanette-X: ROTFLOL WWWD! Am I that bad? Okay, don't answer!}( Yep, Kashi makes cereal and frozen foods too. A little something I discovered when I bought the Good Housekeeping Supermarket Diet book. I'm perplexed as to why my straight leg near the pelvis would go numb and tingle. I would think that it would be my bent leg. Who knows. Maybe, I'll ask the instructor before class next time I go to yoga. Sounds like a rotation game plan. I need to commit to one or else my workouts will look something like this: rest, rest, easy circuit, rest, floorwork, bike ride, rest, yoga, rest,.... Not pretty!

Amy-X: Didn't I ask to touch your biceps or did I just touch you anyways without asking? LOL How funny that the other client just shrugged. She's just jealous!!! Leaner legs from biking. Isn't that what you wanted? OMW! You are tooo funny!!! That's how I felt when my boys started school. Not one bit guilty or misty eyed!!!

Laurie-XX: The Kashi pizza is okay. It's not as tangy as I thought it would be. The crust is no where near as puffy as pictured. It's edible for when you're in a pinch. Oooo, I don't envy you this weekend! I refuse to camp out, especially with a group of girls!!! Hey, isn't that what I'll be doing in a couple of months? LOL

Carol: Yep, I think you talked me into doing Imax2 today. Too lazy to try and figure out RS. How cool you were that close to the stage! Glad you had a rockin time! LOL on not wanting to drive in rush hour with a car full of kids after a long day at the FI. Why, isn't that the cherry on top?:p :7 ;)

Lea-X: WTG getting a workout in today! I think you're thinking of the other ladies on the check-in. (See post to Jeanette) I'm sold! If we take a train or bus from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, we'll stop at the farm.

Nicole-X: What stinker are you playing with today? I thought dh was at work?}( ;) You are such a good wife! I bet he doesn't have to eat Kashi frozen veggie pizzas after a long day's work either!:7

Off to do grammar, math and Thai. If one of the girls walks on my back, would it be considered PE?}( Then it'll be IMAX2 unless I change my mind.;)

Ballistic Hugs!
Okay so I am back to chat now! What a day!!! I ended up doing an hour of Eion (power yoga disc 1) to get XDH out of my head...and I felt much better until we had another exchange this afternoon....UUUGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!! I ended up not doing SH chest (again) because I just couldn't concentrate. Hopefully I will get to it tomorrow..I think I will do SH back and chest...if not tomorrow, Sunday for sure. I may end up doing cardio tomorrow since DD is spending the night with my mom tonight...so it is possible I can get a bike ride in tomorrow morning.

Wendy....I had too many characters in my signature, so my meez wasn't showing up....Didn't even think about the tailgating background, though...Good idea! Maybe heavy lifting is a good idea..especially if you won't be weight lifting in Thailand, you'll need to build up some extra muscle! I liked the Kashi pizza I had...although I am sure I added some cheese and spices to it...I always have to doctor frozen pizza a bit.

Swifty...Waving as you fly by with much leaner legs and a driving a steam cleaner.

Laurie....I am sure God has a special place in heaven for mothers who go camping....so sorry I won't be seeing you in that part...LOL! No camping for this mom...Tumbling rocks, yes. Camping, no. Although I would be surprised if my DD ever wanted to go camping anyway...She's not especially outdoorsy.

Carol...Glad the concert was great...I'm jealous! I guess I just haven't been lucky enough to live in one of those states that don't require you to take the test. Seems that's just how things have been going lately...LOL!

Lea...HELLOOOOOOOO!!!! Glad to see your happy face today. Hope you get to go to the beach with your boys this weekend...I'm sure that will be fun. We are going to our local farmer's market tomorrow to get pumpkins and other fall goodies. Love the meez!

Teddygirl....Be careful of Mr Police...in my life, they always seem to be around when you don't need them!!

Jeanette...You are still cracking me up about that lady last night. You must have shocked the poop right out of her. Maybe centering with Eion helped for you today!! Have a wonderful camping trip!

Nicole...Waving as you fly by. I am sure you will receive lots of needed nectar from Eion tomorrow!

Okay...Let's see...who's missing...Sandra, Amy, Cheryl? Hi again to Traci and Tracy, too...Hope I got everyone...I'm off to go fix some veggies and salmons for dinner tonight....have a friend coming over in a bit, so at least I should have a nice, fun, calm evening.

Smoochies to all!

Plant beneficial seeds, do your best and let go---Eion Finn

Hi :)

Thanks for all the advices, going to get my sticker tomorrow after I finish my workout. I'll be starting early tomorrow cuz me having 2 GK over for the weekend;-)

I came home and I walked an hour couldn't resist, needing to clear my head, that's it for me, my bath is waiting I'm going to call it a day, I am so tired, I plan to get about 9 hours of sleep tonight. Look out sleeping pill heres me come. Have a safe and wonderful evening everyone, night:) night:)
Had a great workout and am so looking forward to finishing up the week with Eoin. Must go to make pizza for pizza and movie night. The boys just love it! It's good to have something consistent in their lives.

Traci-X, Just be glad you are cranky and bloated today and not on your vacation to CA. I can just imagine you and your mom while you're cranky;) So glad the shoulder is feeling better! You better keep your appointment on Monday even it feels good!

JeanetteX, LOL! You showed her:) I hate it when people think they know everything about everything, I use to be that way........when I was 16:) Your workout today was great! I'm going to go through my rotation and add yoga in because I have seen such changes this week. Ken Shamrock actually fought a few months ago. He lost but he should have. He is so beat up at this point and he has such an attitude. I think that was his last fight. Have fun camping. I think you are getting the bulk of the rain we were supposed to get:p

LaurieXX, So glad it was just a dead battery! I wish I had had that luck:) So glad you are getting one-on-one time with your DD. Sounds like Cameron will be good for you. I really enjoy that yoga. It is really different from the others I have. There is no meditation or any breathing exercises so if your into that this may not be your bag. I'm not so I like it. Yes, my house was cleaned and DH came home to me blasting Justin Timberlake on HBO:D I know I am much too old to be gawking over him but he is a phenomenal dancer and singer. My DH hates him so he went outside to shoot his bow for a bit:)

AmyX, Good job on pampering yourself yesterday!

Cheryl, So glad work is going well for you. I'm glad you had a partner to run with yesterday, that always makes it more fun.

SwiftyX, Sounds like the weather is to nice not to be out in it:) It has been like that here, lovely!

SandraX, Thanks for asking about Grady. He is doing good. The only downside is my SIL has babied him too much along with his brother and they both want to be held and payed attention to all the time. The 2-year old is being quite a stinker. You know, I've looked at Shiva's DVD's but I think all of the changing scenes would drive me nuts. I do not like the looks of Namaste yoga and a lot of Shiva's look like that. Does she have one that is all filmed in the same room? Glad you are taking it easy on that hip. How is your elbow feeling?

DebraX, I feel like I have girls sometimes with all the clothes the boys go through:) They go through 1-2 clothes changes a day:p Glad you had an easier intro into live yoga than Wendy:) At least there is room for advancement instead of feeling overwhelmed. When do you get the new mattress? We purchased one a few years back and I love it. It was supposed to be $3400 and I talked the guy down to $2100. Hope it helps you sleep good. I would say better but I know XDH is wearing you out. Ryka's are great shoes! I always get those when I purchase new shoes. Glad you got your Meez figured out.

WendyX, What is it like to lose your appetite?:) I wish I could have that happen for a month or so. I guess I wouldn't want to have the kind of stress it would take to make me stop eating. I mean an egg and salad? Maybe in mt anorexic days;) No way Aaron would touch whole grains with a ten foot poll:) I saw an interview with BK on You Tube and he seems a bit deep and into himself. I don't know if I could stand a 2 hour lecture from him. So is your sister going to leave early then?

TracyX, Glad you are getting strong enough to do core work again. My back is much better as well so I am able to do core work too:) Looks like we made the right decision doing yoga for a week! You should get an award for dealing with all of these nasty parents. I guess you can't take it personal though. I'm sure I would be overprotective if my child had a disability. I do have morals though so I doubt I would get nasty.

Anointed, 50 lbs.!! I could probably do it, it's just the walking the next day that would be a problem:p You have been so focused as of late! I remember when I first started posting in February you sounded so down. It's like your not even that person anymore. Way to go! Have fun with the DL stuff:p

SwiftyX, What I wouldn't give to have people say I am "ripped":)

Carol, Sounds like Genesis was great! My goal as cheesy as it sounds, is to get to a Justin Timberlake concert. I was going to go this year when he was on tour with Pink but it sold out fast:( Maybe next year!

LeaX, So glad you were able to get a workout in today! Not that running around with the boys isn't enough:) My little one is so busy right now! My first two were not like this at all. They were both so laid back then I had Wes and it all changed:p

OMGosh! This is a huge post:D That'll teach me to be MIA for a day:p Have a great night all!


Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.


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