X'ers - ***FRIDAY*** (Finally!)

Thank you so much for taking time to help me... I pulled down my AFPA Muscle Mechanics book and as best I can see its the gluteus minimus. Magically Hips made me feel wonderful but I think it is the X coss legged twist... Its not that it actually hurts while going deeper but definite strain on the last breathe.... I think that Tony may be too advanced for me unless I can learn to go easy. Maybe thats why I am so in love with Power Yoga- Its do-able and I already see results in my posture and overall flexibiity.
Enjoy your upper work today!!! You deserve some fun this weekend! Hope you arent going to dream about epiderals! UGH
Hi there ladies...Hope you are all feeling good after your workouts today...and hopefully have a fun weekend planned...except maybe Traci...Do NOT poop in the bucket!

Let's see...I did Billy Banks Bootcamp Basic Training today...which I enjoyed....I don't have the Billy bands, so I used light dumbbells and ankle weights for the moves I could. I liked Billy (this was my first time with him...wait..that doesn't quite sound right!)...except he kept saying "one more time" and we'd do whatever another 12 more times! So, that kind of bugged me...also...it seemed that the left and right weren't quite even in some spots...but I will try it again before I make a decision to buy. Aren't I being fiscally responsible!? Tomorrow is upper body split with PUB ad then an add on of some other Cathe weights...maybe ME or MM...we'll see what I have time for tomorrow since we have our home inspection then...and it should take about 3 hours.

TraciX....No..Surely I haven't eaten 2 healthy meals this week...Did I?!? And let me also say...I consider it camping when the Hilton doesn't have room service....I am not an outdoorsy woman. I saw the voodoo doll in one of the vids...but now I don't remember which one!

JeanetteX..Glad you took an obviously much need break yesterday! Have fun shopping this weekend...I probably have enough accessories in storage to outfit your entire home! You will also be pleased to know that I shipped out your DVDs today...along with my tax check! Have fun with BG today..I really like that one and will probably do it this week too. I forgot all about "Space Cowboys"...don't ya just love Netflix!? Have fun airing the girls this weekend!

Swifty...I am sending strong vibes to the UPS man right now!

Teddygirl...Yeah!!! You start tomorrow! WooHoo!

Amy...Great big welcome to you! Good luck on your journey with the X...and just know we are all here to support (and goad) you on! I am sure you are sleeping tight right now...If you have to sleep during the day, when do you typically workout? At some later point I am sure I will want to pick your brain a bit about medical careers...I am planning on going back to school in 2008...and I would welcome any advice.

Okay..I will bbl with more personals...DD has a playdate over and they want to go to the park...and for once, it's actually warm enough to go! Promise to finish up later!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

Doubles/ Phase 3/ Week 2/ Day 5 (Round 2)

Hi! No, the fumes didn't kill me. All the work got done, then I did my workout, and now I have to rush out the door. The day turned unexpectedly busy, so no time for chat yet. You all are having fun! I want to play, too! I'll BBL.

Today's workout:

* 10-10-10

* Butts 'n Guts: standing legs, plus the three bonus leg exercises

* Pull/chin ups from Legs & Back inserted every 3rd exercise during BG. Hey! I can do unassisted pull ups now!!!

* BG stability ball abs.

Okay, gotta go. Have a great afternoon,
minutes to go and I am out of the prison:D

Has anyone tried Darn Good Chili made by Bear Creek? Aw...It’s very good. I can eat chili every single day, never get tired of beans. I hate Lima bean yuck!

I do not have an internet service at home, I know…I know gotta work on it. But, mean time, back at the ranch, will report on Monday.

Tracie: water :) ok woman your on, will miss you guys to as always, going to call now to see what AT&T is talking about, they sent special rates for the internet service, who knows……

Lea: thank you, it is hard to drink water, but if we keep at it, it’ll become a habit, right:)

Debra: BB Bootcamp nice job:)

Wishing, each of you a WONDERFUL and safe weekend

Traci - It probably is that seated twist where you take 5 breaths and keep pushing. If it is the glutes minimus then it is deeper than the maximus. The piriformis lies even deeper. That's my problem right now. Some of the instructors do say, find your intelligent edge......I'm backing off just a little now when I feel like I'm really hitting a stretch that goes beyond pleasant; especially for an injured muscle.

Sandra - I'll be thinking about you tomorrow when I'm cleaning. The sun was shining in the back windows today and the dust was really not a pretty thing to behold.


Okay....back from the park!

Teddygirl...Have a great weekend...And I can't eat egg whites either...I do a lovely scrambled eggs with cheese, hot sauce, salsa, ww tortillas and back beans...It's as healthy as I get!

TracyX...I don't blame you for not getting the shots..I DID get an epidural (I had an emergency c-section) and it was not any fun...I still think you may want to consult a physical therapist if your insurance allows for it...They can really help you with the right exercises and stretches for your injury. I continue to send you healing vibes!

TraciX...You are cracking me up with the menu of the day...You guys would be appalled and go screaming for cover if I told all that I ingest in a day! Was glad to see you didn't actually eat your arm off...Or else maybe you forgot to write it down?!?

Katie...Have a great weekend...You'll love Sh+Arms...always a goodie!

Wendy...Good luck getting through the weekend with DS headed to NY! Bless your heart!

LeaX..I said Ab...Ripper...X, right with you..LOL. Have fun moaning tonight with l+b...your DH will probably wonder what you have going on in the other room!

SandraX...That must have been one dirty hamster cage! I hope you've at least made it out of the bathrooms by now! Glad you at least got your workout in..good luck with all your other errands today. The play date is kind of quiet upstairs now...which could be a very bad sign. WooHoo on the chin ups!!!! You incredibly strong and fit woman!

Okay...I guess I'm caught up now....I promise not to post my eating habits so that you guys won't call a nutritionist to come to my house! I am sure I will be back this evening to check on everyone...especially since Wendy hasn't returned yet...hope the DS is ok!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

Phase 1/ Week 3/ Day 16/ Rd 1 (I currently struggle without an X)

You ladies are in a chatty mood today!


You just go on with your honest self! Tell Samantha just what you think! Thank goodness you're an X graduate. Your honesty might be fighting words. ;-) Believe me, I knooooo!!!

I was once standing in the checkout line at Walmart and this lady and her son was in front of me. Her 2 year old son was sitting in the part of the cart for merchandise. He kept wanting to stand up and see the cashier. Well, his teenage mother freaked out and started yelling at him and PUNCHING his legs down. I commented to my friend that I thought that was child abuse. Well s*** hit the fan after that! I thought the police would have to be called! She started pointing her finger at me and calling me WHITE! Y'all saw my Day 1 pics. I'm about as white as I am country!!! Thankfully, her mother came over and talked some sense into her. She told her to settle down; they didn't need to have social services getting involved. etc... So much for direct and honest all the time. LOL

ALthough, Elaine from Seinfeld is my favorite tv character because she tells it like it is without care for personal injury. ;-)

Please, allow me to enable you... Lululemon sells expensive, over-priced, beautifully made, pretty, athletic clothing. You can purchase over the phone if you don't have a store near you. Although, it's a hassle since they don't have the prices or colors available on their site! They do offer free alterations for pants. Here's their site: www.lululemon.com

Jeanette-X: You've got mail. Let me know if you have any questions. I don't know if I mentioned this in the recipe. The crust is for the bottom only, like a NY cheesecake. You don't go up the sides of the springform pan.

Swifty: Glad you came out of lurkdom to join us! There's always Saturday delivery. Hoping your package arrives tomorrow! Enjoy your last moments of freedom! }(

Almost forget to put in my rotation day. Let me scroll up and do it now. Did I do it right?

Teddygirl: You have such a good attitude going into the X. From what I hear, it helps to carry you through some tough spots. Can't wait to hear your impressions of Day 1. Wait, are you doing a doubles or classic rotation. I was told I had to wait until phase 2 until I could add any cardio. Ooo, we have a rebel in our midst! LOL

Private Sandra: Sargeant Sandra-X is tough as nails. She'll down right say or do anything to make you work harder! :7 That's AWESOME!!!! You can do unassisted pull-ups now! I'm soooo jealous and happy for you at the same time! That's huge! How were you able to discover your new found ability? Did you just try to do one every day or was it by accident? Please inform.

Amy: How was Plyo? I'm not looking forward to it today. Not because it's tough. I'm just feeling lazy today.

TracyX: Agreeing with others, maybe you should consider getting a second opinion. I didn't have any epidurals either. I had my first 4 naturally. Got up and took a shower right after each one was delivered. Had to wash off all those nasty fluids! Unfortunately, I had to have a c-section for my twins. They were lying sideways. I had a bruised feeling on my back where they inserted the spinal tap that lasted for weeks. Anyhow, during my recovery, I thought I was going to die from the actual surgery. I had the doctor give me another pain killer prescription. I can't believe there are women out there who VOLUNTAIRLY opt for a c-section because they think it's easier and they want to set their own delivery date. CRAZY! I'm with you on egg whites. I like my yolks and egg salad sandwiches. LOL

Katie: That's exactly what dh and I think too... It looks easy, but it isn't when you do it! I thought S&A would be tougher. However, my DOMS from C&B masked any that I had with S&A.

LeaX: So happy you're up and at em again. I was beginning to think you wanted to leave us for a smaller X group. See what happens when I allow my mind to wander. Your dc are so blessed to have you as their mother. Toddler gymnastics... now that's dedication. I took the girls to a year long class before saying enough! Normally gymnastic centers reek of stinky socks. Hope your ds's center is Febreezed well. ;-) We are fortunate to have found private lessons with this teacher. He's so kind and polite, and isn't the least bit offended by my direct and honest approach at life. ;-)

Debra-X: Have fun at the park. We have a Noreaster storm coming our way. Winter wants to leave like a lion this spring! I was able to take a nap after talking to ds like 3 times. He's having the time of his life! The bus stop ends at Times Square. His friend met him there. It was only a short 10 minute subway ride to his friend's house located in a good section of Queens. His friend is Thai also. So, my ds will be eating good this weekend. I'm planning on going up for the day next time he visits his friend. I need a native to guide me to the Lululemon store. ;-)

Well, Phil is working overtime today. I better get back to the settee. I took a nap on the couch this afternoon and it felt very good!

Just had to jump on and tell you guys how thankful I am to have your support and humor on this check-in...I was just on some of the other forums...and people are already getting crazy about the new series! I just can't read all the negativity...And on the Ask Cathe forum, no less!!!! What is with people?!? Okay...done with my rant for now...hopefully I won't have one cocktail too many this evening and get on and write what I really think to those yahoos! Make sure you tell me to step away from the laptop!

Off for now...playdate's mom has still not arrived to pick up her little angel! I'm usually in my pjs by now!

Wendy...Glad DS is doing well...and also glad you had a little nap! I, too, love Elaine...I miss the Seinfeld shows...Elaine was my muse!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

Hey, gang! I just wanted to pop in and see what's going on!

Today was PlyoX for the first time....Yowza! I'm already feeling it in my butt!!! I am also feeling yesterday's Chest/Back in my triceps! My chest/back are fine, but DOMS are in the triceps from all the push-ups!! I was super glad that Tony not only had modifications, but highly recommended them! I thought that I was going to die during the second rounds!!!

Thanks for the welcome! I can't remember who asked, but when I sleep during the day, I typically get up around 3:45pm and workout before work. I hit the sack by 8:30a, so I *almost* get 7 hrs. Then, when I am off, I almost always have a sleep-a-thon of about 12-15 hours! Lately, though, my body has been rejecting the usual switch to day schedule, so I've been wide awake until 4am and sleeping until 2-3 pm!!! I really don't like that, but the body does what the body does! I also typically workout in the late afternoon/evening when I'm off as well.
Hi ladies...Hope you are all well...I gotta clean a bit in the morning for the inspection tomorrow...but after that I should be able to live like a pig if I want to! Not really, but it will be nice to know that I don't have to be "show ready" all the time! And I was wrong about my workout tomorrow...I should be doing cardio....so we'll see what I am in the mood for then. The joys of not doing the X...Just kidding!!!!

Alright ladies...see ya in the am!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

Good Friday evening,

Had a good, busy day at work today. Afterwards, DH and I took the "girls" out to the desert (only about 10 minute drive) and we had lots of fun watching them run and sniff sagebrush. It was a nice time. However, the buffalo gnats (no see-ums) are starting to come out and be a nuisance so probably won't be going out to the sagebrush for a while. Will have to head to the forested areas instead. Tomorrow I will do a little housework and some shopping.

Teddygirl, I like your name, so pretty, I did drink a little more water than usual, but I sure ruined that by eating lots of potato chips when I came home today. I hate that when I'm drinking and drinking and nothing comes out. I need to do better with my drinking too. Why does DH even buy those things? He knows I just can't stay out of them LOL! I'm excited for you starting P90X. L&G is one I haven't done in ages & ages. Why no internet at home? Don't know what I'd do without it, probably some nasty housework. DH would probably like that.

Traci, I know you are a cyclist. You're the cyclist that does those special things with your DH on the bike and with any other contraptions you can throw in there like a Door Gym. Seriously, I would soooo be careful when doing YogaX if it makes you that sore. Maybe you need to back off a bit. I am so afraid of getting hurt that I don't push myself enough.

Amy, how was PlyoX tonite? Tough? I remember my first time it wasn't so tough, but the 3rd time was way hard and I pooped out big time. I see now that PlyoX left a mark on you. You'll be feeling that one. Legs & Back was the one that made me pretty sore every time.

Tracy, I'm so sorry for this injury, but I know you will overcome it. I think you are wise to wait a bit longer as it seems like you are getting better, that tweaking in the shower just kind of woke it up. Did you get that walk in with the dogs? Hope so. Is that the girl with Chicklet teeth that you are talking about being doomy gloomy? I never noticed that in her before. Does she even talk? All I can ever hear is Dreya moaning.

Katie, PlyoX is a toughie, isn't it? You will get better each time, though it never got easy for me. I sure welcomed the little breaks.

Wendy, how was PlyoX without shoes? I can't imagine as I sure need the arch support for any of my workouts. Thanks so much for the recipe. I'll be making that cheesecake soon. Got to shop for a new springform pan. My old cheapie has seen better days and isn't very round any more so I get some leaks in the bottom. I'll keep your tips in mind for picking out accessories for the couch. It's brown leather so can't really bring a sample.

Lea, I got a money order today and will mail it to you tomorrow for the shirt. Can't wait. We should all do photos for our Picture Trail when we get the shirts. You haven't been camping since Brownies? Hey, I was a Blue Bird when I was young. I hated selling that Campfire candy. I'm just not much of a salesperson, young or old. I always felt like I was imposing. DH and I love, love, love to camp. Can't wait to go, in fact we were talking about Memorial Day. I usually have an organized bike ride that I try to get in on that weekend too. Works out okay. What kind of stuff do they do in Toddler Gymnastics?

Debra, oooh, I'm really looking forward to the DVD's. Please let me know what I owe you, I really want to help with the shipping. Maybe it will help offset your tax check. I do love Netflix. I need to update my queue, it's been a while. I have a Baron yoga DVD that arrived today from Netflix. Hope it's good. Is there negativity already? I usually notice more not so good comments on Video Fitness. I'll have to check it out.

Sandra, glad you got that hamster cage cleaned. I hate cleaning the catbox out. When this cat is gone, we'll probably not have any more indoor cats. We have 2 outdoor cats and they are a whole lot less trouble. Hope your workout was good. You and I were into the B&G thing today. Love that workout.

Got to go now,


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