Look how enthusiastic Tracy is about it being Friday? LOL!
Tracy - So, Radiant Heart is on the market now? I plan to order it, so will go check out Amazon and Chapters in a minute.
Traci - Feeling beat up? Oh dear. How's the shoulder? Have some Eion pour some nectar all over you. DD made the pen mark by accident. She was sitting on my lap, scribbling on some scrap paper, and swiped the pen near my arm. Hopefully it will come out in the wash, but if not, well, hey, I'll just not bother scrubbing out the ketchup stains in her favourite shirt and call it even.

I will search and download the song by Bread and see what all the hoopla is about. If it was your swoon song, then I want to hear it. Does Wendell know this?
Teddygirl - I haven't done BG in ages, I think it's time to pull it out. Enjoy it tonight!
Wendy - I'm on Dreaded Day 3 of TTOM, and energy is flailing. I could literally feel it drain from my body and brain yesterday afternoon. This morning as I was getting the kids ready to go to the bus stop, 5 minutes behind as usual, I could have cared less if she missed the bus or not. I hate Day Three. You're trying the LIS shoulders, calves & core today? Enjoy! I'm not planning on buy the P90X+ workouts any time soon, either.
Laurie - I'm with you on being thrilled that the STS premixes will include new material. The biggest problem I had with P90X was the same ol' same ol' workout issue. You linked to my post on the AC forum. Now I feel like a star!
Amy - Ooooh, what to do about the messy sheets? That's tough. You may have to buy all new ones, as the scent on the old ones is hard to totally remove, and will encourage Baby to keep doing it. I've been thinking about getting a new kitty soon, but now you're making me rethink

Who needs the fur balls, scratched furniture, smelly litterbox, and stinky food sitting around? Oh, but they're so lovely, especially when they cuddle up on your lap for warmth. What to do?
SwiftAmy - I understand your self-consciousness about the pic trail. If you would rather keep them private, that's okay too. Did I say I avoid plie jacks? Oh no I din't! I just said I'm glad they haven't appeared in recent workouts

Having said that, I'm thinking of doing IMAX3 next week, as it's been a while. Even though I do truly dread that 5th interval, it's the one that makes my hips and lower back feel so good. Do you find ON's clothing to fit small? I find some of the styles are very narrow, but they seem to have a really broad range. Oooh! I'd absolutely have my hand up for the pie making!! I love making pie, almost as much as I love eating it. I especially love to take the extra pie dough, spread margarine and brown sugar on it, roll it up, and bake a "turkey tail", as my family calls it. So delicious. What kind of pie are you going to make? The 22nd is coming soon. What will you do to celebrate?
Debra - I love your BC cardio/weights circuit! She does have a BC circuit premix on the dvd, that circuits the same groups of cardio you did, with weights from all the workouts for a total upper body. I like the way you did it, though, with just the bis and tri work. Smart idea! The pjs at 4pm are an attempt to get your day over with soon, so I'm afraid you're speeding things up. Simply don't remove them at all the next day, and you will cancel it out. Leave the muck on the floor. It makes you work harder to lift your feet, which is a good lower body workout.
Carol - So, did you do the 4DS upper body, or HIS? Curious minds want to know. In Imax2, blast 6 is my favourite as well. I often think I'd like to skip blast 3 (hate those genie hops) and do 6 2x. My favourite blast in Imax3 is the 7th. Love, love, love it.
Jeanette - The San Diego fires have their own line of t-shirts?!? You Americans are paraphernilia nuts! I imagine they also have their own website and an album ready to drop next week? Who's their agent? California fires must have an agent! I was born in 1970. I like being born at the start of a decade. Makes it easier to remember my age. What's Christi's Core Cardio like?
Last night I took DD#1 to a "Pump & Jump" class at the ymca. It's a fitness class for kids 3+ and their parents. We thought we'd give it a whirl. It was a lot of fun. We ran around the gym a whole bunch, circuited with stuff like push ups, stability ball sit ups, hamstring roll-ins, shoulder presses with light dumbells, etc. DD had a lot of fun and wants to go again next week.
This morning I did the Cardio Combo premix on the HIS/LIS dvd, and the LIS core I never got around to earlier this week. Now that I've got the choreo solid on the step workouts, I get a good sweat going, and have a lot of fun. I really enjoy the music in those two workouts. According to my HRM, my HR and calorie burn is on par with her other 60min step workouts.
Cheers to the rest of the Gang. Is Lea so busy with all her new yoga dvds that she doesn't have time to say hello? I hope she's making it sweet, as are you all.