Xers***FRIDAY (finally)****


Good morning ladies!

I'm up early, can't sleep, mind racing again. I'm just super busy at work, but loving it. Didn't have time to post last night at all. I did my hill climb after work. It was perfect riding weather, though I could feel the heat and am acclimating. Very nice weather for climbing, though, and the route I chose was shady and in mostly forested areas so it was nice. Got home from riding, changed my clothes and decided that I needed to make a couple of cakes for my boss's last day in our department tomorrow. He will still be my boss for part of my duties so I'll still be in contact with him on a daily basis. He's just moving physically to another area. I'll miss him. Anyhows, I didn't get done with the cakes until around 9:00 and I was too bushed to sit at the computer and do personals. Today will be something Slim Series like or Jari Love. After work tonite, DH and I will be taking the dogs out for a little ride to the forest to "air out". Looking forward to it very much. Tomorrow I have a big shindig at our house for family. Actually it's a birthday party for my Dad, who is 75 and my niece who is around 14 I think. I'll have lots of food shopping tomorrow morning and housecleaning too.

Debra, Did you get Power Circuit CTX done? I really like those workouts and forget how intense the short cardio is in them. I do like Karen Voight's yoga and she gives good instruction too. The tape I have has 30 minutes of power yoga and 30 minutes of stretching yoga. No Sherlock last night as both DH and I were ready to fall asleep. Maybe tonite.

Sandra, I am soo amazed by the little faces that a sleeping newborn makes, the frowns and funny eye movements. I could sit and watch our son for hours. So you liked Baron? I have a couple coming from Debra that are Baron so now I'm excited to get them. I would get very nervous watching my son's ride their rock crawlers. Usually they video themselves and we watch on the TV later. I couldn't bear to watch him when he raced motocross. I really couldn't. You crack me up about not knowing what room your baby is in! My folks were pretty strict with us 3 oldest girls, lots of pictures of us and stuff. The last 2 don't have hardly any pictures and Mom & Dad weren't as strict. Their grades weren't as good and they were sassier mouthed. Think Mom & Dad just got tired. Everyone turned out okay anyway, but funny the difference from the oldest to the youngest. LOL re: your DD and the diaper cream. Sounds exactly like my granddaughter! She keeps her mama on her toes.

Laurie, your daughter sounds very tough mentally (in a good way). Glad her legs are getting better. I'm so glad your parents made the drive okay. I feel so blessed that I live in the same town as my folks. Will be celebrating Dad's birthday tomorrow. Funny about your DD giving advice to Pops re: his endurance. She's right. Reminds me that I need to get our mtn. bikes ready to go. I like riding with my DH and taking the dogs out.

Debfer, I just got Ripped To the Core and may do it this morning so I'll give you an update. Jari is not Cathe, but who is? I'm doing these because my body needed a change from the heavy weight work. I still have my muscle from P90X, but don't like a thicker look on me, even if it's muscle, as I am short (5'2") and short limbed. I so far am enjoying the leaner muscular look.

Wendy, you are a hoot! Love hearing about your busyness. One of my sister's homeschooled all 4 of her kids (she's still homeschooling the youngest at 14). My other sister homeschooled 4 of hers up to a certain age, then moved them into private and then public schools. Not sure I could do that, nor want to, but I take my hat off to you. That's pretty neat about your DD's artwork. Too bad about your Ex-SIL. Hope it doesn't get to you for long, if at all. I did my bike ride last night and yoga yesterday, which works well as legs aren't as tired when I do it that way. That perfect family you spoke of sounds amazing. Real workers. I love to see that in kids nowadays, seems rare. So sorry about the dog bite, and in the face too. Glad it wasn't worse.

Traci, how was your Tragically Hips yesterday? Oh, I saw No Pudge brownies at my regular grocery store today, and in all 3 flavors. Had never noticed them there before. I just kept going past them and bought a box of turtle brownie mix to make for my boss's last day today. No, I'm not off work today. Used to be off on Fridays when I was on 4-10's (BooHoo), but not any more. Sure could use the day off to clean my house and get things ready. Traci, what is your secret??? Please, please, please tell us!!! Hope I didn't miss it somewhere else. I was like a whirlwind last night and barely got to read the thread for the day.

Monica, hope the hip starts improving. Glad you are checking in. I think this site is blocked at work. I tried to get onto a bike racing website once and it was blocked. I haven't even tried this one. Anyways, I have too much to do at work to get on here. Maybe that will change.

I'd better sign off now before someone else starts another Friday post. Hope everyone has a great day today.

Happy Friday Crazy & Creative Xers!
just scanned yesterday 's posts but already had a great belly laugh this morning... I feel like a 3rd grader with my "I've got a secret" so once I wake up today I shall expose myself! :7

I literally get exhausted reading about your life. My gosh woman you have more stamina and drive than anyone I know! I have to always remind myself that you're also married and raised kids!! I used to live like that until I got married 5.5yrs ago... But gosh its easy to do that when its just you and 1 dog! Taking care of a man is a fulltime job! Thats why I retired early - well that and taxes! ANYWAY!!!!! I do hope you enjoy your Jaro Love and find it adds variety to your Slim Series. Once you find your personal magic the hunt is on for variety within that realm!

Lets talk Yoga.... The fiber optic cable/ internet/phone service guys showed up 1 hour EARLY for their appt- I was 20 minutes into Hips.... 5 hours later they left with my house in disarray! DH wanted date night.... so that was another 10 minutes out of my evening:7 then I was starving & wanted my danged Mexican Food.
So guess what the Good Friday will be.... Yoga while DH is getting new tires on my car (AM) .... Legs & Back (early afternoon) when he goes to mow his moms lawn and my Doubles Cardio when he is watching The Masters Tourney (late afternoon). WHAT A DAY THIS WILL BE!

Eating was super duper clean yesterday and then we went to Mexican night and I had a Corona Lite + the chips, guac & meal! I think day ended at around 2400 calories but it was my high zig zag day so all is well! Water was 80oz.

Well let me run and read personals and such and I shall return!:7
Doubles / Ph 1 / Day 5 / Wk 1/ Rd 2
X Workout: Yoga + Legs & Back ( no ARX today!!!)
Doubles Workout: WHO KNOWS!

FYI: TeddyGirl doesn’t have access to internet at home so I bet she took yesterday as a day off to recover and today their dept was closed. I have no idea how she is doing since her awful fall but it will be at least Monday before we hear. I’ll double check WW’er checkin for an update & let ya’ll know if theres an update there.

Yesterdays Personals:

Lea: LOL Story of my life creeping people out! I seem to have parallel lives with many of the people I am drawn to… YES my time with Linda was “peaceful” but then we talked politics (we are the only left wingers in Texas ya know) and began solving the plight of the world! Once we “go there” we start laughing so loud that Starbucks patrons begin leaving! She is a GEM!!! I so agree on the KK and sugar- I thought I was the only one on the planet who didn’t like KK at all! I just cant do it- my teeth get a film on them that makes me gag! I sooooo wish I was going on road trip and taking everyone here with me on my private jet! That would be the BESTEST part of winning the lottery! BTW: Did your DS actually help you with Yoga belly 7 ??? I also LOL about the shorts on Sandras yoga dude! I used to workout with Gilad on Fit TV but my gosh some of his older stuff he’s in thingy type leotards and I just couldn’t handle it at all! He needs to burn his old stuff!!!

Sandra: HYSTERICAL on the diaper cream!!!!!!! PLEASE have camera ready at all times so you can post this stuff! Did you know that a video of that is a guaranteed 10,000K winner on Funniest Home Videos with potential for 100,000 prize???? I am dead serious woman! Your creativity with HCE3 yesterday has prompted a potential modified Viper for me this afternoon! I love the Terminators and so rarely get to use them… modified should be fun…Would you recommend Baron to this Yoga impaired woman??? Cant wait for my fluffy pillows and chocolate!!! Would ya bring me Easter DinnerS in bed?????? Lol on No Pudge! Yes you are seeing it A LOT!!!!! Its an EVIL product that has no place in my pantry… guess I’ll just have to eat up those 10.5 remaining boxes and be done with it! Sex Change! HAHAHA If I didn’t truly believe that women are so superior that could be a possibility!

Debra: You are NOT a dummy! We all must stop are head thumping this week! Great workout yesterday… You always seem to get all of the weeks plan done just in the nick of time! Naked Twister! Heheheheeh My DH is 40 pounds overweight and I have jiggles this week…. Blech blech blech!

Wendy: Gosh you had me laughing! The diaper story! Too Much for this childless woman! Poor DDs little face! Those big dogs sure look scary when you are just a tiny being. LOL on sil stories AGAIN! I think I find them so funny because all of us have at least one person in our life who makes us … JUST LIKE YOU! Hahaha My DH tells me that I’m an “angelic” except when that one person pushes my buttons then he thinks my head is going to spin all the way around! Those were some GREAT guess’s about my secret! Yes- those pics of the pudgy lady are fake- Its really me- Angelina …. Excuse me while I go kiss Brad ! BTW: All joking aside I am so utterly impressed with your pusing play! It isn’t easy but gosh its so worth it… ^^5 and Enjoy PLYO X today!!! My upper quads are still burning from Tuesday!

Monica: I don’t count cleaning as a rest day! You get MORE if you actually do anything on your rest day! Just keep track so you can take a full week off someday! Hope that hip is healing slowly but surely! I will keep you in mind as I tragically move my hips this morning!

All caught up now!!! Yippee

DH ready to go get my tires so I gotta go get Yoga 1000 completed!!!! Wish me luck!
Hi gang. Just wanted to check in before protein shake and say YAY, Legs and Back XXX and ARX are finished. Didn't have it today since I skipped dinner last night. Bad girl I know.

BBL for those personals.

Morning Xers,

Doubles: Ph1/Wk1/Day5/Rnd2

Don't have much time this morning, but I will be back later today. I need to get my work packed into 4 hours, I'm taking half day of vacation today.

When I get home it will be Legs & Back/ARX/3Mile Run. Then I will be back for more chatting.

Last night the girls wanted McDonald's, and I wasn't in the mood to make dinner at 6:30 last night. I ended up having a salad with grilled chicken and the Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing. :9 Love that dressing.


Good morning again,

Just finished my Jari Love Get Ripped To The Core. I like the compound exercises. It was tougher than I thought for some of it. Moved along well and I wasn't bored. Will be going out with DH after work to the forest to take the dogs for a run. I usually bring a chair and magazines and just relax. He relaxes but also goes for a walk, scoping out possible firewood trees.

Gosh Traci, when are you going to tell us the secret? I wish I could check the forums at work but not sure I can. Might have to sneak a try. Sorry you didn't get your yoga in yesterday. Bet the Mexican food was good too.

Lea, you are so good about getting your workouts in early. I kind of miss legs and back, kind of. Not ready to start again yet. I'll live vicariously thru all of you guys.

Laurie, sounds like you ate sensibly at McDonalds. I forget that they do have some salads and such. Enjoy that run today too. Our weather has been nice this week, but next week I think it cools down again.


OOoooooooooooh good morning! Everybody take a minute and do a Big 'Ol Morning Stretch. AAAAAAAAahhhhhhh. Now do some kegels, and you're done for the day!

So much chatter. Where to start? Do you guys have Good Friday off work? We do, so it feels like a Sunday around here. Hopefully you'll all have more time to chat - like we need longer posts LOL!

TraciX - I thought you said you were going to tell us your secret! Yet, 2 posts later, no secret! Give it up, 3rd grader! My goodness you have a full day of workouts ahead of you! Better get busy...I love Mexican food. Date night: 10 mins. LMAO!!! Much more realistic than the 2 hours you bragged about on Valentine's Day. Thanks for the notes about Teddygirl. I was wondering about her yesterday. I hope she's not out of action for too long. You're right! I SHOULD be video taping this stuff. My children needs to earn their keep. She's hilarious when she tries to copy her big sister doing gymnastics. DD#1 sets up circuits throughout the living room, and DD#2 goes behind her and copies. When DD#1 lies down on a towel to do crunches, DD#2 simply lies down on the ground and stares at the ceiling - kind of like how I started off doing crunches LOL! Easter dinner in bed? OF COURSE!!!! What else would you like? I shall even peel you some grapes, crush you some ice, shave your peach and save the fuzz for your pillow. (and I mean a real peach, this is not a metaphor for something improper).

MonicaX - I hope your hip starts to feel better soon. I really want to get that Yoga for Happiness. Hopefully I'll come across it soon.

LeaX - Hmmm. Happy pills in my coffee. Nice idea. Do you think that's how Anna Nicole Smith started out? Maybe I'll just stick with the exercise highs :) Oooh! P90X camp at Traci's! Good one! If her whole family arrives on my doorstep I'll have to tell them that I have no idea who SandraX is, and I think someone pulled an internet prank on them. Maybe Traci's secret is that she's looking so good these days the BeachBody people want to put her in P90XX? Tony yelling at us in YogaX cracks me up, and I always think, "There's no yelling in yoga!" When he comments on the water bottle during boat pose it always distracts me and drives me nuts. Baron's shorts are super big and baggy. I mean huge. They look ridiculous. He stands like he's got something large hidden in the bag of his shorts; looks very uncomfortable. BTW, am I the only one who thinks Tony's black pants he wears in Shoulders & Arms look H.O.T? A bell on DD! LOL!! That's funny. What are your workout plans for today? Legs & Back, ARX?

DebraX - LMAO about DD's future career! If rumours about my cousin are true, then it's in the bloodline. Circuit Max's hi/lo is mercifully short. The second hi/lo segment is actually completely unlike anything Cathe's ever done. It's done on one spot, and actually rather fun. I'm not a fan of Cathe's hi/lo prior to SJP. I tolerate it for the cross-training effects, but I don't love it. The berry crumble recipe sounds deeelicious. Send it this way, please! Heck, I might even make it with berries in it. 'Tis the season for imported strawberries! I've never eaten sushi. Would someone who only mildly likes fish enjoy eating sushi?

Wendy - A woman after my own heart - wordy! Where do you find your energy to do all you do in a day? My goodness! After you posted those long emails, did you really go and make the cheesecake? It sounds amazingly delicious, btw. Anything with pecans is a winner, in my book. I have an apple struedel cheesecake recipe that uses crushed pecans in the crust. It's beyond delicious and rich. I refuse to make it :) Great job getting CB done for the second time! Only one more time, then you're done for a month! And it's amazing the progress you will see after your recovery week. I'm glad DH came to his senses and didn't do LB last night. Plyo needs some energy! Oooh my, I'm sorry to hear about the dog incident. Thank heavens it was only a light nick; there are too many stories on the news about family dogs mauling children. Scares me to death whenever I'm out with the kids and dogs come bounding up to them. I respect the owner's judgement about how "gentle" their dogs are, but also believe that animals are still animals and there's an unpredictability about them. You never know what the trigger will be that sets them off. I was mauled by a neighbour's dog when I was 10 - my arm and leg got a few good bites. I was on a tire swing, and I thing my motion threatened the dog, or got him excited, or something. Anyhow, I don't trust them anymore. Your twins were born at 24 weeks, and survived? That's an amazing, heartwarming thing to hear. I'll bet that first 1-2 years was a daily trial for you and your family. My friend's twins were born at 32 weeks (around 4lbs each), and the smaller one suffered multiple strokes, etc. Both are doing really well now (5 years old). Were there any long-term repercussions from the premature births? How funny that a you ended up having to duct tape their diapers on backwards. That's NOT in the parenting books! Of course I've heard of duct tape! I'm Canadian, eh? We use it for bandaids. Oh, ah, you can keep your DCs, DDs and recipes to yourself. You're here to sabatogue us, aren't you? ;)

Katie - any news on the package yet? I hope it finally arrived and you haven't posted because you're too busy reading, previewing, and planning.

Time to be accountable for yesterday's meals. What did the rest of you eat?

steel cut oatmeal, bananas
turkey deli meat
(this breakfast is keeping me very satisfied. That's a first!).

Pre workout snack:

the last bit of leftover chicken-spinach meatloaf sandwiched between 2 slices of whole wheat toast, with ff Miracle Whip,
an orange.

Kashi Go-Lean cereal, soymilk

Lentil and Bean patty
sweet potatoes
acorn squash
steamed kale
my usual salad of mixed greens and tomato with a dressing made by mixing 1 oz of avocado with 1 tbsp of raspberry balsamic vinegar.

Bedtime Snack:
dessert tofu
nuts & dates (this combination also sounds rather titillating, but seriously, it's only nuts and dates).

Total calories: 1777. Am I feeling comfortably full these days? Yes! And seem to have energy to burn. Not having cravings. Feel happy. I seem to have found a plan that works for me.

Today's doubles workout is going to be a 30 min ss run, Butts 'n Guts Leg Blast premix with pull/chin ups interspersed every 3rd exercies, and the BG weighted core work. Dang, I'll be working out as long as TraciX today!

Hello to the rest of you! I hope you have great workouts.

JeanetteX - I just realized I didn't chat with you about last night's post! I'm sorry! You're going to be very busy with the grocery shopping, housecleaning and the cooking. We'll just have to start calling you Martha StewartX! (Can you imagine MS doing P90X? LOL!). This seems to be a popular b-day time of year. We have tons on our family, and friends, too. DD is going to quite a few b-day parties this month. It will all be capped off with a glorious 40th b-day party for DH, combined with a 95th b-day open house for his grandmother. He was born on her b-day. I love the sound of the forest walk. Enjoy!! You're a braver mother than I - I wouldn't even watch the videos of the boys, I don't think. Who needs to know how close they came to killing themselves?? Hm?

Oh I don't know how much I actually like Baron himself. Maybe he will grow on me, but hopefully not like the fungus that's been growing near my right eye (the cream is working, though). But I enjoyed the Level 3 workout. Level 1 is waaay too basic; I haven't opened Level 2 (it's very long).

Have a great day at work. I hope things slow down a bit for you.
Good morning LaurieX! We're making similar workout plans for today. Enjoy your run; feel the burn in the legs!

Excellent self-control at the Chew 'n Choke!

OK OK OK - Its secret time BUT FIRST I gotta tell ya about my YOGA Experience with Eionn! MY GOSH! Was a dang naughty fantasy hour for me! Good lordy I'm all hot & bothred after all the hip juice and sweet nectar talk!!! I swear it made the level 1 and at times level 2 poses - ENJOYABLE !!! Is that what S&M is???:7 The dog on the yoga mat in first few minutes was just what I needed to get my head in the game! DH walks in just as the hip juice is being discussed and my head is in a compromising positing.... He got all fired up and said that was much better than anything he had ever heard/watched in his evil youthful lustful days! Maybe I have found my libido enhancer- DO MAGICALLY HIPS!!!:+ Truely a great but hysterically funny experience...I do believe this is what I always wanted yoga to be! Cant wait to try the segment titled "Quickie"! ROFLMAO!

The Secret is...... For 2 months I have been training for an AFPA Certification for Personal Training & Nutrition. Cant believe I let the cat out of the bag before I know if I actually passed. I so dislike admitting to failure and of course it is possible as I am not "book smart" and for 2 months I have felt like I was in a dang anatomy class for Grade A Doctors. Did you all know that a bicep isnt really called a bicep????? Good Lord NO ONE uses medical terminology in training so I'm not sure why there were 250 questions on all that.... I have 3 essays left to write and 25 exercise moves to photograph, document verbal ques & such. Thats what is time consuming. I set a deadline to have it all completed by May 1st although I have until May 31st to submit. Then its 3-6 weeks before results are available. What will I do with this certification you ask.... Well I am not a mainstream kinda gal so I do believe I will maintain contractor status and work a few days a week with some female retreats & spas and also do individual training in homes or at our community gym which has state of the art equipment. I really dont have to do anything that doesnt fit with my lifestyle but wanted to do something I love that fits my talents in this life. I have always been in training, nutrition, development, motivation positions so I figured that will all come in handy. Unless I HAVE TO GO TO WORK I never see myself in a GYM environment and really only want to work with 30+ year old females. So there you have it! Gosh it actually feel good to talk about it. That fear of failure thing is so big for me- I guess I just MUST pass now!

DH is back from Tire store amd already talking about going to his moms which means I need to eat before Legs & Back.... I wanna do all the personals from this morning but ya'll made me use my time for the silly secret! I shall return!!!!:7
Oh Traci, that is spectacular news!!! I am so proud of you. And what a lot of work you have been doing. I know in my heart of hearts that you will do well with all of the grueling tests. I am sending you positive vibes. Keep up the good work and thank you so much for sharing.

Hi all of you energetic Xers,

Thanks for all of the well wishes for my injury. I had the MRI yesterday and it was uneventful. Actually, a lot less mentally painful than the breast one I had a year and a half ago. They won't give you the results while you are there, but I commented to the technician, who was very nice, that I thought that I had a herniated disc. His reaction pretty much confirmed my thoughts, but I have to wait until I see the dr next week to know for sure.

Anyways I'm dutifully stretching and doing stuff that causes no pain. Today I plan to do the pushups from sh/ch/tri + BM2 upperbody then later 15 minutes on the stationary bike and magically hips, more like tragically hips.

I haven't had a chance to catch up on all of yesterday's posts, but will do a little later.

Traci - Congratulations on working on the certification. I know that you will do a great job. Anyone that is as enthusiatic as you will be great!


Traci...What great news! I am so proud of you! I think it is wonderful that you will be taking what you have a passion for (fitness and nutrition) and what you are good at (cheerleading and motivating) and turning that into something that you could actually make a little money at! Wonderful! I am sure you will breeze through the tests and maybe we can have our own Xer retreat and have you as our trainer! Congratulations on trying something new and challenging. I have so much respect for people who dare to do something different than they always have. Way to go woman!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

Hi there ladies..Just had to send a message to Traci before I could talk about myself for a while! ;-) I am planning on doing GS back, sh, and bis later today. I have to go to the mall for a couple of things this morning. I also got to sleep late since DD has no school today. I LOVE to sleep late! I am really lazy at heart. I do have some DOMS in my abs today...probably due to the fact I have not done a good job lately of incorporating core into my workouts...It seems to be the part I leave out if I am running short on time....I promise to do better in the coming weeks!:)

Okay...On to personals...

Tracy...Please let us know what the doc says next week....How do you treat a herniated disc? And what causes it? And what is the recovery time? I am so sorry you are having to go through this pain! x( Have fun with your workout this afternoon...even though I know it is not as tough as you would like. I am sending healing vibes your way!

Traci...See, I told you naked yoga!!!!}( You laughed it off...but you hadn't heard about all the nectar and the licking...I'm sure your DH would like it...and maybe your date night would last, oh, 15 minutes instead of 10:p Good luck with getting all of your workouts in today...Don't overdo! Make sure you add Sandra's Kegels in and you should have a well rounded workout! Have fun at your MIL's. Hope she is better than mine! Just wanted to say...that Mexican food is my downfall...I could eat it everyday! I actually had fish tacos this week..which were wonderful. And I made a version of huevos rancheros at home. Yummo!

Sandra...I am so proud of your diet...You are doing great! I am glad you have found something that works for you. I will post the berry crumble recipe this afternoon...I'm not sure it will fit into your current healthy eating lifestyle, though:) Have fun with BG this afternoon...I really like that one. I was scared of it at first, but it has grown on me. I think the ab parts are some of the best Cathe has done. Back in our poor days, DH and I lived in an apartment where you could hear EVERYTHING that our neighbors said and did...including toots on the toilet :eek: ...and our neighbors at the time were dancers at a "men's club". So we would hear all of their escapades every night...They made pretty good money, though:p

Jeanette...Glad you got your workout in already...Have a great time with your pooches and DH this afternoon. I will get those dvds out to you the beginning of next week. Good luck with Sherlock tonight. Sorry you were up so early today...but at least you are enjoying your job!

Lea...Bad girl! You have to eat dinner, or Tony will kick your arse in the morning;-) At least your workout is done...and you can focus on the Easter bunny this afternoon! You don't want your boys to think the Bunny doesn't like them.

Laurie...Glad you are able to take some time off this afternoon. Have fun with your workout...Are you running outside (in this incredibly cold weather) or are you using a treadmill? Hope DD has continued to heal.

Okay...I think that is it for now...Hi to Wendy, Katie, Teddygirl, and Monica...I'll bbl to catch all of you lovelies! But right now I have to hop over to the mall so DD can sit on the lap of a man dressed in a bunny suit. Hopefully, he is not a registered child molester. :p Good day to all!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

Good Late Morning,

Jeanette: Happy Bithday to your dad and neice!!! 75 years young! You are blessed. Wow, you have a big weekend planned. And, you even baked a cake for your boss. How sweet. Please don't tell me that you made it from scratch. That pedestal is getting pretty darn crowded with all you Xers! I'd love to homeschool till college like your one sister. Some days, I think it would be easier to send them to any school, and let their teachers worry and struggle over teaching them the finer points of, say, fractions. Then by divine intervention, I'll see a glimmer of light that I wouldn't have if they weren't homeschooled. Keeps me going for at least a week. LOL I love Jari's S&L. Her single count lunges are too fast for me to maintain good form. I just slow it down to a 2 count. Doesn't her voice kill you when she slowly and flatly says, "Where's the pump. Right here." I want shake her while shouting, "Say it like you mean it! Lady! Make me believe!!" Ah well. I still like her.

TraciX: Thanks for the info on TeddyGirl. I've raised 3rd graders and they can't even keep a secret this long! Come on! There better be a confession posted by the time I'm finished! Oh my! A 10 minute datenight! LOL Yeah, you're officially married! :7 Let me get this straight... You're going to confess, do Yoga, kiss Brad, do Legs&Back, save the world, and finish with Double Cardios???? Good grief Charlie Brown! What are you eating to fuel this act of insanity? I could hook you up with some Chocolate Stampede cake! }( And, WHAT! :eek: You're skipping ARX! No, you may not get an I. If we have to do it, so do you!!! I would like to recommed counting your 20 minutes of Yoga yesterday as Yoga done, and doing ABX instead! :)

Laurie: Proud of you for ordering the salad and staying away from your children's fries! Enjoy your half vacation day if you can! Will you be running before or after L&B?

SandraX: Yes, I am nothing but verbose! I can so relate to Anne of Green Gables, "If you only knew how much I wanted to say but didn't..." I truly have some self control. I can edit myself. You just don't see it! LOL Oh, your dds sound so cute mimicking their mommy! My girls just pushed the vaccum cleaner around the room and danced with the Wiggles when they were at that age! Yes, dh and I danced with the Wiggles! It doesn't make us a bad people. There's many other things that do though! :7 I really don't fully trust other peoples' dogs either. After an encounter like you had, I don't blame you for feeling like you do. I was once chased down the beach by a crazy dobermain pincher when I was 13. I ran into the water, dressed in jeans, tennis shoes, and long sleeved shirt, and swam for my life. That only slowed the dog a couple of inches. Finally his owner retrieved him and apologized profusely. I'm slowly learning to trust my dog. She makes it easy though. Anyhow.. We are so very blessed that our twins don't have any major physical repercussions from their prematurity. They've overcome their sensory integration issues and feeding issues. I had to puree their food until they were around 4 years old. They had a difficult time transitioning to solid foods without choking and vomiting. Even though they eat a lot, they are still skinny, but I really think they get their ecto body and metabolism from their father. They had tons of physical, occupational, speech, feeding, and special eduction therapy when they were younger. Once I decided to homeschool, PA cut funding for any therapy. Their therapists told me that they were doing wonderfully, and could do without it since they were going to get one on one time at home with me. They do have developmental delays. I kept them back a year and a half in their schoolwork. I wouldn't say they have any learning disabilities. They just needed to mature into the work. Does that make sense? I try to focus on what they can do and build on it. BTW, I'm hurt. I would never sabatogue you guys! Okay, maybe a little so as not to feel too guilty over my bad eating. LOL

OH Traci-X!!!!!!!!:) :) :) Yeah!!!!! How cool! This is better than being Angelina Jolie! You should be so proud of yourself. Gosh, I'm so proud of you! How exciting! What a blessing you will be to others. Don't worry about what you have left to do. You CAN DO IT!!!! I gotta love your accountability. We're here to support you since we can't help you cheat your way through. Ooooo, I can now tap you for expert advice!!! Ok, it's not about me. About the bicep... You're right a bicep isn't called a bicep. Have we been lied to by everyone?!?! LOL Dd's art teacher showed me his drawings of the human body from when he was in college. He's giving me a copy since he labeled all the muscles. I don't know what I'll do with it though. Maybe, I can use it to locate the exact muscle exhibiting DOMS. :)

Okay, I need to get some cleaning and shopping done. Before I go, I gotta tell on Dh. I woke up around 3:00 last night to use the bathroom. I noticed Baby wasn't in our bed or hers. So, I start calling for her thinking she must have went downstairs looking for the boys, who are at their grandmothers with their dad. Finally, I realize something isn't right. I wake up dh and demand that he find my faithful dog. Here, he let the dog out last night and FORGOT to bring her back inside!!! Poor baby was outside on the back steps shivering!!! She's laying next to me shivering right now. I hope she didn't catch a cold out there. Dh will never hear the end of it if she's sick!

Done chatting for now. :) BBL for more personals.
Doubles / Ph 1 / Day 4 & 5 / Wk 1/ Rd 2

Personals First then my mini meltdown!

Laurie: How you can hit MCD’s and not eat FF is beyond my understanding! Those little things are enough to send me over the edge!! Enjoy vacation afternoon! WooHoo!!!

Jeanette: So glad you loved your new DVD!!!! Your afternoon/evening sounds like great fun… Enjoy watching the dog play- you deserve a bit of a break for those legs. Happiest of birthdays to your entire family! There are some major milestones this year…. What a wonderful month it is!

Sandra: Did I miss a past post about eye fungus??? OMG How dreadful for you? Is it pink eye? Thanks for the group stretch & kegals! You are tooooooo much! Yep- DH should work today … I bet he’s ready to go to work after my little meltdown…(see last paragraph!) The greatest part about your DD’s are that they are so into fitness already… You are a fabulous role model mom! Earning those upper-duper high level degrees + a fit healthy woman… The world needs a lot of mommies like you! Peach fuzz/Metaphor…What can I even say to that one??? You da bomb! I am so very happy that you are finding success with an eating plan. I know its been a miserably long road for you and I can only imagine how many brain cells you are saving by eating more of the right foods for you. Can you believe how long we ate so little? Its amazing that we didn’t wither away to 90#s…. How is it we failed to lose weight? If the “starvation response” is to blame then how the hell does an anorexic lose all their body weight? Wouldn’t anorexia make you fat? See – the logic never seems to match up in my brain…Life’s great mystery perhaps?

Lea: Thanks for the sweet words! Now I’ll be boring you all with details everyday about Muscle Mechanics! Don’t ya think Cathe should offer a Personal Training Certification course then we could all do it together! I take it in a heartbeat! I am so in awe of you and your Just Do It attitude… I can hardly recall all those years of 4am workouts… Don’t know if my body MOVES at 4am any more- just the hand to mouth works I think

TRACY: So happy you were not a stress case with MRI yesterday! So until official diagnosis is back are you self healing ? If it is indeed the herniated disc will your Dr give you new meds or therapy?

Debra: Aw Shucks! If we ever get to have an Xer retreat I shall be the bartender NOT the trainer! This is the first time out of my comfort zone in awhile so I’m hoping to gain a new youthful outlook on life as an extra perk! Oh My you have some heavy duty lifting to do today with GS! Ab DOMS???? I want those !!! Fish Tacos???? Homemade? OK- Details on that one please! Debra- PLEASE DO NOT FONDLE THE EASTER BUNNY!

Wendy: What am I going to do with you? Its like reading a great novel each time you post! I know I should put it down but I get so engrossed in your writing that I cannot make myself step away. Would you consider writing novels for a living after kids are grown? What a life you have had ! I yelled- THAT’S IT! When you wrote about Jari- Say it like you mean it!!!! I think that’s why I struggle with her DVDS – I don’t FEEL her passion like Cathe & Tony. Now I have no clue what chocolate stampede cake is but boy you’d better send me that recipe! Its just got to be somebodys birthday soon and then I cake bake it for you!!! Thanks for your enegizing at a boys! LOL- I don’t think this is better than being Angelina tho!!! You tell Dh that he is on my s-list with the dog error!!!! I have 3 that are my children… Dh ALWAYS forgets to do headcounts so I am the one that does PM Blessings (with cookies of course) and counts heads & tails!

Ok – all caught up with you rare and wonderful ladies….Last bit of news…

PROGRESS LADIES! I have now completed Magic Yoga, ARX!! (YES I DID) + Speedbody 10 min Abs just for a little punishment for getting off track on week 1!
Still have Legs & back + cardio to go but right now I’m fuming mad at DH! This dam* “new” service requires a friggin Einstein to use ALL THE REMOTES! He thinks I’m being silly as I huff around complaining about having to use 2 DVDs to turn the LR TV on and off plus every time I use the DVD in bedroom TiVo gets knocked off line and has to be re programmed!Not to mention the bedroom TV (my workout room) now requires 4 remotes!!! RIDICULOUS! I told him that something was set up wrong in the 5 hour fiasco yesterday and he was in charge of getting it resolved! With that he went to the garage. UGHHHHHHHH
Okay ladies, my X finally arrived!!! I actually stayed home sick from work yesterday because I've been running a fever and it showed up at DH's work, so I had him bring it home early. I was going through it and now I can't decide if I want to do the classic version or the lean version. Have any of you done the lean?
The eating plan looks a little complicated. Those of you who did the eating plan, did you do the portion version or the menu version? They both seem like they are alot of work.


Confused already???? Welcome to the world of an Xer!!!!
On the rotation: I'd do classic first just because its the most basic...Lean also omits either Legs & back or Plyo which are both MAGIC imo!
On Food: I started with the portion version...It was so much easier imo + that really teaches you or engrains in you the basics of a good solid clean eating program while adding muscle. I still look at my day in terms of portions although I cant figure out where No Pudge Brownies fits in!
Hope you are feeling better today... When will you actually start?
I am so excited for you!!!!
Katie...I did the classic version and I would suggest that for your first time through. I think you gain more knowledge from doing it that way...Just my 2 cents. And I did the portion section of the eating plan. I know there are good ideas for meals and recipes, so I would keep those in mind...but for my particular lifestyle the portion plan is easier to follow. Congrats on starting the X soon! And also hope you're feeling better!

Deb...I realized on my way to the mall that I left you out of my hellos before...Please accept my humble apologies!

Okay...gotta go for now...Will be back with more personals and to read Wendy's book later. Gotta exercise now...and get my house ready for a showing tonight between 6 and 7...Don't these people know it's Good Friday?!?


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

Thanks ladies. I'm excited, but I would like to hold off until I am completely well to start this program. I think I'm going to start next Thursday because I want Wednesday to be my day off and that way I have two of the longest workouts on the weekend.
I think I will do the classic version and probably the portion eating plan.
I have a question though... it says that your ration for Phase 1 should be 50% protein, 30% carbs and 20% fat. If you don't follow the "one serving of carbs, 5 servings of protein..." that they set up in the eating plan and just make sure that you ratios come out right by the end of the day, will that matter? Also, I'm supposed to eat 1800 calories a day!!!! I am lucky if I get in 1400 calories a day. I'm going to be eating like a pig.


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