CL/PH3/WEEK1/Day6: Legs & Back; ARX
Hi everyone,
TraciX - DH will need a ladder to peel you off the ceiling!!! GOOD JOB!!! I wish I were an octopus so I could give you 8 high-fives at once. You must absolutely take some photos of yourself today, even if you keep them for your eyes only (though of course the rest of us are dying to see!). It doesn't matter if you didn't take "before" photos. With those measurement changes, you're looking GOOOOOOD, and you need to capture this moment on film! The consultation with the doctor sounds very, very promising for you. Are you at all concerned that she may tell you to give up the coffee? I'm glad you've found a way to begin to deal with your hormonal problems. You know what's scary? My two girls are probably going to be full-throtal into puberty just as I move into menopause. DH will probably end up living in the garage. Did I put you off of doing the KM leg conditioning drills? Oops! My bad. I do think they're a lot like floor work, but because you're vertical and working against gravity, I think they pull in a lot of core. While I don't find them much fun, I do think they can be a very beneficial part of a rotation. Your workout yesterday was certainly creative. Wow!
Jeanette - that CMIYC story is a good one, isn't it? Hard to believe that it's true. So you did Masters Sweat, did you? And it was good? Nice idea to insert the back work in there. You're very smart about your training, I have to say.
Laurie - stay warm!
Steph - Yep, I read all the late night posts, so don't worry about wasting your time. Great job on CoreSyn yesterday. I'm still working on the u/a dreya rolls, too. I refuse to admit that my core isn't strong enough to do them; I just don't have the technique right. Yeah, that's it! The 5 pounds extra on the scale sounds very depressing. I hope it's just one of those life-glitches that seem to happen to all of us. Remember that you're a healthy person (or you wouldn't be able to do the workouts you do!), regardless of what the scale says.
Debra - hi there. It sounds like you had a lot of fun with KenpoX. Cool! Which Cathe cardio did you end up doing?
Monica - Oooooooh, that's so frustrating about the lack of results from your MRI!! All this waiting, and you have to wait some more! I am amazed by your strength through all of this. Keep us updated on how everything continues to unfold, please. When do you go for the Nuclear Scan? (never heard of that before!).
Dr. Tracy - soon to be Dr.TracyX!!! You're so close!! Go Tracy Go!
Lea - I hope you're feeling better today?? And I have to apologize sincerely for forgetting to add you in the list of "soon-to-be-doners" in my post yesterday. I knew there was a 4th person, just couldn't remember which one. Are you resting today? What Cathe rotation are you starting next week? Are you going to keep checking in with us (or in the new post-P90Xers check in?).
I did YogaX yesterday. I think all those lunges, warrior poses, etc. do awesome things for leg endurance. If my wall-squat time has increased, it's because of those.
DH did the P90 weight workout last night, and I worked with him on his form. It helped him figure a few things out - like, he should be lifting heavier. I've upped all of his weights. And he's just so weak in the core that I decided to throw a plank at him at the end (not a real board, of course!). I made him hold a 10 second straight-arm and leg plank; just the basic hold. It just about killed him. I'm going to increase the hold time by 5 seconds every week, until he's up to a full minute. Then I'll tell him about the $1000! }( }( }(
Today is Legs & Back, ARX, and I'll warm up with Cathe's All-Step. BBL to tell you whether I achieved all this or not.
Hello to the rest of the crew. I look forward to reading how your workouts go today.