Xers ..... ~~FRIDAY~~~~~~~~


Slept in today! See what happens when I stay up til 11pm? Off to read last nights boards & grab more java!
Great morning to all!!:eek:
Well today is another Slim Series Circuit... Mix it Up, I'll leave out the ab work so I can do Ab Bootcamp from Billy Blanks. Should be fun!
Heading to bay for the weekend - DH trying to get off work early so who knows...when he's ready to go, hes really ready to go! I so hope none of you graduate before Sunday or I'll miss the festivities!!!! If any of you do graduate this weekend just know that I am giving out big hugs...High 5's.... toasting with the finest champagne... and checking out your guns!

TracyX: You soumd VERY busy right now! I miss all your insight and comments but know a girsl gotta have a life... Hope you get to relax this weekend a bit and enjoy yourself. Thanks for mentioning Cardio Stack.. I need to get that ready for my next X rotation as a 1 day a week sub for abs. I think I can only muster ARX 1 of the 3 days a week next round!

Debra: I agree that we women just seem to forget to pamper ourselves.. I told myself that I am reversing signs of aging on ,my face by doing it - I'm more likely to spend 60 bucks a month doing that than "pampering". I told DH its cheaper than Botox so be happy! LOL GREAT IDEA using the BC Kick premix! I LOVE that one as an addon and totally forgot to use it with my last X round! Just made note to self!!! I think its like 7-8 minutes? But MAN its gets me all fired up for the next workout! See- You ARE inventive! Tick Tock Tick Tock....Its almost graduation Day!

Jeanette: Lovely surprise seeing your friend! Sounds like she's had a rough road physically... I am so grateful that my body is healthy *strong and has surprisingly taken the years of early abuse all in stride. I feel very blessed! So sounds like a "chill week" of fun is coming up for you? I think Lea did that as well! Great idea for those itching to get back to Cathe! It was hard for a lot of us because we had just all received the new series when we started... timing is everything with the X! LOL on falling asleep... I rarely get thru a full movie at night... I alsways end up having DH explain the ending in the morning! We've got Monster In Law with Jennifer Lopez on for this weekend... Really looking forward to a comedy... I think Jane Fonda or someone is the "monster"... its someone from my era at least! LOL

LEA X: What are your plans next week with that elbow???? Do the alternative pushups seem do-able? have GREAT GREAT fun on the slopes! BE CAREFUL and wear that booty pad! (Can you request 2?)
Hope you have a great weekend just in case I miss you later.

SANDRA: Trying to remember what comes after Kenpo day? Yoga again??? Goodness how soon we forget!

LAURIE: Hope your day / weekend is heavenly as well!

Monica: Missed you yesterday and sending happy thoughts!

Steph: So how dd your DS do in his match? is he in High School? Hope Core Syn was wonderful yesterday and that you are still on the road to perfect health!

Well gang- Hope I get back to boards at least one more time today.... I REALLY miss you crazy people on these bay weekends... DH gave me a dirty look when I asked if I could break our agreement of NO COMPUTERS at get away home.... He just doesnt understand! If I coud keep in contact I'd never struggle with my "vacation eating" syndrom every weekend!
CL/PH3/WEEK5/Day5: CoreSynergistics

Good morning. Today I am actually going to do CoreSyn, as written on the rotation.

I never got back for more chatting yesterday, and if I start now, I'll probably end up going into my workout time, so I'll have to save it again for later. But I also have a friend-with-kids coming over today, and so may not get back to the computer for a while.

In case I miss you, TraciX, have a FABULOUS weekend at the bay. Your plans sound great. I too wish you could break the computer-silence while you're away, but can also understand why you guys have the rule. Are you near a town with an internet-cafe? You could, ah, go get DH some coffee and drop us a line }( Oh, and Laurie, Jeanette and myself are all finishing on Saturday. But I already feel finished, to be honest. This week is just a test-my-patience week, as I try to just get through the recovery workouts. As with the previous 2 recovery weeks, by this day I'm feeling unenthused about the X. My stomach is soft again (no arx), I feel "fat", my guns have gone back into hiding, and I haven't lifted a real weight in over a week. I should have taken my final photos last Friday, when I was feeling great about things. Oh well, live and learn. Monday will get here soon enough, I suppose, and I still haven't figured out what I'm going to be doing for the next little bit. I have tons of ideas, but just don't want to commit to anything.

I'd better go. BBL! Have a great workout, all of you!
Morning Xers,

Today is suppose to be CoreSyn, but I don't think I will get it in. We are suppose to go to a surprise B'day party tonight. It is also a murder mystery set in the 20's. I probably can get the workout in, but then it will be a hurry up thing to get ready for the party. Maybe I can do half of it.

Traci, Have a great time at the bay.

Sandra, I agree with you on feeling finished with the X already. I am of two minds about my workout today. Feel like I need to have something, because I know I probably won't eat that well tonight. It is a party after all! I have decided that my first workout will be KPC on Monday! Everyone is surprised when we say we make the outfits we wear. I taught my DH how to sew and he took it from there! Of course he is an Engineer, so putting these things together is fun for him. But I have to get a flame under his butt to get his new outfit finished for this season.

Lea, I will also get the tank in Medium Heather Gray. Thanks so much for doing this. Of course let me know about the $ and send to.

BBL when I have some more time!


Classic/Phase 3/Week 5/Day 5 (Recovery Week)

Today was Core Syn for me. I'm a little droopy still from TTOM but feel better after getting my workout in. Oh yeah, I had to do more Table Top lifty things at the end than Dreya. Just because. Also, when we got to towel hopping, I realized I hadn't done that one on Tuesday with the workout when I did it from the book. I looked and it isn't in the book.

Will work DH on the Bowflex tonite (we normally work M-W-F, but skipped Monday night as the power was out). I really am proud of him for sticking with this so far. Hopefully, we will get a time out with the dogs tomorrow if he doesn't have to work.

Traci, I'm missing you already going to the bay. Hope you have a very wonderful time there this weekend. I understand about the no computer thing completely. Let us know how the ab bootcamp is. The Guardian was a good movie. DH and I both enjoyed it and I'm sometimes leery of movies where people drown (White Squall). Just bothers me, but The Guardian was a good one and didn't disturb me too much.

Sandra, I'm with you on thinking I should have taken pictures last week. Oh well, I'm still waiting for the magic to kick in. TTOM will be over soon and then some of this water weight will come off. Actually, it already is so who knows. I'm just going to freestyle it a little bit next week I think, but may throw a Plyo Legs from the Master Series workout in as I think PlyoX has been so good for me.

Laurie, that party tonite sounds like so much fun! I've never been to a murder mystery dinner before, but hope to sometime. That's so cool that your DH sews. I think my DH would have an easier time teaching me to weld than me teaching him how to sew.


Hey there gals. No workout for me today as I am sore sore sore. Took my SIL out yesterday and that was nice. Our local animal shelter had no idea that this adoption was taking place and they wanted part of it. That made my SIL very happy.

PMS is starting to rear it's ugly head. My mood is great, but the monster is making me eat everything in the kitchen!!!! I was not safe yesterday. My face feels like it is 100 pounds from eating so much. I am doing water, fruit and veggies today. Right;) .

Traci - Have a spectacular time at the bay. You will be missed. I think that I will probably try a Gym Style Slow and Heavy rotation next week until my arm heals completely, then I am back to the big X. LOL on the butt pads. I think with two pairs of underwear, a butt pad and my ski pants, hopefully that will be enough padding. But who knows eh?????

I will do rest of personals later.

Hi all,

I decided to can the personals that I’d written from yesterday. I’m not sure what I’m doing today. Some light upper body something. I need to get in some abs and kickbox too before Sunday.

I found a great standing core exercise. It is easier to do than the hanging leg raises, and I think more effective. As soon as you get the weight in place take one hand and feel how tight the core gets opposite the weight i.e. when the weight is behind feel the core in front. Here goes, stand up straight, shoulders back, chest lifted, then hold the med ball or weight behind your back in both hands, then do soldier style walking raising your foot to hip height if possible (20 reps each leg). Next hold the weight at your side, about shoulder height (your can hold it like a tray if you like, the farther away from the body the greater the challenge. Stand on the same side leg that the arm is holding the weight, raise opposite leg and use arm and leg to do 20 side crunches. Hold weight in front of you about a foot from the body, bend over to about 45 degrees and then do rear soldier kicks (20 each leg). I do two cycles and my core is really tight and flat pretty much like arx tight.

I'll catch up on personals when I get home.

Happy to report That Mix It Up is done as is Ab Bootcamp! OMG Ab Bootcamp is a KEEPER!!! It is only 35 minutes but I thought I’d die from the standing portion burn (20 minutes) then we hit floor and do ARX type moves but with reps closer to 35 each….OUCH OUCH OUCH. A great investment for 7 bucks in my opinion. I skipped all the standing & floor ab work in Mix It Up because I was too sore. YIPPEE!!!
Tomorrow is LowMax and Sunday Stott Pilates for Flat Abs. YOWZA!

SANDRA: Sounds like a busy & fun day! Hope Core Syn got scratched off the list. Will you miss it? I LOL’d at the internet café! Sargent TX is population 250. There is 1 greasy diner, 1 BBQ place, 1 nicer restaurant on gulf of Mexico. There is 1 country grocery store about 600sq feet, 1 grocery/fishing supply store about 1200 sq feet, the Veterans Hall where we play bingo on Saturday nite, a volunteer fire dept and that’s it for 25 miles!!! Internet??? Whats that??? My cell doesn’t even get reception! Lolololol
Sorry I’ll miss Saturdays graduation hoopla but you know that I am with you celebrating!!! Maybe I’ll have a greasy burger to celebrate!!!

LAURIE: You have the BEST life!!! I just love the stuff you are sharing these days… Took me 12 weeks to find out that you have the most exciting life of all! What fun a murder party is! Did 1 years ago and was the best time EVER! Great weekend to you as well!

Jeanette: CONGRATS on whipping out Core Syn today…. Do hope you start to feel like your old self soon! GO AWAY ALIENS!!! I think you;ll love Plyo legs… I think its pretty fast paced and about 10 minutes shorter than PlyoX I think. I miss you too!! Happy Dancing your @ your graduation party.

LEA X: What has got you so darned sore????? I want that workout too!!!!! Get Ab Bootcamp and you’ll be doubled over! Lol. Enjoy a rest day and I somehow SERIOUSLY doubt your face looks like it weighs 100 pounds! OMG that created a funny visual!!! WALK AWAY FROM THE FRIDGE – Hey are you wearing your HR monitor for lesson? I bet you burn up all that pms food in no time at all! BE SAFE!!!!! I need you to partner with me April 1st!

TRACY X: I bet you’re glad it Friday!!! Thank you for posting that core routine…. I’m an idiot but cannot get this thing pictured in my brain. I’ll print it and see if I can go step by step with a weight in my hand. Hope you are OK today!

Gotta get showered and packed up .... still no word on what time we leave!
Good morning ladies!!! Hope you are all in grand form this morning!!! Just wanted to share my take aways from the X....I will bbl for personals...I want to get my workout in this morning. I am supposed to be doing StretchX...but I am going to do 30 minutes of cardio and then a segment of Stretch Max...so I need to get hopping!

These are in no particular order...just my personal observations and things I learned....okay here we go...

*it is a good thing to do legs once a week...I'm sure this was a given to many of you (Tracy!), but I have never consistently done legs once a week until this rotation...so I learned something!

*I previously was doing too much cardio...My body stays even keel and gains muscle with much less cardio. I was doing 5-6 days a week...after this rotation I will do a max of 3 days a week.

*I can go heavier on weights than I thought! I finally found out what REAL muscle failure feels like and will push myself harder in the future.

*Yoga is a good thing! I will NOT feel guilty for putting yoga or pilates in once a week. I used to think that I was "wasting" a workout day for these type of workouts...but now I will include them in my weekly rotations.

*I really figured out how to engage my abs during kickboxing workouts thanks to Kenpo.

*Although my diet wasn't great during this rotation..I I lost most of my body fat during the first phase...which coincidentally was also the phase where I was most consistent with the P90X diet. I know that by cutting carbs I can lose body fat...and when my personal life regulates a bit, then I will be able to regulate my diet a bit and work on my BF a little more!

*Recovery week=a good thing! I will incorporate a non weight week every six weeks or so to give my muscles time to grow!

Last but not least...
*Boredom factor...it was very hard for me to stick with this rotation since the workouts repeated so many times during 90 days...I will look forward to being able to mix it up a bit when I am done!

Speaking of which...I am planning to concentrate on leaning out a bit during my next rotation and hopefully creating more definition. I am planning on doing a faux P90X lean rotation. I will sub a circuit type workout for Core Syn each week and a Cathe step or another steady state cardio for CardioX. I will do yoga once a week...I promise! For Kenpo..I'll either do some other kickboxing video...or maybe plyo of some sort...or maybe even Kenpo! And then for weight work I will either do Gym Styles or else I will do a combo of CTX plus ME or MM. And, yes, Tracy, I will do legs once a week!!!! I'm sure I will do abs from various sources...depending on my mood for the day.

I look forward to any feedback you guys have! I am really looking forward to using all I have learn over the past 3+ months in my continued quest for fitness. I have had really good results considering that I did not follow the dietary guidelines. I haven't done my BF yet..but I will at the end of the week and I will let you guys know my results. I can tell you that my muscle groups are much more defined then when I started...and I am very excited about that! I have lost a couple of pounds...not that weight was my main goal...since I was hoping that I add muscle density with this rotation...

Okay...I think that is all about me for now!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Hi everyone. As I am sitting here stuffing my face I will write to y'all.

Miss Traci X - Great job on getting your workout done. Yay!!! I am still sore from doing Cardio Coach like 10 days ago (ok, so that is an exageration, but jeeze). The next day after doing CC my core was sore and my legs were sore. It was great. But then yesterday I decided to do more legs since I am not doing arms this week. What are ya going to do? Have a blast at the bay.

Miss Sandra almost there X - Sorry that you are feeling all flabby, but I seriousl doubt that you are you rock hard chica. I will mail off your package today, so hopefully you will get it by next week? I want to say congrats on finishing (^^^^^5555555's all over the place) since I will be nowhere near a computer tomorrow. Great job. Sounds like a great day. Enjoy it!!

Miss Laurie almost there X - Wow! The birthday party sounds fun fun fun. It sounds like you guys have a blast. Are you dressing up and are you and your DH making the costumes;) ? ^^^^^^^^^55555555's on finishing up too!! Congratulations girl!

Miss Jeanette almost there X - Trying to show Miss Dreya up huh? Good for you. I would love to see the two of you in a room together and try to out do each other. Ah, the competitiveness. Yes, yes, you must try plyo legs. It's a goodie. My arss has been sore after doing that one. Thanks for reminding me about the sunscreen. I would have totally forgot. That would not have been good. And thank you for the good vibes on the elbow too. Oh and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^55555555's to you too. Awesome job!!!!

Miss Debra - I will email you a little later. I will talk with my DH about your problem and hopefully he can help out. Sorry to hear about that dog. What a problem!!! I hope that you can get it worked out. People should be more responsible for their dogs. Jeeze. Ok miss thang, you snuck in. Great observations there. I agree on all.

Miss Stephanie - I hope you are feeling better {{{{HUGS}}}}. How is the elbow?

Miss Tracy X - Where did you get those core exercises? They sound great. I have to try those. You are a wealth of knowledge aren't you??

Ok, now I feel sick from stuffing my big fat face!! LOL. Even though it was healthy, it was a lot. And now it's time to get the kids ready. Have an awesome day and if I don't come back (but I know I will be lurking, heh heh}( ) have a great Friday and Saturday gang.
Big hugs and high fives on all of the gals finishing on Saturday, Sandra, Jeanette and Laurie. Awesome job gang and please please stik around after you are done. If you leave, we will miss you ;( !!!

Ok- we are outta here in about 30 minutes....

Debra: WOW! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your takeaways. I am just tickled that you got so much out of it! Ya know I'm the one that always finds life lessons in addition to the actual objective of the game;-) ... I know its been a difficult 2 months personally so do you have any revelations about all that & what P90X did for you? Dont feel like you have to share but just wondering. I see it as such a great indicator of your ability to not just "get thru" difficult things but your ability to rise above and move forward with ultimate goals. I am very very proud to call you a fellow Xers knowing the struggles along the way.

LEA X: hehehehehe I can tell you are sooooo excited! COOL COOL COOL!
Have a blast! Maybe I need to move beyond CC3??? lololol Bet your booty is sitting up nice & perky after all that lower work eh?

Well gotta sign off til Sunday night..... Hugs to all and I'm celebrating with each of you...OUTSTANDING Ladies, simply OUTSTANDING!:7
Hi, I'm back!!! I did the step portion of Step Jump and Pump..I like that one...quick and to the point...And then the ball section of StretchMax...feeling a little nauseous, though. Maybe I worked out too soon after I ate...although that doesn't normally bother me! We have snow here AGAIN! And then I have to read about dear TraciX having a great time at the bay...Please, oh please, Traci, please take in DD and me..I promise we don't eat much!

Okay on to personals..

TraciX...Hope you have a wonderful time at the bay this weekend! I am incredibly jealous! I'll have to get Ab Bootcamp...sounds like fun and I am always looking for different ab work. And yes, graduation day is officially Monday..WooHoo!! I think I forgot to mention yesterday how great I think it is that your hormones have seemed more even keel. I'm glad you are feeling better!

LeaX...Thanks for all your computer help...I also tried to open the IM link you sent...but it said the attachment was empty...I'm losing my mind!!! I am going to email Cardio Coach this afternoon and see if they can help. Have a great day of rest! I don't think it's possible to even eat a 100 pounds of veggies...I guess you could try! LOLOL How is your elbow? I hope it is feeling better...Have a great time with snowboarding tomorrow! I'm sure you'll do great!

Jeanette...I'll try your suggestion on the MP3 player...I think I'll get in touch with Cardio Coach this afternoon and see if they can help if I can't figure it out. Good for you geting through Core Syn today...even though you didn't feel much like it! I'm sure you could take on Dreya if you met in a dark alley!!! Congrats on your upcoming graduation!!! Hope you get some time with the pooches this weekend.

Laurie...Have a great time at your party tonight...It sounds like a blast! Good luck on getting in part of your workout...but what's the saying...Do your best and forget the rest! Congrats to you on your graduation day tomorrow!!!!!

TracyX...Thanks for the great core exercise...I know I will have to add that in to keep up with the gains I've made. Hope you have a great day at work and see you later!

Sandra...Hope you enjoyed Core Syn today. Congrats on your upcoming graduation!!!!! Have fun with your "playdate"...It's interesting that you don't enjoy your recovery week. I am feeling much stronger and leaner this week...which is surprising because I am sure ttom is coming soon. My body really needs the time off of the weights to make some gains. It' s interesting how everyone is different! Let us know what you are planning on doing as a follow up rotation...Are you going to actually plan it out, or just kind of do what you want?

Steph...Hope you are doing well and keeping your cold at bay....You must be able to at least see the finish line by now!

Monica...Hope you are well...Are the doctors planning any more tests (or should I say torture)? Let us know how you are doing!

Okay everyone...Gotta run and go pick up DD in the blizzard like conditions! Have a great afternoon!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Back again,

Well, CoreSyn is done for the last time! Woohoo! Not my favourite workout, but definitely one that makes it worth your time. I realized I'm not enamoured of it because I still cannot do a couple of the moves at the level of Tony and the gang. Silly reason to not like a workout, huh? I'm so competitive :p I thought for sure I'd be able to pull off one unassisted Dreya roll by now, but no luck.

I've got time for a bit of personals, but there's so much I want to say in response to all your posts, I'd better try and be brief so I'm not here for 2 hours. Let's see. Where to start....

LeaX - Very, very interesting to hear about the Pet Adoption. I admire you and TraciX for your volunteer spirit. Question: HOW do you snowboard when it's +75 degrees??? Where's the snow?? I'm very confused. I was eating everything in sight yesterday, too. Just ate and ate and ate. I think it's because of the early morning workout. Or could be pms. I'm still about 6 days away from that, but some times I'm a few days early, so maybe it's closer than I think. I'm having major chocolate cravings, so maybe that's it. Yes, I think often how we feel about our bodies is not reflected in the mirror. At least, I hope so! No rush on the package; whenever you get a chance is fine. You're just so generous to do it in the first place. Have a great weekend!!!! I look forward to a full report about the snowboarding. Make sure you wear a jacket with an Ipod pocket. I hear they're mandatory equipment.

TraciX - wonderful news on how "easy" LL was for you! That was my first Cathe lower body workout, and I look on it with a great deal of fondness. And it still kicks my booty. Those plie low-ends at the very end are just pure sadism, IMO. The facial!! My!! Thanks for the description! How delightful. I love Aveda products; just can't afford them. Yes, cheaper than Botox, and a lot more appealing! So, who puts out this Ab Bootcamp, and how can I get my hands on it? Be sure to let me know how the pilates for flat abs goes. I was looking at that one in the book store yesterday. If you give it the thumbs up, then I may buy it. What is your birthdate, please? Yup, YogaX is on deck for tomorrow. And I plan to do it. It's a more athletic yoga than anything I've ever found, and I like how it works the lower body (booty, legs, back) so much. It's a great yoga to muscle endurance. I'll take that greasy burger, thank you very much!! And Sargent sounds very quaint. I grew up in a town of 600, and except for the ocean, and the fact there was only ONE restaurant, it all sounds similar. I was also related to about 70 of those 600 people (not an exaggeration), so it felt like the whole town was family.

TracyX - That's a very, very interesting standing ab session you described. Thanks for the description! Did you make that up yourself? The recent edition of Oxygen magazine has a plyo workout in it that looks really hard.

Debra - did you get your Cardio Coach problems figured out? Yes, the housing market here is the envy of the country. Fortunately, my DH sells hardwood floors :D . Are you saying that yesterday you did Cathe's KM Blast, then the 4 combos, THEN KenpoX, THEN the warm up??? That's CRAZY intense!!! I bow to you! Your "takeaways" from P90X are exactly what I would have written. Thanks for doing that for me! :) Your plan for the Lean rotation sounds very alluring. I'm still trying to find something to commit myself to, and all this talk of different workouts and rotations are like shiny little objects to me. They all sound good, and I want to do them all!

Jeanette - I feel the same as you about KenpoX. I only subbed it once, too. It's a keeper. I cringed just reading about your friend's knees. Did cycling do that to her? I'm really going to have to try these Dove dark chocolate bars, you all keep talking about them so much. I'd forgotten about the Towel Hopping being left out of the book! I wrote it in the first time I did the workout. It's a toughie, especially if you try to get your knees up. Excellent job on out-Dreya-ing Dreya! Did you do the rolls unassisted today? I have that plyo-legs workout from the master's series. I may have to drag it out as well (she says reluctantly). Maybe we should both do a thorough workout, like BM2, on Monday, THEN take our pictures :) Get everything buffed up for the photos!

Laurie - you taught DH how to sew?? I'm with Jeanette on this one: it would be easier for DH to teach me how to lay hardwood floors, than the other way around. KPC is a Cathe-gem. Have a fun time! The murder-mystery dinner will be so much fun! Your family is really the theatah type, aren't you? Let us know when one of your kids gets their first Oscar nomination :)

******TANK TOP NOTE*******
I notice that everyone (myself included) asked for a medium size. When I looked at the website's sizing chart yesterday, it appears that their sizes run small. The dress size for a medium, for example, is size 2. For a large, is size 6. I'm small in the bust, so I think that I could fit into the medium, but the arm holes might be a bit small, or the length a bit short. I'm rather torn. I'm 5'4", as they say for a Medium, but am heavier than the 120lbs they recommend. So, I think I'm going to order a large and play it safe. I just thought I'd mention it to you all, in case you didn't see the sizing chart.

******DVD ALERT******
I just got a notice in my email from Amazon.ca that Shiva Rea has a dvd called "Creative Core Abs". It has 3 core workouts on it. I may put it on my "someday" list.

So much for brevity, hey? I could go on, but I'll save it for another day.

Sandra - LOL. It's called man made snow. We do it a lot out here in sunny Southern California. Oh and BTW, it will be 75 here where I live, but at the mountains, it will be like 46. Little better? Package is mailed, you should have it in 3-7 business days. Watch for that UPS man!!!


PS, took note on the shirts. Thanks for looking that up you smarty partarty. (God, I am such a mom:p ).
Sandra....No no no!! You crazy woman...you must have me confused with Tracy! I did Kickbox from BootCamp..about 10 minutes...then Kenpo...then the Kenpo warmup...then abs from BootCamp.. about another 8 minutes...I couldn't let you think I did all of that from KM...I felt guilty!

Okay..off to email Cardio Coach to see if they can help me!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Hi....just back checking in on you lovely ladies! It's still snowing and blowing like crazy here! Nothing exciting to report....Except we do have a showing on the house tomorrow afternoon...so we'll keep our fingers crossed for that!

Have a great evening everyone!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Evening ladies,

My you all are sooo chatty, love it so! I need to help DH soon with his workout so don't think I'll be too windy.

Lea, I am so excited about your snowboarding lesson tomorrow! I hope you have the BEST time :7 . You are sore now? I know my son went boarding a couple months ago and he was super sore afterwards and he's in okay shape. Maybe it won't be too bad. I know how it feels to feel like your face is soooo puffy. I absolutely hate that feeling, and the feeling of a double chin with water weight. This last phase, I discovered that eating my 1 carb serving in the morning helped regulate my water retention much, much better. It's TTOM and the water weight gain wasn't too bad this time either. It's rapidly leaving. Hope the magic of Recovery Week stops by to see me. Is your arm any better? Yep, I had to outdo Dreya, she's such a wimp;-). My personal favorite background exerciser was BLAM and she's in Core Syn. For sure I'm doing Plyo Legs next week, no matter what else I do, I've got to get some Plyo in.

Tracy, I'm not sure if I got the core exercise down right. I just got done trying it but hmmmm....

Traci, Ab Bootcamp a keeper? I'm so glad you've found something for all of us. Mix it Up too, I've got that one. OOOOOOOHHHHH my head is spinning from overload. Not sure what I'm going to do!! I again hope you have the best time this weekend. I remember you said that you fish also. I like to, but don't like it when nothing is happening. I get too bored. I start wishing I was on my bike or horse or something. I think it's because I've never really caught many fish so I don't get the thrill of it. I'm feeling much better today and the water weight is waving bye-bye.

Debra, thanks for your thoughts on P90X. I agree with you on most everything. I leaned out a lot in the 1st and 3rd phases. Just got the eating dialed in more on the 3rd and quit weighing myself. I'd see how I looked in the mirror instead and the leanness and felt I didn't want to see the number on the scale as I was pleased with the mirror. That's a first for me and it kept me more motivated by visual changes rather than scale changes. I too like SJP, miss doing it. That one has a real fun factor for sure for me. Hope the nausea was nothing and passed quickly. I've heard that Cardio Coach has excellent customer service. Hope you are up and running quickly. When you plug in your mp3 player, do you see a drive on the "tree" ("H:" drive or whatever has been designated for the removable drive)? DH is talking about going to Reno tomorrow to do some shopping. We'll see. I'd like to take the girls out too, but I forget we still have lots of snow here. It's melting off the roads really well so looks like a Sunday bike ride is on.

Sandra, I didn't feel as strong today on bananas and supermans and bow and boat and all those things for some reason. I kept telling myself it could be from TTOM, whatever, I did my best. My friend got her bad knees way before she started cycling. She used to run and ski and hike. Can't do any of that stuff anymore. The only thing that didn't bother them too much was cycling, but this last year they deteriorated more. She's pleased to now have some relief and wants to get back to cycling when the weather warms up a bit. I really miss riding with her. Thanks for the reminder on the sizing. Wow, I need to go take a look. Normally I'm a small, so thought a medium would be okay. Maybe a large then? Maybe an X-Large for the Xers. Gosh, now I've got to go check out Bootcamp Abs AND Shiva's core workout. Is that a yoga workout?

I'd better go wake up DH to work out, know he'll love that }(.


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