Phase 1/ Week 3/ Day 16/ Rd 1 (I currently struggle without an X)
You ladies are in a chatty mood today!
You just go on with your honest self! Tell Samantha just what you think! Thank goodness you're an X graduate. Your honesty might be fighting words. ;-) Believe me, I knooooo!!!
I was once standing in the checkout line at Walmart and this lady and her son was in front of me. Her 2 year old son was sitting in the part of the cart for merchandise. He kept wanting to stand up and see the cashier. Well, his teenage mother freaked out and started yelling at him and PUNCHING his legs down. I commented to my friend that I thought that was child abuse. Well s*** hit the fan after that! I thought the police would have to be called! She started pointing her finger at me and calling me WHITE! Y'all saw my Day 1 pics. I'm about as white as I am country!!! Thankfully, her mother came over and talked some sense into her. She told her to settle down; they didn't need to have social services getting involved. etc... So much for direct and honest all the time. LOL
ALthough, Elaine from Seinfeld is my favorite tv character because she tells it like it is without care for personal injury. ;-)
Please, allow me to enable you... Lululemon sells expensive, over-priced, beautifully made, pretty, athletic clothing. You can purchase over the phone if you don't have a store near you. Although, it's a hassle since they don't have the prices or colors available on their site! They do offer free alterations for pants. Here's their site:
Jeanette-X: You've got mail. Let me know if you have any questions. I don't know if I mentioned this in the recipe. The crust is for the bottom only, like a NY cheesecake. You don't go up the sides of the springform pan.
Swifty: Glad you came out of lurkdom to join us! There's always Saturday delivery. Hoping your package arrives tomorrow! Enjoy your last moments of freedom! }(
Almost forget to put in my rotation day. Let me scroll up and do it now. Did I do it right?
Teddygirl: You have such a good attitude going into the X. From what I hear, it helps to carry you through some tough spots. Can't wait to hear your impressions of Day 1. Wait, are you doing a doubles or classic rotation. I was told I had to wait until phase 2 until I could add any cardio. Ooo, we have a rebel in our midst! LOL
Private Sandra: Sargeant Sandra-X is tough as nails. She'll down right say or do anything to make you work harder! :7 That's AWESOME!!!! You can do unassisted pull-ups now! I'm soooo jealous and happy for you at the same time! That's huge! How were you able to discover your new found ability? Did you just try to do one every day or was it by accident? Please inform.
Amy: How was Plyo? I'm not looking forward to it today. Not because it's tough. I'm just feeling lazy today.
TracyX: Agreeing with others, maybe you should consider getting a second opinion. I didn't have any epidurals either. I had my first 4 naturally. Got up and took a shower right after each one was delivered. Had to wash off all those nasty fluids! Unfortunately, I had to have a c-section for my twins. They were lying sideways. I had a bruised feeling on my back where they inserted the spinal tap that lasted for weeks. Anyhow, during my recovery, I thought I was going to die from the actual surgery. I had the doctor give me another pain killer prescription. I can't believe there are women out there who VOLUNTAIRLY opt for a c-section because they think it's easier and they want to set their own delivery date. CRAZY! I'm with you on egg whites. I like my yolks and egg salad sandwiches. LOL
Katie: That's exactly what dh and I think too... It looks easy, but it isn't when you do it! I thought S&A would be tougher. However, my DOMS from C&B masked any that I had with S&A.
LeaX: So happy you're up and at em again. I was beginning to think you wanted to leave us for a smaller X group. See what happens when I allow my mind to wander. Your dc are so blessed to have you as their mother. Toddler gymnastics... now that's dedication. I took the girls to a year long class before saying enough! Normally gymnastic centers reek of stinky socks. Hope your ds's center is Febreezed well. ;-) We are fortunate to have found private lessons with this teacher. He's so kind and polite, and isn't the least bit offended by my direct and honest approach at life. ;-)
Debra-X: Have fun at the park. We have a Noreaster storm coming our way. Winter wants to leave like a lion this spring! I was able to take a nap after talking to ds like 3 times. He's having the time of his life! The bus stop ends at Times Square. His friend met him there. It was only a short 10 minute subway ride to his friend's house located in a good section of Queens. His friend is Thai also. So, my ds will be eating good this weekend. I'm planning on going up for the day next time he visits his friend. I need a native to guide me to the Lululemon store. ;-)
Well, Phil is working overtime today. I better get back to the settee. I took a nap on the couch this afternoon and it felt very good!