MORNING to All!!!
Sandra please pass the Drill Sergeant (sargeant) hat…. WHATEVER!
Here is an overview for all our newcomers…. Not to be confused with those who are well into Phase 1 …..Bear (bare) with me this morning, I am having one of those “need to organize my life” mornings.
If an X appears after a name it means that a full 13 weeks of X has been completed… (not perfectly mind you- just an X grad)
If an XX appears it means that TWO full 13 weeks have been completed… please note there are currently NO XX (yet!)
At top of post you will notice that we list where we are in the program if currently in an X rotation….For example mine today is….
Doubles: Phase 1 / Week 2 / Day 6 / Rd 2 (XX wannabe)
The purpose of this is to:::::::
:::A) Keep yourself from FORGETTING whats on your schedule that day! (WENDY!!!!) and
:::B) To help SandraX, TracyX (not to be confused with TracIX) AKA: Drill Sargents
to keep everyone in line and highly motivated! Now ….. LeaX, JeanetteX, DebraX & LaurieX are the camp counselors if you need a soft shoulder to cry on…. Soft is important because you’ll be in pain much of the time.
OK- So now that we are all CLEAR on what’s what and who’s who I can go back to yesterday and catch up on personals….Whew…….I’m EXHAUSTED!
IMPORTANT NOTE:::Some of the X grads are NOT currently in an XX rotation….If you read their posts closely however you will find that they are keeping with X format fairly closely as its MAGIC! We also have an injured list (IL) – TRACYX is currently on it and DebraX kinda goes on and off it every other week…. LeaX WAS on it but is off as of yesterday….. I’d have a PMS list but Sargeant SanrdraX doesn’t allow me!
Wheres our #1 gal today???? Hope you are not lying on floor and cant get up! Seriously- a bit concerned about your disc again… is there lasting pain from yesterday? PLEASE take care of yourself.
Again THANK YOU SO MUCH! {lea}- Did you know this Tank Project actually allows you to sub 5!!! Tony workouts and still earn XX status? I may switch my days off with you too… I’ll have to play with calendar and make sure no weight work is on Bay days… I like the idea of having a mid week rest day tho
Thanks for article link…. I NEEDED to hear that perspective again!
ROFL at you too yesterday!!! My we have become quite the witty group haven’t we? You even got me going with the Yoga X advise! BAD GIRL! So whats todays interesting creation???? Are ya EVER gonna do my HiLo/Interval Blasts suggestion??? C’mon girl- I live THRU you with the toughies! How does one get their mind right to wrk on school work? I have procrastinated SO long on these essays that I’m now in crunch time… I even cleaned out the pantry yesterday to avoid the whole process! HELP!
Hope you are feeling rested this morning! Its unusual to see a an I’m tired post from you. Take it easy today. Have a FABULOUS time with the dogs & DH & great outdoors!!!!!
Who is this person posting under DebraX name???? Healthy dinners multiple times a week? You bring back my DebraX!!!! ROFL about the mercury…. Oh lordy- if we adhered to ALL the warnings we’d die of starvation and thirst! You just crack me up! I think unless you bought enough Halibut to eat about 200 back to back meals you might have to worry- a week of halibut? I bet that’s OK! OMG- Your entire team post yesterday had me rolling! Your spirits are sky high my dear! I am sooooo happy for you. OF COURSE I’ll join you at the hairdresser and rub your ears! ROFL Which BBC do you have ???? Cant wait to hear that you’ll be ordering MORE workouts!!!
ROFL about yoga & parents! That’s an X grad for sure!! Your dad sounds like mine- ^5 on the 12 for Triceps!!!! Maybe next week I’ll be there…. I still cannot seem to get those dang triceps to bulk up- maybe I’ll do a second day of tricep work – like Tony has 2 back days? SNOW SNOW GO AWAY!!!!! Gosh I hope you start to warm soon. Enjoy your visit and great job on clean eating….
THANK YOU for saying my shaved kids are cute! I feel even closer to you- would you like to come house sit for a week? We pay VERY WELL! Cravings? Oh yes !!! I definitely have those these days! Gosh its hard to believe you are almost out of Phase 1!!!! How come mine seems LONGER? Maybe itrs because you are doing the DoublePROJECTS as your addons vs cardio???? Well toots if you are seeing results already your eating must be pretty darn good OR you have one of those bodies that can eat WHATEVER and the workouts take care of the rest… If that’s the case- You’re OUTTA HERE! I cracked up with Sandra Yoga post- I was reading and thinking…WTH is she friggin nuts? LOLOLOL… Great ADVICE to Amy (SWIFTY!) yesterday… You CAN do as much additional non Tony as you like but ya gotta get your TONY in! Maybe you will take the Drill Sargeant role from Sandra…hmmmmmmmm are you a plant? LOL on MIL comment…. She’s just kinda cranky sometimes….She & I never really warmed up but I told her….Don’t worry about it- You have TWO other DILs that were around with DH for 10 years… I’m 39 (at the time) I don’t really need more family- I married DH not the entire clan. WAS THAT RUDE? I thought I was giving her an out- I’m pretty different than anyone she’s ever met… It’s a funky relationship. Finish ARX???? ROFL- Hell I couldn’t do it all at the end of 13 weeks! (I kinda sub that one 2x a week)
I’m always surprised by HRM calorie burn with Tony as well…. I think that’s why we “need” so little straight cardio- most of his strength ones have me in fat burn zone anyway. I so adored your first day post! Its AMAZING reading everyone’s experience…. As SandraX always says…Week 1 is really about finding your rhythm with the program…the REAL fun starts week 2 when you absolutely go for it! BTW: Tony is my honey pie- You may talk badly about Dreya but not my Tony! That’ll be an extra round of pushups for that one! (its on page 82 of the manual!) Glad you got hose pics done!!! WooHoo!!!
Yoga….. Do your best and forget the rest… I split up YogaX – attention span of a knat ya know! Yesterday I dd the last 45 minutes of Yoga X and was planning on 30 of another but never got to it… I’m actually doing yoga a couple of times a week tho so I’m not feeling any guilt about it! PERSONALLY- I think the only wa to sub Yoga is with a Yoga- JMO! I tried a ton of them with no lucj until Tracy & Debra got me into Power Yoga (tons of mixes!) Eion Finn…..FABULOUS!!!!
Hope all is well- Post when you can!
Take a deep breathe! Your X box shall appear on a day when you LEAST expect it…. ENJOY your freedom- its short lived! Congrats on shopping purchases! Since X I have 1 pair of jeans that fit…NO SHORTS…. All of mine I am putting on & off without unzipping & buttoning…Think its time to shop? GOOD JOB on getting a jump on the clean eating…. It’s a mental VICTORY for sure!
Are ya ever coming back??? We sooooo miss you!
WELCOME!!!!!!! Happy Dancing for you girl- You took the plunge! AMAZING things happens when you let Tony take charge of your body!... You’ll be done with the 13 weeks before Cathe even starts filming the 4 day split- GREAT TIMING!!!!!
Good Heavens- Its over an hour later! I gotta go make my booty burn!
Hugs & ^5’s!